Klaus Schwab's Plot to Turn Men Into Monsters

I have regular contact with many people from Australia. Most of my contactees are convinced that Australia is a beta test for the test of the world. What is interesting, is that Australia is more like China, in terms of autocratic control. Much of what follows parallels, very closely, the CHICOM social credit scoring and enforcement settings.
Although the following fact is outside the purview of this article, it is clear to this writer that Covid, Covid enforcement and increased surveillance capabilities supports this beast system. Biden’s $85 billion to be spent on activating IRS agents to snoop through your accounts, will one day serve as a monitoring and enforcement agent of the coming age of technocracy and the behavioral control mechanisms social credit systems.
Queensland Eminent Domain for Non Compliance
People living Queensland, Australia, who received fines for breaking Covid-19 rules risk having their homes seized and bank accounts frozen in a government crackdown to collect $5.2 million in repayments. Please bear in mind that people, for the most part, are not able to work and therefore, they have no way of paying the fines. Some economists are saying this could have an impact on homeless rates. Another point to consider is the Janet Yellen proposal to tax all appreciated value on a house. Failure to pay, or the inability to pay can result of forfeiture of one’s home. What will they do with these homes? My contention is that this is one more strategy to remove home ownership from as many Americans as possible. It appears that the quasi-social credit system will, in part accomplish the same. After the homes are seized what will happen to the properties? These soon-to-be vacant homes, would make idea residences for new residents, like illegal immigrants and Chinese citizens who have come to America and Australia, simultaneously.
The Australians Serious About Personal Asset Confiscation
According to the Brisbane Times SPER said enforcement for people who failed to pay their fines 'may include garnishing bank accounts or wages, registering charges over property, or suspending driver licenses'.
This Goes Way Beyond Property Confiscation-They Want Your Soul
The Queensland premier Anastasia Palaszczuck’s father is the chairman of a DNA and gene company! This morning we stumbled upon some interesting information. GTA (Gene Technology Alliance): Gene Data Storage and Application with direct links to China is basically a giant DNA storage and research project happening right here in Australia. It’s also apparently known for it’s artificial intelligence technology which apparently assists in their research and their goals of manipulating human gene sequencing (ie playing with the genetic makeup of the human race). And guess who is chairman? Henry Palaszczuk. That would be Anastasia Palaszczuk’s own father.
This stunning discovery has to do with a new trillion-dollar industry and it works by combining advanced gene sequencing technology and blockchain storage technology, it adopted unique blockchain incentive mechanism to quickly attract individual users, gene sequencing companies, medical, pharmaceutical, health services and other data applications on the same platform, as a result of which, a gold mine of gene data storage and application has been built with a global genetic data storage as the core and profound application value.” Covid has been a wonderful cover for this event.
At this point, the question needs to be asked: Why? Stay tuned…the next step in the total control and manipulation of humanity, through the practice of transhumanism is directly tied to Australia.
We already know that the vaccine alters human DNA, this project does exactly the same thing. Alteration of human DNA can be the only goal. Australian researchers have extended this nocincidental link to the sale of Queensland assets to the Chinese as we are aware of connections to Trad. The Premier and now most likely through to her father Mr Henry Palaszczuk has strong connections to the CCP, according to my Australian sources.
Final Point: Who is behind this transhumanist promotion? It is none other that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. People ask me what is the Great Reset all about. I think this article, in part, answers that question. Transhumanism is being employed and it is very easy to see through what is coming. You might want to read Steve Quayle's Turning Men Into Monsters.
About the Author
Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.
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Klaus needs to be eliminated
Lupum auribus tenere
UN shills