Sunday, October 31, 2021

Alec Baldwin Said the NRA Had ‘Bloody Hands’ Years Before Fatally Shooting a Woman October 31, 2021 Ryan Green Latest News, Social 0 Comments


Alec Baldwin Said the NRA Had ‘Bloody Hands’ Years Before Fatally Shooting a Woman

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Actor Alec Baldwin pointed a gun and fired a shot that killed a wife and mother last week on a movie set in New Mexico following years of tirades against firearms and those who own them.

In one of those tirades — from 2018 — the actor and his Hollywood friends accused millions of Americans and the National Rifle Association of having “bloody hands” as they railed against people who lawfully own guns.

Deadline reported that the actor joined forces with other celebs to chastise gun owners at an event that was billed as the No Rifle Association, or “NoRA.” Baldwin and people such as Alyssa Milano and Don Cheadle ripped the NRA.

“We’re going to shine a bright light on what you and your organization do to America,” a letter from the group sent to NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre stated. “We’re going to make sure the whole world sees your bloody hands. We’re coming for your money. We’re coming for your puppets.”

In 2018, Baldwin also called out former NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch on social media with some strong language, according to Fox News.

“I see that @DLoesch wants to ‘take back the truth.’ And she doesn’t care how many dead bodies she has to step over in that pursuit. The Second Amendment is not a moral credit card that buys you all the guns you want. That law needs to be rethought,” the actor said at the time.

Baldwin, if he is a genuine person, probably now regrets having signed off on those statements. What person of sound mind and conscience wouldn’t?

The 63-year-old, according to reports, mishandled a “prop gun” on the set of his Western film “Rust” last Thursday and fired a single shot toward cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and movie director Joel Souza. Souza lived, while Hutchins will forever be missed by those who called her a wife, a mother, a daughter and a friend.

The incident happened when the actor was handed a gun he was told was safe, but didn’t check it himself, The Associated Press reported. Baldwin expressed regret and heartbreak — and we don’t have any reason to doubt that he was anything but sincere.

What a tragic situation, all around. But buried in this miserable, tragic and avoidable situation is a lesson that those who are NRA members with clean hands already know. That lesson is that guns aren’t toys. Firearms are tools for sport, hunting and defense.

While Hollywood’s anti-gun lobby has spent years cashing in on them in movies, millions of Americans have quietly and responsibly handled their firearms. They’ve had no incidents while being ferociously attacked by people who can’t stop shooting guns on the big screen — people like Baldwin.

Very few of us have shed human blood in any scenario — which is something Baldwin has lost the ability to ever say again.

But this awful situation is not a win for the Second Amendment. This devastation is not a victory for ordinary people who have for years been targeted by Baldwin and Hollywood for protecting their rights.

This is a time to ponder what might have happened had Baldwin, whose crusade against private gun ownership is well-documented, made the decision to educate himself about guns, which he could have done. He’s used set guns throughout his entire career.

What might have been different had Baldwin chosen to know the basics about gun safety? How differently could last week have gone, had he taught himself the ins and outs about the inanimate objects guns are?

Guns only become deadly when not handled correctly, and the set of “Rust” sounds like it was a nightmare waiting to happen.

In some small way, Alec Baldwin is a victim in this, too, even if it was to his own ignorance and arrogance.

The actor hoped to bank on gun culture through yet another film where he was strapped, didn’t know what he was doing. Last week, a woman was killed at the wrong end of a gun that he was pointing. By all accounts, Baldwin’s failure to hire properly trained gun experts and his own negligence with the set gun are to blame.

Baldwin is not a nice guy and everyone knows it. But not one person needed what occurred last Thursday in the New Mexico desert to show them that.

The NRA didn’t need it, those he’s smacked around and insulted throughout the years didn’t need it and Hutchins and her family didn’t deserve it. For that matter, neither did Baldwin’s own seven children.

A lot of people will forever live with Hutchins’ tragic death — including the man who shot her with a live round. He also has to reconcile the fact that the NRA and its members had nothing to do with any of it.

via simplypatriot

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