Evening News

OCTOBER 29, 2021
Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.
Church Militant Evening News.
Zacchaeus • 2 hours ago Biden lies, no doubt. But he's also demented, also no doubt. (I doubt he was ever alone with Francis; and it must have been an interesting experience for Francis, if he was.) So, on at least two counts, we cannot readily give credence to his rendition of Francis's words to him. (And notice how, in the clip, he answered the question with the tone and cadences of an elementary schooler.) On the other hand, we cannot discount his rendition altogether. The Vatican excuses itself from responding by appeal to the privacy of the conversation. But isn't that a bogus excuse, since Biden sought to make content from the conversation public? Since Francis cannot fail to know that Biden's public rendition causes scandal, doesn't he have a responsibility to prevent scandal by making/authorizing a public statement if Biden's assertions are false? (Remember Scalfari.) Doesn't this responsibility trump any concerns over political fallout, since scandal endangers immortal souls? The thought that Biden's meeting with Francis was not likely to involve sacramental confession, the seal of which would therefore not cover its contents, brings up a question: If someone emerged from confession and lied to a waiting penitent, saying that the confessor told him his adultery was not a sin, causing the waiting penitent to conclude his own confession was not necessary, and the confessor found out about the lie and the scandal, what would be the confessor's responsibility and legitimate options, discounting, of course, the illegitimate option of breaking the seal? Anyone?
7greatdanes • 2 hours ago Just like at the Jimmy Martin audience there was a press blackout allowing both participants (Martin & Biden) to say whatever they wanted about the "private" conversations and sadly the vatican will "neither confirm nor deny" what was/wasn't said.
Diane • 2 hours ago That guy in the mirror still looks like a guy in a wig, pretend! Homosexuals, transgenders and lesbians all need mental, emotional, physical and spiritual help. It is not of God and it is very, very ugly.
Diane • 2 hours ago If the Pope did tell him that he was a good Catholic and should continue receiving Holy Communion, then, the Pope is not Catholic and we need a replacement, now.
So, those glasses of wine or champagne that Biden was toasting with World leaders was sparkling water?
Jim • 4 hours ago I don’t like Francis. But I don’t believe he said what Biden is telling people. Biden is a liar. Write to every priest, bishop who has an association with Biden. Beat them over the head with their apostasy.
Voco_Veritas • 4 hours ago Anyone giving an experimental chemical that is in reality a bioweapon should be charged with child abuse. If the child dies, those responsible should be charged with murder.
But why should expect any prosecutor take such a case when they have allowed the wanton murder of over 65,000,000 of God's precious children in their mother's womb.
David Brader • 4 hours ago • edited Once again we see that both Francis and Biden do not have a clue about what the people want. Biden seems to believe that Catholics will blindly follow Francis. In fact most Catholics understand that Francis has no business getting involved in politics and needs to stick to matters of Faith
yvobalcer . • 4 hours ago Years ago, before Cardinal Tobin was installed, Archbishop Myers made it a mission in NJ to help women/girls who were sex trafficked. He went on many secular news shows talking about the problem. So I have no problem with people being separated at the borders. You cannot take anyone word that the child with the adult are their parents.
Joshua • 4 hours ago • edited Let's get real! Evil people are running the church as well as the world, so what other outcome does anyone expect! More and more abominations will take place before these gay-mongers are through. The repugnant circumstances with lesbians and transgenders are just another aberration created by the satanic citizenry we are being forced to live with and accept. This country because of its leaders and many of its citizens, have become a cauldron of immorality and demonic practices that are here to stay until Christ comes again!
chuck • 5 hours ago Biden meets the Pope? Should be called the Antichrist-wannabe Psychopath meets with the twisted sisters of the fallen pope.
MarxismNoWay • 7 hours ago Biden to Frankie: "So, the bishops aren't going to enforce that Canon Law AR-14, right?"
Frankie: "AR-14? What's that? The vaccine?"
Biden: "C'mon, man...you know...the communion thing!"
Frankie: "Oh....you just keep going to get communion"...
Biden: "Good...Nancy said you have Choco-Choco Chip here..."
Philipp Merillat • 9 hours ago • edited The irony of Biden's plan to reward illegal aliens is that my twin brother remains detained for 20 years in the state mental hospital because of the same kind of continuing abuse that was perpetrated on our family by many foreign drug pushers and sex perverts who came to New Mexico posing as psychiatrists. Jose Canive from Cuba for example. Or Gedaly Bleyzure from Russia. Or Parvaneh Baktiar from Iran. Or Samir Roy from India. Those quacks made millions persecuting families of Christians. Most of them live today as multi millionaires, never being fined or imprisoned for their crimes. They got rewarded by abusing their patients sexually and with drugs. They receive the protection of the State. And the State and Federal government rewards that vocation of professional abusers which is psychiatry. Add to them Ross Snyder, G. Michael Dempsey, Jay R. Feierman, William Hampton Milburn, and others the American born psychiatric, drug and sexual abusers who practiced in New Mexico and you have a State run system of abuse going back to the 1970s and before that when we weren't targets yet. Biden's plan is nothing new; New Mexico has been rewarding professional criminal immigrants for decades. Most never get prosecuted for their crimes. Samir Roy was a shock doctor who got his license revoked however, not for electroshocking his victims, but rather a sex crime. They all were drug pushers. Some were sex molesters. Some practiced extortion. All of them were abusers. Milburn got caught and the State board of medical examiners asked him to "tender his license" and he moved to Colorado where he continued molesting children, then Colorado revoked his license and he moved to Pennsylvania most likely. The others continued their abuse till they retired and then what? No more State supplied victims. The State didn't only protect the abusers. They helped them get clients to abuse, including "special commissioner" Daniel Pedrick of the Albuquerque District Attorney's office, and Juan Vargas with the State of New Mexico. The State is a criminally run, federally subsidized cesspool of sex and drug abuse which they call "mental health." The facility known as Vista Sandia was one such place where the staff workers pulled down my pants. Daniel Pedrick doesn't like his photo being taken in the fake Court they use at the Bernalillo County Mental Health Center where I once broke my twin brother out of. You can see the abusers being shielded from the photographer's camera in the Albuquerque Journal by his attorney. I also escaped from there (BCMHC) once and got a flight to Denver to hide out at George Blickhahn III's home. Another time I hid out in Texas at the Elwells' home. Another time we went to find asylum in Switzerland where Swiss border guards locked Scott (my twin) in a closet and pulled down my pants at Bad Basel Bahnhof. The sexual assaults and other abuse of Christians is a world wide phenomena. The reason the abusers target Christians and young persons is because most other persons would likely retaliate against such abuse rather than tolerate it. The reason they use psychiatrists to perpetuate the abuse is because it's a big money making scam for the drug companies and insurance companies and taxes fund it. And what does the Bishop or priest say about the abuse? They're above it; it's not happening to them so it's not happening and they'll never preach against it either. They love the accolades of men too much to say anything against the abusers. They're lovers of money too much to risk saying anything about psychiatric abuse. The exact same situation with Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and the other pharmakeia (witchcraft, sorcery) giants. It's a worldwide State funded criminal network.
see moreletfreedomring10 Philipp Merillat • 2 hours ago Very well said and God bless your courage my brother.
Morena Gonzalez-Castro Hauser • 9 hours ago What a coincidence: Two disgraces sat together, two elected by questionable and unprecedented means, two who have proven time and time again, tacitly and verbally, their preference and protection for homosexuality in and out of the Church, two who love immigrants as long as it helps their goals to remain in power, but both want population control at any cost and in any possible way, and two who were never considered prime candidates for the job but sold their souls to their demonic puppeteers. We can say we are doomed but it was a calamity or spiritual death already announced by Our Lady in Fatima, Garabandal and many other places, metaphorically speaking. Please let's never stop using our weapon to defend ourselves, our holy rosaries. God will never leave us orphans.
MarxismNoWay LShepherd • 8 hours ago No problem with Milo's hair....BUT...since I shave my head every other day...the best look is Dr. William Mahoney...HANDS DOWN!...Clean, crisp, and BOLD...Keep rockin' that look!
Wolemai • 12 hours ago If this is true, and the failure of the Vatican Press Office to deny it makes me think it is, then it raises the fact that the Pope had 3 things he could have done when he met Biden.
The first, and only holy option, was to have told the President that his pro abortion position was contrary to Catholic moral teaching, was a mortal sin and therefore he must not present himself for Holy Communion.
The second option, which most of us predicted, would have been to have a nice friendly meeting with Biden in which the topic of abortion would not even be mentioned. This would have been a typical Church of Nice cowardly position typical of Pope Francis.
However, it seems Francis has done neither of these options and has gone way beyond to option 3. This is the option where he tells Biden that there is no problem with his Catholicism, he has done nothing seriously wrong, no mortal sin, and he can front up for Holy Communion as often as he likes.
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! (that's me screaming).
The Pope has taken the Satanic option, the anti Catholic option, the cowardly evil option, that strips the mat out from under all those Catholic bishops and priests who were urging refusal of Holy Communion to pro aborts. The Pope has again taken the evil side and moved yet again against God and God's Church.
The Pope will one day, at the time of judgement, have to face the countless souls who were murdered before they had a chance to be born and before they had a chance at life.
This Pope just never fails to live down to my expectations of him.
7greatdanes Wolemai • 2 hours ago Future conversation: God: Joe you committed serious sin by supporting abortion and still receiving communion. Joe: But the pope said it was okay. God: I'll take that up with the pope, it's you I'm talking to now. Joe: So, come on man, I still get in right? God: I vomit you from my mouth.
4Chastity Wolemai • 10 hours ago I am truly sorry to have to confess this:
I have grown to "detest" PF!. May GOD forgive me. I pray for him & for his conversion b/c it is my Catholic obligation, but honestly His heretical actions (Pacha Mama, Kissing the feet of some Muslim Imam) non-Catholic comments, etc & this current "Synod-THING" has become too much for me to bear! I don't trust him....His "soft spoken" tone doesn't win me over! A maskerade. I am convinced he is an integral part of the AGENDA to "attack & destroy" THAT, WHICH is THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, OUR HOLY MOTHER CHURCH!
Don't you all see/sense/perceive this???
Voco_Veritas 4Chastity • 3 hours ago Bergoglio is a disgrace leading millions into scandal. He should be removed from his seat as he is a heretic based upon his open support of the heinous disgrace of worshipping the vile, pagan goddess pachamama inside the Vatican itself!
Joshua 4Chastity • 4 hours ago Many of us are aware of who Bergoglio actually is and what role in the church he actually plays.
Philipp Merillat • 13 hours ago • edited Something about phobes mad at phobes, other than that couldn't make heads or tails of it. I've listened to crazies who could scramble your mind, but that was like you moved your lips with me blindfolded in a dark room and asked what you said a year later. Thank God I'm a country boy. I'd wear a yarmulka before I'd understand that.
Our Constitution does NOT protect Christians from persecution by the State of New Mexico. I know as my twin brother was kidnapped by the State and I was hunted down numerous times for refusing to take drugs being pushed on Christians by quack atheist doctors. This is continuing with the Governor and the court refusing to let my brother return home because I told him not to take the drugs and they just don't like that because it ruins their income. The drugs were pushed on us by sex perverts and quack psychiatrists. I have the Board of Medical Examiners records and hearing statements to prove that. We have no protection from our Constitution in New Mexico.
johnnyu • 14 hours ago • edited I guess its back to the catacomb to be true catholic.... These Bishops and priest's are not men of strength like the apostles... These are gay men that want to be part of the world....And a pope that Thinks the end of the world will come at the hands of man with climate change and not GOD'S ....As its said in the bible only the father knows the day and the time..for the end of the world not man
Jonathan Bollinger • 15 hours ago My thing is ... if the pope didn't say that "Biden is a good Catholic and he should keep receiving communion" then shouldn't the pope come out and say he didn't say those things? In my perspective, his silence is hurting more souls than it is saving.
Petrichor Jonathan Bollinger • 3 hours ago It's a deliberate tactic. Ambiguity, to confuse the faithful, and mislead many souls to hell.
That's his way.
Blobee • 15 hours ago • edited Regarding the proposed payout to the illegal aliens: this has Obama's fingerprints all over it.
Remember when he said, "You didn't build that..."
Or, "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them..."
Or, "...the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation..."
He loves to make those statements to outrage the conservative citizens of this country. He's a ...well, you fill in the blank. There are so many options. I suspect he's behind this idea.
Blobee • 15 hours ago • edited So the trans are outraged the lesbians don't want to have heterosexual sex with them? Funny beyond belief. When will these people see how ridiculous this has all become?
PJ Blobee • 15 hours ago in general I think you got it. But there is the problem of what they mean by "having sex.". It's all very gross and unpleasant to consider.
PJ • 15 hours ago I'm unable to refer to Pope Francis as "his holiness". I don't see parallels between his life and the lives of the saints that show us what it means to be holy.
Eva Marie Bryde • 15 hours ago Biden's body language betrayed him. He lowered his voice, severed eye contact, and stumbled over words when he said that the pope told him to keep going to Holy Communion. I don't believe him. I believe Biden was involved in calling for the media blackout so that he could use the situation to manipulate the result. The whole trip was a publicity stunt to counter the admonition of Archbishop Naumann and Archbishop Cordileone. Both of these bishops have spoken out against the hypocrisy of Biden and Pelosi. So much for transparency. Why the media blackout if there's nothing to hide?
PJ Eva Marie Bryde • 15 hours ago Hard to believe anything Biden says. But I have no reason to doubt that Francis gave him the old atta boy Joe. Francis has no issue with proabortion politicians receiving communion as far as his words and omissions go.
Electroman • 15 hours ago Milo 100% reminds me of Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean. "You're the worst pirate I've every heard of." Captain Jack: "But you have heard of me." Milo, you're a blessing! I love your humor and your insights!
Baseballmomof8 • 16 hours ago • edited Bellisario, yeah, I kept the equipment in the cupboard…. It’s still recovering from Lori…
Oh geez…. Then there’s Hart and Biegler….
Baseballmomof8 • 16 hours ago I supported, many years ago, “the bishops of Northern Alaska.” Haven’t for years, thank God.
Robbi Baseballmomof8 • 15 hours ago About power for the coarse. They want control of 'Indoctrination' and money like everywhere, now.
Still a shock to hear this dribble.
Baseballmomof8 • 16 hours ago Thank you Abby Johnson for including Biden’s support for sodomy as a reason to excommunicate him.
Robbi Jennifer Kraft • 15 hours ago Didn't catch the 'Masonic Hand Shake' like when Spewer of the House Pelosi went to visit, either.
tap • 17 hours ago • edited Cardinal Burke addressed nearly 400 US bishops, most of whom are without ears and spines.
" Nearly 400, " if they were roaches we would call them an infestation.
Dave Parrott • 17 hours ago The story about the leso / trans fight brings a whole new twist to the joke a guy might say to his buddies at the bar "I'm just a lesbian in a man's body".
Robbi Dave Parrott • 15 hours ago Brings a whole new meaning to 'straight' guys who used to say they were lesbians as a joke.
MarxismNoWay • 17 hours ago • edited Biden is a FAKE President and Bergoglio is a FAKE Pope...and BOTH of them are liars...I see no difference between the two of them.
disqus_v5723Mqspa MarxismNoWay • 16 hours ago I tell that to all the blogs that refer to them as if they were legitimate, but they still call them that. I will persevere.
Biden lies, no doubt. But he's also demented, also no doubt. (I doubt he was ever alone with Francis; and it must have been an interesting experience for Francis, if he was.) So, on at least two counts, we cannot readily give credence to his rendition of Francis's words to him. (And notice how, in the clip, he answered the question with the tone and cadences of an elementary schooler.) On the other hand, we cannot discount his rendition altogether. The Vatican excuses itself from responding by appeal to the privacy of the conversation. But isn't that a bogus excuse, since Biden sought to make content from the conversation public? Since Francis cannot fail to know that Biden's public rendition causes scandal, doesn't he have a responsibility to prevent scandal by making/authorizing a public statement if Biden's assertions are false? (Remember Scalfari.) Doesn't this responsibility trump any concerns over political fallout, since scandal endangers immortal souls? The thought that Biden's meeting with Francis was not likely to involve sacramental confession, the seal of which would therefore not cover its contents, brings up a question: If someone emerged from confession and lied to a waiting penitent, saying that the confessor told him his adultery was not a sin, causing the waiting penitent to conclude his own confession was not necessary, and the confessor found out about the lie and the scandal, what would be the confessor's responsibility and legitimate options, discounting, of course, the illegitimate option of breaking the seal? Anyone?
Just like at the Jimmy Martin audience there was a press blackout allowing both participants (Martin & Biden) to say whatever they wanted about the "private" conversations and sadly the vatican will "neither confirm nor deny" what was/wasn't said.
That guy in the mirror still looks like a guy in a wig, pretend! Homosexuals, transgenders and lesbians all need mental, emotional, physical and spiritual help. It is not of God and it is very, very ugly.
If the Pope did tell him that he was a good Catholic and should continue receiving Holy Communion, then, the Pope is not Catholic and we need a replacement, now.
So, those glasses of wine or champagne that Biden was toasting with World leaders was sparkling water?
I don’t like Francis. But I don’t believe he said what Biden is telling people. Biden is a liar. Write to every priest, bishop who has an association with Biden. Beat them over the head with their apostasy.
Anyone giving an experimental chemical that is in reality a bioweapon should be charged with child abuse. If the child dies, those responsible should be charged with murder.
But why should expect any prosecutor take such a case when they have allowed the wanton murder of over 65,000,000 of God's precious children in their mother's womb.
Once again we see that both Francis and Biden do not have a clue about what the people want. Biden seems to believe that Catholics will blindly follow Francis. In fact most Catholics understand that Francis has no business getting involved in politics and needs to stick to matters of Faith
Years ago, before Cardinal Tobin was installed, Archbishop Myers made it a mission in NJ to help women/girls who were sex trafficked. He went on many secular news shows talking about the problem. So I have no problem with people being separated at the borders. You cannot take anyone word that the child with the adult are their parents.
Let's get real! Evil people are running the church as well as the world, so what other outcome does anyone expect! More and more abominations will take place before these gay-mongers are through. The repugnant circumstances with lesbians and transgenders are just another aberration created by the satanic citizenry we are being forced to live with and accept. This country because of its leaders and many of its citizens, have become a cauldron of immorality and demonic practices that are here to stay until Christ comes again!
Biden meets the Pope? Should be called the Antichrist-wannabe Psychopath meets with the twisted sisters of the fallen pope.
Biden to Frankie: "So, the bishops aren't going to enforce that Canon Law AR-14, right?"
Frankie: "AR-14? What's that? The vaccine?"
Biden: "C'mon, man...you know...the communion thing!"
Frankie: "Oh....you just keep going to get communion"...
Biden: "Good...Nancy said you have Choco-Choco Chip here..."
The irony of Biden's plan to reward illegal aliens is that my twin brother remains detained for 20 years in the state mental hospital because of the same kind of continuing abuse that was perpetrated on our family by many foreign drug pushers and sex perverts who came to New Mexico posing as psychiatrists. Jose Canive from Cuba for example. Or Gedaly Bleyzure from Russia. Or Parvaneh Baktiar from Iran. Or Samir Roy from India. Those quacks made millions persecuting families of Christians. Most of them live today as multi millionaires, never being fined or imprisoned for their crimes. They got rewarded by abusing their patients sexually and with drugs. They receive the protection of the State. And the State and Federal government rewards that vocation of professional abusers which is psychiatry. Add to them Ross Snyder, G. Michael Dempsey, Jay R. Feierman, William Hampton Milburn, and others the American born psychiatric, drug and sexual abusers who practiced in New Mexico and you have a State run system of abuse going back to the 1970s and before that when we weren't targets yet. Biden's plan is nothing new; New Mexico has been rewarding professional criminal immigrants for decades. Most never get prosecuted for their crimes. Samir Roy was a shock doctor who got his license revoked however, not for electroshocking his victims, but rather a sex crime. They all were drug pushers. Some were sex molesters. Some practiced extortion. All of them were abusers. Milburn got caught and the State board of medical examiners asked him to "tender his license" and he moved to Colorado where he continued molesting children, then Colorado revoked his license and he moved to Pennsylvania most likely. The others continued their abuse till they retired and then what? No more State supplied victims. The State didn't only protect the abusers. They helped them get clients to abuse, including "special commissioner" Daniel Pedrick of the Albuquerque District Attorney's office, and Juan Vargas with the State of New Mexico. The State is a criminally run, federally subsidized cesspool of sex and drug abuse which they call "mental health." The facility known as Vista Sandia was one such place where the staff workers pulled down my pants. Daniel Pedrick doesn't like his photo being taken in the fake Court they use at the Bernalillo County Mental Health Center where I once broke my twin brother out of. You can see the abusers being shielded from the photographer's camera in the Albuquerque Journal by his attorney. I also escaped from there (BCMHC) once and got a flight to Denver to hide out at George Blickhahn III's home. Another time I hid out in Texas at the Elwells' home. Another time we went to find asylum in Switzerland where Swiss border guards locked Scott (my twin) in a closet and pulled down my pants at Bad Basel Bahnhof. The sexual assaults and other abuse of Christians is a world wide phenomena. The reason the abusers target Christians and young persons is because most other persons would likely retaliate against such abuse rather than tolerate it. The reason they use psychiatrists to perpetuate the abuse is because it's a big money making scam for the drug companies and insurance companies and taxes fund it. And what does the Bishop or priest say about the abuse? They're above it; it's not happening to them so it's not happening and they'll never preach against it either. They love the accolades of men too much to say anything against the abusers. They're lovers of money too much to risk saying anything about psychiatric abuse. The exact same situation with Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and the other pharmakeia (witchcraft, sorcery) giants. It's a worldwide State funded criminal network.
letfreedomring10 Philipp Merillat • 2 hours ago Very well said and God bless your courage my brother.
What a coincidence: Two disgraces sat together, two elected by questionable and unprecedented means, two who have proven time and time again, tacitly and verbally, their preference and protection for homosexuality in and out of the Church, two who love immigrants as long as it helps their goals to remain in power, but both want population control at any cost and in any possible way, and two who were never considered prime candidates for the job but sold their souls to their demonic puppeteers. We can say we are doomed but it was a calamity or spiritual death already announced by Our Lady in Fatima, Garabandal and many other places, metaphorically speaking. Please let's never stop using our weapon to defend ourselves, our holy rosaries. God will never leave us orphans.
MarxismNoWay LShepherd • 8 hours ago No problem with Milo's hair....BUT...since I shave my head every other day...the best look is Dr. William Mahoney...HANDS DOWN!...Clean, crisp, and BOLD...Keep rockin' that look!
If this is true, and the failure of the Vatican Press Office to deny it makes me think it is, then it raises the fact that the Pope had 3 things he could have done when he met Biden.
The first, and only holy option, was to have told the President that his pro abortion position was contrary to Catholic moral teaching, was a mortal sin and therefore he must not present himself for Holy Communion.
The second option, which most of us predicted, would have been to have a nice friendly meeting with Biden in which the topic of abortion would not even be mentioned. This would have been a typical Church of Nice cowardly position typical of Pope Francis.
However, it seems Francis has done neither of these options and has gone way beyond to option 3. This is the option where he tells Biden that there is no problem with his Catholicism, he has done nothing seriously wrong, no mortal sin, and he can front up for Holy Communion as often as he likes.
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! (that's me screaming).
The Pope has taken the Satanic option, the anti Catholic option, the cowardly evil option, that strips the mat out from under all those Catholic bishops and priests who were urging refusal of Holy Communion to pro aborts. The Pope has again taken the evil side and moved yet again against God and God's Church.
The Pope will one day, at the time of judgement, have to face the countless souls who were murdered before they had a chance to be born and before they had a chance at life.
This Pope just never fails to live down to my expectations of him.
7greatdanes Wolemai • 2 hours ago Future conversation: God: Joe you committed serious sin by supporting abortion and still receiving communion. Joe: But the pope said it was okay. God: I'll take that up with the pope, it's you I'm talking to now. Joe: So, come on man, I still get in right? God: I vomit you from my mouth.
4Chastity Wolemai • 10 hours ago I am truly sorry to have to confess this:
I have grown to "detest" PF!. May GOD forgive me. I pray for him & for his conversion b/c it is my Catholic obligation, but honestly His heretical actions (Pacha Mama, Kissing the feet of some Muslim Imam) non-Catholic comments, etc & this current "Synod-THING" has become too much for me to bear! I don't trust him....His "soft spoken" tone doesn't win me over! A maskerade. I am convinced he is an integral part of the AGENDA to "attack & destroy" THAT, WHICH is THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, OUR HOLY MOTHER CHURCH!
Don't you all see/sense/perceive this???Voco_Veritas 4Chastity • 3 hours ago Bergoglio is a disgrace leading millions into scandal. He should be removed from his seat as he is a heretic based upon his open support of the heinous disgrace of worshipping the vile, pagan goddess pachamama inside the Vatican itself!
Joshua 4Chastity • 4 hours ago Many of us are aware of who Bergoglio actually is and what role in the church he actually plays.
Something about phobes mad at phobes, other than that couldn't make heads or tails of it. I've listened to crazies who could scramble your mind, but that was like you moved your lips with me blindfolded in a dark room and asked what you said a year later. Thank God I'm a country boy. I'd wear a yarmulka before I'd understand that.
Our Constitution does NOT protect Christians from persecution by the State of New Mexico. I know as my twin brother was kidnapped by the State and I was hunted down numerous times for refusing to take drugs being pushed on Christians by quack atheist doctors. This is continuing with the Governor and the court refusing to let my brother return home because I told him not to take the drugs and they just don't like that because it ruins their income. The drugs were pushed on us by sex perverts and quack psychiatrists. I have the Board of Medical Examiners records and hearing statements to prove that. We have no protection from our Constitution in New Mexico.
I guess its back to the catacomb to be true catholic.... These Bishops and priest's are not men of strength like the apostles... These are gay men that want to be part of the world....And a pope that Thinks the end of the world will come at the hands of man with climate change and not GOD'S ....As its said in the bible only the father knows the day and the time..for the end of the world not man
My thing is ... if the pope didn't say that "Biden is a good Catholic and he should keep receiving communion" then shouldn't the pope come out and say he didn't say those things? In my perspective, his silence is hurting more souls than it is saving.
Petrichor Jonathan Bollinger • 3 hours ago It's a deliberate tactic. Ambiguity, to confuse the faithful, and mislead many souls to hell.
That's his way.
Regarding the proposed payout to the illegal aliens: this has Obama's fingerprints all over it.
Remember when he said, "You didn't build that..."
Or, "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them..."
Or, "...the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation..."
He loves to make those statements to outrage the conservative citizens of this country. He's a ...well, you fill in the blank. There are so many options. I suspect he's behind this idea.
So the trans are outraged the lesbians don't want to have heterosexual sex with them? Funny beyond belief. When will these people see how ridiculous this has all become?
PJ Blobee • 15 hours ago in general I think you got it. But there is the problem of what they mean by "having sex.". It's all very gross and unpleasant to consider.
I'm unable to refer to Pope Francis as "his holiness". I don't see parallels between his life and the lives of the saints that show us what it means to be holy.
Biden's body language betrayed him. He lowered his voice, severed eye contact, and stumbled over words when he said that the pope told him to keep going to Holy Communion. I don't believe him. I believe Biden was involved in calling for the media blackout so that he could use the situation to manipulate the result. The whole trip was a publicity stunt to counter the admonition of Archbishop Naumann and Archbishop Cordileone. Both of these bishops have spoken out against the hypocrisy of Biden and Pelosi. So much for transparency. Why the media blackout if there's nothing to hide?
PJ Eva Marie Bryde • 15 hours ago Hard to believe anything Biden says. But I have no reason to doubt that Francis gave him the old atta boy Joe. Francis has no issue with proabortion politicians receiving communion as far as his words and omissions go.
Milo 100% reminds me of Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean. "You're the worst pirate I've every heard of." Captain Jack: "But you have heard of me." Milo, you're a blessing! I love your humor and your insights!
Bellisario, yeah, I kept the equipment in the cupboard…. It’s still recovering from Lori…
Oh geez…. Then there’s Hart and Biegler….
I supported, many years ago, “the bishops of Northern Alaska.” Haven’t for years, thank God.
Robbi Baseballmomof8 • 15 hours ago About power for the coarse. They want control of 'Indoctrination' and money like everywhere, now.
Still a shock to hear this dribble.
Thank you Abby Johnson for including Biden’s support for sodomy as a reason to excommunicate him.
Robbi Jennifer Kraft • 15 hours ago Didn't catch the 'Masonic Hand Shake' like when Spewer of the House Pelosi went to visit, either.
Cardinal Burke addressed nearly 400 US bishops, most of whom are without ears and spines.
" Nearly 400, " if they were roaches we would call them an infestation.
The story about the leso / trans fight brings a whole new twist to the joke a guy might say to his buddies at the bar "I'm just a lesbian in a man's body".
Robbi Dave Parrott • 15 hours ago Brings a whole new meaning to 'straight' guys who used to say they were lesbians as a joke.
Biden is a FAKE President and Bergoglio is a FAKE Pope...and BOTH of them are liars...I see no difference between the two of them.
disqus_v5723Mqspa MarxismNoWay • 16 hours ago I tell that to all the blogs that refer to them as if they were legitimate, but they still call them that. I will persevere.