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Holy Eucharist belittled by unfaithful Catholics.
October 29, 2021 23 CommentsHoly Eucharist belittled by unfaithful Catholics.
Diane • an hour ago All of what is going on is really so sad. We know that Biden lies, his Presidency is a lie. He knows that the Pope will continue to protect him no matter what he lies about because they are on the same page when it comes to Climate Change, immigration and our horrible economy. Unfortunately, I am not sure that the Pope is not one of those 70% of Catholics who do not believe in the Real Presence. If he did not say those words to Biden, then, he should personally come out immediately and denounce it, otherwise, again, he is complying with the lie.
Joshua • 2 hours ago • edited "Dissing God's Holiness," is to me nowhere near as fatal as dissing His existence. I really do not believe that the majority of people in Rome and elsewhere literally believe God actually is real. What remains in the church today in my opinion, are either Luciferians or Atheists.
springfieldlp • 3 hours ago "A religion that demands nothing of its followers is worthless"
Thank you for that clarity, Milo, - so beautifully said. We live in a world where we want and expect to receive everything on demand at our whim in real time instantly but contribute zero. Our Church was not conceived by Jesus Christ to be distributing loaves and fish ad infinitum without the obedience to its laws as set by God. Thank you for your mission.
defenderofChrist • 4 hours ago I’m so happy for your conversion Milo, but please people will take you more seriously when you get rid of the hair situation. It’s not masculine and it may turn people away. Look in the mirror and think about it. How we represent ourselves as Catholic men makes a difference. We don’t need to go along with the culture to fit in. Men especially have been more feminized, hence the problems with homosexuality and trans.
Char1871 • 6 hours ago Joe Biden is one of the biggest liars ever known. I'm not saying the pope is innocent but if biden is lying the vatican needs to step up and set the story straight. Not surprising people are leaving the church in droves.
DanB • 7 hours ago CCC 2285. Scandalous behavior. So, so sad and should raise anger among each faithful Catholic and every priest, bishop and cardinal. Pray for conversion of President Biden [and Pope Francis : ( ].
LShepherd • 11 hours ago When the world opens its eyes and understands the presence in the Eucharist; mobs will wait outside the doors of churches, pleading for the bread of life.
LShepherd • 11 hours ago Thank you Christine. I agree about the hair. It also needs to be wholesome and manly; not flashy or flamboyant.
defenderofChrist LShepherd • 4 hours ago Agree, that would turn people away, looking at that some people will not take him seriously, especially men, when he keeps a non masculine look.
Purring InTheDesert • 14 hours ago • edited I felt sorrow when Milo said that he would be gone for a while. I don't even know him, still... I know that each CM staff has at least one additional "body guard" angel. I think Michael needs about 12 more and Milo about 7 more.
Baseballmomof8 • 15 hours ago Jorge Bergoglio and Joe Biden both were “installed” under very questionable circumstances. They are both puppets of an unseen cabal.
Eva Marie Bryde • 15 hours ago I totally agree with Milo. Biden's body language betrayed him. He lowered his voice, severed eye contact, and stumbled over words when he said that the pope told him to keep going to Holy Communion. I don't believe him. I believe Biden was involved in calling for the media blackout so that he could use the situation to manipulate the result. The whole trip was a publicity stunt to counter the admonition of Archbishop Naumann and Archbishop Cordileone. Both of these bishops have spoken out against the hypocrisy of Biden and Pelosi. So much for transparency. Why the media blackout if there's nothing to hide?
Jack Eva Marie Bryde • 12 hours ago • edited Indeed. What could they be talking about...classified state secrets? In any case, whether Joe is lying or not, the weight of this matter demands that Bergoglio address the matter clearly, without all the shadows and smoke. Is he ever clear about anything of the Faith? He. Has. One. Job.
yvobalcer . • 16 hours ago There is truly an intimacy between Jesus and us when we faithfully receive the Holy Eucharist. God bless Milo for recognizing this.
Jack • 17 hours ago • edited I pray especially to St. Tarcisius every week before I clean the church floor (what I call, the 'floor-paten') of all the particles of Our Lord's Body scattered by Communion-in-the-hand. Thank you for including him in today's discussion.
My Lord Jesus Christ, only Way to the Father,
Son of God, Divine Redeemer, Savior of the world,
I bless, adore, and glorify You.
I offer to You infinite praise for the sublime gift
of the Most Blessed Sacrament –
the Sacrament of Your Sacred Body and Precious Blood.
I beg of You mercy, grace, and peace upon this unworthy world,
and especially upon Your Holy Catholic Church.
I offer to You, O Eucharistic Lord,
my adoration, prayer, study, and good works,
my hardships, humiliations, temptations, and daily crosses.
I accept them and offer them up to You
in reparation for countless offenses against the Holy Eucharist.
I offer them for irreverent bishops, priests, deacons, and lay people,
for heresies, apostasies, and schisms,
for errors, trivialities, and novelties
preached in place of Gospel truth,
for deliberate violations of Church laws,
for countless liturgical abuses,
for illicit additions and omissions,
for reluctance to bend the knee,
for negligent familiarity with the sacred,
for scandalous behavior at the altar,
for perfunctory devotions and unworthy communions,
for unbelief and lukewarm faith,
for immodest dress and profane music,
for talk and laughter before the tabernacle,
for the neglect that is sacrilege and the laxity that is blasphemy,
for the ignorance that is indifference to revealed truth,
and for every evil assault upon the sanctity
of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
In reparation for all such godlessness within Your Church,
I offer to You, my Lord Jesus Christ,
all the difficulties of my life,
and most especially the anguish I feel
at the sight and sound of irreverence before the Holy Eucharist.
All that You have given to me I accept and offer up to You,
my Eucharistic Lord,
in reparation for countless offenses
thrown at Your Most Holy Presence.
St. Francisco Marto, Pray for us.
St. Tarcisius, Pray for us.
Please forgive the length of this comment.
see moreBaseballmomof8 Jack • 15 hours ago I actually printed it off…. Going to pray this every time I attend Mass. Did you compose this or find it somewhere?
Jack Baseballmomof8 • 13 hours ago • edited I came across this about three years ago and was struck by it. I cannot remember the source, but I of course made a copy and have been using it ever since. Today's topics seemed to speak to its sentiments.
Diane • an hour ago All of what is going on is really so sad. We know that Biden lies, his Presidency is a lie. He knows that the Pope will continue to protect him no matter what he lies about because they are on the same page when it comes to Climate Change, immigration and our horrible economy. Unfortunately, I am not sure that the Pope is not one of those 70% of Catholics who do not believe in the Real Presence. If he did not say those words to Biden, then, he should personally come out immediately and denounce it, otherwise, again, he is complying with the lie.
Joshua • 2 hours ago • edited "Dissing God's Holiness," is to me nowhere near as fatal as dissing His existence. I really do not believe that the majority of people in Rome and elsewhere literally believe God actually is real. What remains in the church today in my opinion, are either Luciferians or Atheists.
springfieldlp • 3 hours ago "A religion that demands nothing of its followers is worthless"
Thank you for that clarity, Milo, - so beautifully said. We live in a world where we want and expect to receive everything on demand at our whim in real time instantly but contribute zero. Our Church was not conceived by Jesus Christ to be distributing loaves and fish ad infinitum without the obedience to its laws as set by God. Thank you for your mission.defenderofChrist • 4 hours ago I’m so happy for your conversion Milo, but please people will take you more seriously when you get rid of the hair situation. It’s not masculine and it may turn people away. Look in the mirror and think about it. How we represent ourselves as Catholic men makes a difference. We don’t need to go along with the culture to fit in. Men especially have been more feminized, hence the problems with homosexuality and trans.
Char1871 • 6 hours ago Joe Biden is one of the biggest liars ever known. I'm not saying the pope is innocent but if biden is lying the vatican needs to step up and set the story straight. Not surprising people are leaving the church in droves.
DanB • 7 hours ago CCC 2285. Scandalous behavior. So, so sad and should raise anger among each faithful Catholic and every priest, bishop and cardinal. Pray for conversion of President Biden [and Pope Francis : ( ].
LShepherd • 11 hours ago When the world opens its eyes and understands the presence in the Eucharist; mobs will wait outside the doors of churches, pleading for the bread of life.
LShepherd • 11 hours ago Thank you Christine. I agree about the hair. It also needs to be wholesome and manly; not flashy or flamboyant.
defenderofChrist LShepherd • 4 hours ago Agree, that would turn people away, looking at that some people will not take him seriously, especially men, when he keeps a non masculine look.
Purring InTheDesert • 14 hours ago • edited I felt sorrow when Milo said that he would be gone for a while. I don't even know him, still... I know that each CM staff has at least one additional "body guard" angel. I think Michael needs about 12 more and Milo about 7 more.
Baseballmomof8 • 15 hours ago Jorge Bergoglio and Joe Biden both were “installed” under very questionable circumstances. They are both puppets of an unseen cabal.
Eva Marie Bryde • 15 hours ago I totally agree with Milo. Biden's body language betrayed him. He lowered his voice, severed eye contact, and stumbled over words when he said that the pope told him to keep going to Holy Communion. I don't believe him. I believe Biden was involved in calling for the media blackout so that he could use the situation to manipulate the result. The whole trip was a publicity stunt to counter the admonition of Archbishop Naumann and Archbishop Cordileone. Both of these bishops have spoken out against the hypocrisy of Biden and Pelosi. So much for transparency. Why the media blackout if there's nothing to hide?
Jack Eva Marie Bryde • 12 hours ago • edited Indeed. What could they be talking about...classified state secrets? In any case, whether Joe is lying or not, the weight of this matter demands that Bergoglio address the matter clearly, without all the shadows and smoke. Is he ever clear about anything of the Faith? He. Has. One. Job.
yvobalcer . • 16 hours ago There is truly an intimacy between Jesus and us when we faithfully receive the Holy Eucharist. God bless Milo for recognizing this.
Jack • 17 hours ago • edited see moreI pray especially to St. Tarcisius every week before I clean the church floor (what I call, the 'floor-paten') of all the particles of Our Lord's Body scattered by Communion-in-the-hand. Thank you for including him in today's discussion.
My Lord Jesus Christ, only Way to the Father,
Son of God, Divine Redeemer, Savior of the world,
I bless, adore, and glorify You.
I offer to You infinite praise for the sublime gift
of the Most Blessed Sacrament –
the Sacrament of Your Sacred Body and Precious Blood.
I beg of You mercy, grace, and peace upon this unworthy world,
and especially upon Your Holy Catholic Church.
I offer to You, O Eucharistic Lord,
my adoration, prayer, study, and good works,
my hardships, humiliations, temptations, and daily crosses.
I accept them and offer them up to You
in reparation for countless offenses against the Holy Eucharist.
I offer them for irreverent bishops, priests, deacons, and lay people,
for heresies, apostasies, and schisms,
for errors, trivialities, and novelties
preached in place of Gospel truth,
for deliberate violations of Church laws,
for countless liturgical abuses,
for illicit additions and omissions,
for reluctance to bend the knee,
for negligent familiarity with the sacred,
for scandalous behavior at the altar,
for perfunctory devotions and unworthy communions,
for unbelief and lukewarm faith,
for immodest dress and profane music,
for talk and laughter before the tabernacle,
for the neglect that is sacrilege and the laxity that is blasphemy,
for the ignorance that is indifference to revealed truth,
and for every evil assault upon the sanctity
of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
In reparation for all such godlessness within Your Church,
I offer to You, my Lord Jesus Christ,
all the difficulties of my life,
and most especially the anguish I feel
at the sight and sound of irreverence before the Holy Eucharist.
All that You have given to me I accept and offer up to You,
my Eucharistic Lord,
in reparation for countless offenses
thrown at Your Most Holy Presence.
St. Francisco Marto, Pray for us.
St. Tarcisius, Pray for us.Please forgive the length of this comment.
Baseballmomof8 Jack • 15 hours ago I actually printed it off…. Going to pray this every time I attend Mass. Did you compose this or find it somewhere?
Jack Baseballmomof8 • 13 hours ago • edited I came across this about three years ago and was struck by it. I cannot remember the source, but I of course made a copy and have been using it ever since. Today's topics seemed to speak to its sentiments.