Saturday, October 30, 2021

PEDOPHILIC PORN IS THE ISSUE NEWS: VIDEO William Mahoney, Ph.D. • • October 29, 2021 9 Comments DOJ weaponized against parents



by William Mahoney, Ph.D.  •  •  October 29, 2021    9 Comments

DOJ weaponized against parents

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The Department of Justice continues its war on parents. The weaponization of the DOJ became even more evident yesterday, as Attorney General Merrick Garland hemmed and hawed before the Senate's oversight committee hearing. Church Militant's William Mahoney has more from the devout Catholic mother of six who first triggered the DOJ.

Stacy Langton: "FBI versus moms — really?"

Stacy Langton went before the school board in September to denounce two books in the school library — Gender Queer and Lawn Boy ― books that contain pedophilia and graphic sex scenes. Soon thereafter, the DOJ published a now-infamous memo, based on a complaint, which labeled parents like Langton as "domestic terrorists."

Since then, the DOJ has ramped up its intimidation game, like when Langton and some other parents held a small rally outside the DOJ on Oct. 17.


The federal government did send us lots of federal law enforcement. We had about six DHS-marked vehicles out front. And we had about six police officers in uniforms on the streets with us. They didn't harass us or give us a hard time; they said they were there to guard the building.

After the protest, the very next day, Langton began receiving local and highly specific threats, targeting her, her husband and her children. The threats continued throughout the week.

Langton: "Some of the threats came on Thursday morning, which was the day of the school board meeting. So I consider those threats to be a form of intimidation to keep me from going to the school board meeting."

The tactic failed. Langton went to the school board meeting, attending a protest on the sidewalk for about 40 minutes before the meeting.

Langton: "There was a whole lot of federal law enforcement that seemed to be present there that had not been present before."

There were ghost cars from the Department of Homeland Security and a helicopter shining a spotlight on the protestors, who numbered around 25. The numbers were much higher before Merrick Garland weaponized the DOJ against parents.

But Langton reminds everyone the fight between a tyrannical government and parents should not overshadow the main issue that began it all.

Langton: "We have pedophilia and pornography in our public school libraries. And that is damaging to children's souls. I don't want that to be lost. I hope that part of the story will continue to be reported."

With the DOJ so quick to go after concerned parents instead of corrupt school boards, one wonders what exactly Garland is trying to protect. Langton repeated that Church Militant is the only Catholic media outlet that has contacted her.


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