Sunday, October 31, 2021

Female MMA fighter badly beaten by man in controversial inter-gender bout liberateamericastaff October 31, 2021 2 min read


Female MMA fighter badly beaten by man in controversial inter-gender bout

‘How was this sanctioned?’ asked one one social media user as footage emerged of a man punching his female opponent repeatedly in the face in Poland

MMA fans were left wondering how a controversial inter-gender fight had been sanctioned after it ended with a man pinning his female opponent down and repeatedly punching her hard in the head.

The referee was forced to intervene with the woman unable to move or defend herself while the man rained down punches on her.

The bout was between female arm wrestler and fitness instructor Ula Siekacz, and beauty brand ambassador Piotrek Muaboy who describes himself as “185cm of pure sex”.

While Siekacz’s bulging biceps might have given the impression she would be able to overpower her well-groomed opponent, the opposite proved to be the case as Muaboy won by TKO.

A video of the bout shows a fairly tame opening to the second round, with neither fighter seemingly willing to go in too hard on the other.

Piotrek Muaboy threw female opponent Ula Siekacz to the ground

Piotrek Muaboy threw female opponent Ula Siekacz to the ground (Image: MMA-VIP)

The referee stopped the fight with Muaboy raining punches down on Siekacz

The referee stopped the fight with Muaboy raining punches down on Siekacz (Image: MMA-VIP)

But that all changed when Siekacz tried a daring move which backfired spectacularly.

She charged low at her opponent but Muaboy was ready for it, throwing his opponent to the floor and pinning her down.

At first the female fighter tried to fight back by punching the top of his head, but that just seemed to rile him up and he responded by putting his knee on her torso and punched her hard in the face.

The referee was then quick to stop the fight, but that didn’t stop people online from slamming the organisers of the event for allowing it to happen in the first place.

“How is this sanctioned? This is horrific,” one Twitter use said.

Another said: ” F*** everyone who took part in this,” thundered one damning critic. “And f*** you for posting [highlights of] it.”

It was not the only inter-gender fight on the bill at the MMA-VIP event in the city of Czestochowa, as Viktoria Domzalska also went up against a man called Michal Przybylowicz, who refers to himself as the “Polish Ken Doll”.

He won easily in that matchup too, while the headline bout between two men, Marcin Najman and Ryszard Dabrowski, lasted only 17 seconds before it was waved off after the latter was punched twice in the throat.

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