Fake officials are going door to door asking about political affiliation

Florida Democrats are raising red flags after at least two counties in Florida reported instances of people going door-to-door, some pretending to be county officials and questioning residents about their political affiliation.
“This strikes at the heart of our democracy because it undermines people’s confidence in elections,” Jose Parra said.
In Pasco County, elections officials say they’ve been made aware of deceptive canvassers in the area.
In Seminole County, two people were reported to the sheriff’s office after officials says they lied to residents about working for the county.
“I am outraged that this is happening right under our noses in our county,” Lynn Moira Dictor with Seminole County Democrats said.
Seminole County Democrats say right-wing groups are behind the incidents. Seminole County Republicans condemned the actions saying in part “…election integrity is always important and anyone misrepresenting a county employee or election worker is unacceptable.”
“This is a moment where we have to educate voters on the proper processes that are in place to safeguard their vote,” Chris Anderson said.
Anderson is Seminole County’s supervisor of elections. He says the most important thing people need to know is that no one who truly works for the county elections office will ever go to your home. Adding, if anyone has questions about the election they should come directly to the supervisor’s office.
“If they are being told numbers they can’t make sense of or information that they can’t make sense of, if they’re being contacted by individuals that are coming to their door or calling them they need to go to the supervisor of elections office in their county so they can get the accurate information so they can move forward,” Anderson said.
Voting information is public record in Florida and canvassers are allowed to go door-to-door. However, impersonating a county official is illegal.