Sunday, October 31, 2021

Missouri School Boards Association WITHDRAWS from NSBA Over ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Letter


Missouri School Boards Association WITHDRAWS from NSBA Over ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Letter

( )- After the National School Boards Association drew criticism nationally for its decision to write to the federal government and request assistance to deal with “domestic terrorist” parents, the Missouri School Boards Association has formally announced its withdrawal from the national board.

The NSBA disgracefully compared parents who are critical of teachers teaching Critical Race Theory to their children to “domestic terrorists” and requested assistance from the FBI and the Department of Justice to control those parents.

But the Missouri School Boards Association is having none of it, announcing this week that it will withdraw from the national board “effective immediately” over the matter.

A statement issued by the MSBA earlier this week said that the NSBA had “demonstrated it does not currently align with the MSBA’s guiding principles of local governance.”

“We also believe that no school board member or educator should ever have to endure threats of violence or acts of intimidation against themselves or their families for making these difficult decisions,” the statement said. “However, attempting to address that issue with federal intervention should not be the first step in most cases, and is antithetical to our longstanding tradition of local control.”

The statement noted that the NSBA published an apology statement for their letter, and while saying that it was a “step in the right direction,” the MSBA believes that there is significant work ahead that needs to be done, with a focus on implementing processes and procedures to prevent something like this from happening again in the future.

Let’s hear it for the brave school boards standing up for the rights of parents and pupils!

You can read the full letter here.

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