Thursday, July 29, 2021

SACRILEGE IN DELAWARE NEWS: VIDEO Benjamin Starnes • • July 28, 2021 67 Comments President gets a pass



by Benjamin Starnes  •  •  July 28, 2021    67 Comments

President gets a pass

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A picture released yesterday by LifeSite News exposed unelected President Biden on Saturday receiving Christ's Sacred Body at St. Joseph Church in Wilmington, Delaware.

Monsignor John Hopkins, the newly appointed pastor, violated canon law by giving the Blessed Sacrament to the pro-abortion Catholic.

Canon 915, part of the universal law of the Church, clearly states those "obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion."

Joe Biden's support for the murder of unborn babies has been known for years.

Joe Biden: "I support Roe. I support a woman's right to choose under that constitutional guaranteed provision. And quite frankly, I always will."

Despite his support for abortion, Catholic bishops refuse to confront him.

Cardinal Wilton Gregory, archbishop of Washington, D.C., said he would allow Biden to keep receiving Communion, citing a need for dialogue.

Cdl. Wilton Gregory: "On my part, it's a matter of the responsibility that I have as the archbishop to be engaged and to be in dialogue with him."

Biden's new bishop of Wilmington, William Koenig, was installed just two weeks ago and waffled on whether he would allow Biden to receive the Blessed Sacrament.

Bishop-Elect Koening: "I would certainly be open to having a conversation in the future with him. But as a bishop, I'm called to teach the fullness and the beauty of the Catholic faith."

It's a similar story with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). In June the bishops voted to draft a document on so-called eucharistic coherence.

Catherine Hadro, EWTN host: "Is this document on the Eucharist aimed at President Joe Biden?"

Bp. Kevin Rhoades: "No, the, uh, document is for all Catholics and it's a ... uh ... it's a document that is part of our efforts to have our eucharistic revival in the Church."

But the document will only relate in a general way what Catholics believe about the Blessed Sacrament and won't establish norms for giving Communion to pro-death politicians.

One priest in South Carolina denied Biden Communion in October 2019, a move praised by faithful Catholics.

Joe Biden: "It's not a position that I've found anywhere else including from the Holy Father, who gives me communion."

Meanwhile, bishops charged with caring for Biden's soul refuse to confront him on his manifest grave sin.


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