Saturday, July 31, 2021

VIDEO: CUNY Muslim Professor Says Muslims ‘Erase This Filth Called Israel’ ‘With The Help Of Allah’ By Pamela Geller - on July 30, 2021


VIDEO: CUNY Muslim Professor Says Muslims ‘Erase This Filth Called Israel’ ‘With The Help Of Allah’

Democrat-communists put these monsters into positions to brainwash our children and incite to racism, hatred and genocide.

Related: At least 50 CUNY Professors Quit Union Over Antisemitic Resolution

Scroll: Islamic Jew hatred.

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VIDEO: CUNY professor says Muslims will ‘erase’ the ‘filth’ of Israel ‘with the help of Allah’

College Fix Staff 

A City University of New York adjunct professor, who also is an imam in New Jersey, assured his congregation that Israel will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Mohammed Abbasi (right) teaches at CUNY’s School of Professional Studies delivered a sermon in late June at the Islamic Center of Union City. The Middle East Media Research Institute posted a portion of his lecture on its website.

After referring to Israel as the “colonial project,” Abbasi told his fellow Muslims that he did not want to leave them “depressed.”

“With the help of Allah, [Muslims] will erase this filth called Israel,” Abbasi said. He is an “adjunct professor of Urban Public Management at CUNY’s Murphy Institute” and is in a doctorate program for “non-profit management from Rutgers University,” according to his LinkedIn.

Former Fix Fellow Alex Nester wrote that “[a]nti-Semitism has increasingly become a problem for the CUNY system.”

The Washington Free Beacon reported noted “[M]ore than 100 professors resigned from CUNY’s Professional Staff Congress, the university’s branch of the American Federation of Teachers, after the union passed a resolution that referred to Israel as an ‘apartheid’ state.”

New York Congressman wants Abbasi fired

Republican New York Congressman Lee Zeldin released a statement that called for CUNY to fire Abbasi over his comments.

Zeldin said:

At a time when antisemitic violence is on the rise throughout the United States, no one, especially someone charged with educating young adults, should be further fanning the flames of antisemitism like this and endorsing violence against Israel. As we saw last month, the CUNY faculty has an antisemitism problem, and this is just another example. Mohammad Abbasi and his hateful anti-Jewish and anti-Israel rhetoric have absolutely no place in any American classroom, and we cannot afford to have him brainwashing any students with his antisemitism. He must be fired immediately, and CUNY needs to take thorough measures to purge antisemitism from the ranks of its faculty.

CUNY did not respond to a request for comment from the Free Beacon.



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1 hour ago
muslim control, not gun control.
muslim control, not car control.
muslim control, not machete control.
Deport all muslims from the West as the sick and murderous national security threats their quran and genocidal actions have proven them to be for over 1400 years!
20 hours ago
This type of garbage (Islamic Fascists) infiltrating America,
They are planning to control the country and world with their sharia law.
They also have many politicians in various offices......American Universities have been bought off with oil money.
This administration embraces their crowd.
22 hours ago
A f'ing muslum complaining about colonialism, it's like Uncle Joe Stalin accusing Chairman Mao of being a genocidal, atheist dicktator.
9 hours ago
Ha you have a point!
8 hours ago
Even Allah don't like the Muslims. He's been helping the Jews all along. This professor has a bad taste in his mouth. But you can expect that when you drink barrels of Camel piss.
10 hours ago
this is the level of "scholarship" at CUNY and at Rutgers. they both are home to illiterate ignorant low intellect anti america anti semites. a creature such as this moron is an offense to any institution that considers itself educational. new york is an abysmal crap hole. now it is a sewer even below that.
9 hours ago
Wait not all New York. There are strong neighborhoods in the outer boroughs still!
16 hours ago
Right Satan help them.
17 hours ago
15 hours ago
But it's not mealy mouthed "islamism" it's islam and muslums (and Bosch Fawstin should know, he's received plenty of death threats for not only daring to criticise the muslum death cult but daring to leave it):
13 hours ago
Daniel Dravot
2 hours ago
Speaking on Turkish television's Kanal D Arena program, President Erdogan commented on the term "moderate Islam", an expression often used in Western media. He stated "˜These descriptions are very ugly. It is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that's it."

Source: Milliyet, Turkey, 21 August, 2007.
Tom 6
22 hours ago
I want this Jew hating professor to eat a lot of Ben & Jerrys ice cream. He needs a heart attack, so does Bernie.
Hamilton 55
9 hours ago
Now now don't wish evil on anyone. It comes back
Mr. Turkeychoker
7 hours ago
ISLAM IS EVIL AND MUHAMMAD , may he BURN in HEII forever ! IS A DEAD CHILD MOLESTER. Islam must be wiped out, permanently.
william carr
9 hours ago
They have tried many times since 1948, with six major assaults and too many minor ones to count. Israel still stand fast. It does not seem that 'allah' is helping very much!
9 hours ago
Seems that Allah is no match for YHWH
10 hours ago
Israel is superior to the 14th century cretins calling for its destruction in EVERY measurable way.
13 hours ago
Dwell securely in the land of Promise.” Mohammed, the prophet. Even Mohammed recognized God’s covenant with the Jewish people.

Any Moslem who opposes Israel’ existence and the Jewish claim to the Holy Land defies Mohammed and acts contrary to Islam.
13 hours ago
Something tells me the pronouncements of a kufar WRT islamic doctrine won't be making much of a difference in the islamic world.
I had thought the holey quran itself promotes the idea that none should be worshiped but allah -- across the entire world.
Hamilton 55
9 hours ago
You're serious about that? Mohammed is long gone.
Halal Bacon
19 hours ago
whats half a nickle, cause that is this "it"'s price
22 hours ago
Well, social media won't be banning this hatred because of 'community guidelines'.
That's only for us.

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