Saturday, October 30, 2021

SCARY BUSINESS IN LANSING NEWS: Jay McNally • • October 29, 2021 7 Comments Bp. Boyea, protector of predators, is running for a top USCCB post



by Jay McNally  •  •  October 29, 2021    7 Comments

Bp. Boyea, protector of predators, is running for a top USCCB post

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As Halloween approaches, there's another scary thing to worry about in the run-up to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) meeting in Baltimore.

Bp. Earl Boyea and Abp. Samuel Aquila

The bishops will elect new leaders for the conference. Bishop Earl Boyea of the diocese of Lansing, Michigan, is on the ballot to become chairman of the Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations. He's vying against Abp. Samuel Aquila for the post. If Boyea wins, he will play a role in how the Church deals with all sorts of issues relating to priests, nuns, deacons, seminaries, convents and monasteries.

The problem is Bp. Boyea, like many of the bishops who have come out of the archdiocese of Detroit, has demonstrated he favors the homosexual network. In this short space, and on a tight deadline, I will list some examples demonstrating that Boyea's leadership on the matter of homosexuality in the priesthood has been a disaster, and, if history is any guide for the future, it may be exponentially worse on the national level if he has a prominent leadership role.

Boyea's leadership on the matter of homosexuality in the priesthood has been a disaster.GabTweet

The most damning information about Bp. Boyea comes from the text of a long, typed complaint of criminal sexual assault made in 2018 to the Michigan State Police (MSP) by one of Fr. Mark Inglot's victims of sex abuse — whose name is not being published here. He has been identified by the diocese of Lansing as a "male coworker."

The MSP provided only a heavily redacted copy of the 12-page complaint through the FOIA process; it rejected two appeals for unredacted information. Nevertheless, I received a photocopy of most of the unredacted police report thanks to the efforts of a State Police employee whose name is not going to be revealed.

Fr. Inglot

It is important to know that Fr. Inglot's homosexuality was well known before he was named pastor — 21 years ago — of what is widely considered the most important and powerful parish in the whole diocese, St. Thomas Aquinas in Lansing. He boasted of his efforts to expand the reach of homosexualist group Dignity throughout the diocese and especially into the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He was also the director of seminarians in the 1990s.

In July 2001, almost exactly 20 years ago, The Wanderer published a long article, written by me, under the byline "Special to the Wanderer," about the Lansing diocese's effort to begin a new program of outreach of Dignity and the pro-LGBT effort throughout all diocesan parishes. The article, titled "Homosexual/CTA Agenda Advances in Lansing With Bishops' Initiative," quoted Inglot at length in a verbatim cut-and-paste of the Lansing Dignity newsletter. 

The diocesan program apparently collapsed and ended upon publication of The Wanderer article. 

But as time rolled on, Fr. Inglot's power and influence grew in the diocese. It was obvious to anyone who was watching that the gay network was in full control of the diocese of Lansing.

The excerpts below are exact quotes given to the State Police from Inglot's victim:

  • "Mark gave me two big hugs and said, 'I love you so much. I just really love you. God has pierced my heart for you.' As he gave me the second hug, he held me a little tighter and sucked my right ear"; 
  • "Father Mark and I had been drinking bourbon in the front room. We stepped outside, and, in the course of the conversation, Fr. Mark said, 'I want to suck your dick so bad. I do. I want to suck your dick'";

The victim also recalled Inglot saying the following:

  • "Remember, I asked the bishop to assign you to me. He gives me whatever I want";
  • "The bishop has a crush on me. I get whatever I want. I got you";
  • "The bishop told me when you were assigned here that you had issues, that you were a drunk. I could tell him that I'm worried about you"

Another sampling of evidence of the culture of support for the homosexual network comes by way of recent tweets by Fr. Joseph Krupp, one of the most prominent priests in the diocese. He is currently a pastor and a longtime columnist for the diocesan magazine, Faith. Father Krupp was also director of seminarians for the diocese, as was Fr. Inglot.

Krupp and Inglot worked and lived together on and off for more than a decade at the Lansing parish; Fr. Inglot was pastor, and Fr. Krupp was parochial vicar or assistant pastor. They lived in the same rectory from June 2005 to July 2009.

Father Krupp found himself harassed by Fr. Inglot and was sent to psychological counseling twice — in 2007 under Bp. Carl Mengeling and again in 2010, under Bp. Boyea. According to multiple sources familiar with the situation, Krupp was punished both times for complaining about the behavior of Fr. Inglot.

Krupp declined to talk to me about two years ago about his experience regarding Inglot and did not respond to a phone call and email requests last summer.

Here is an excerpt from one of Fr. Krupp's tweets in May 2021: "All my troubles came from one wicked priest. It was so painful a time in my life, but I obeyed my bishops. Eventually, that priest was exposed, and, in the meantime, I learned a lot about holy suffering, mercy and joy."

In July 2021, Krupp put out a Twitter thread leveling what appears to be some veiled criticism of Bp. Boyea and his chancery. His tweets were in the context of the response to coverage by The Pillar of the behavior of the third-highest-ranking priest in the USCCB, Msgr. Jeffrey Burrill, who used the gay hook-up app Grindr for years. Notably:

  • On July 20, he tweeted: "I see some are attacking [J.D. Flynn and Ed Pentin of The Pillar] for breaking the story of a priest who broke his vows. As a man who had to work with a priest who did this for years, I am grateful. Vow breaking with a willing partner is not a victimless crime; it damages everyone around them";
  • In regards to media exposing homosexual activity by priests, Fr. Krupp tweeted: "My whole opinion changed on this topic when I lived with a priest who this did sort of thing. To this day, most people just know he was discreetly removed and that has done tremendous damage"

Earlier this month, Krupp leveled more criticism indirectly against Boyea when he posted on Twitter, "The core of the problem is the lack of consequences for priests who are bad at their jobs: We can't be fired; we can't be moved, or even sent to counseling without our permission. Many priests are used to no consequences."

The diocesan website makes no reference to the actual substance of the police complaint against Inglot that led to his being removed from ministry in 2019, and incorrectly identifies it as a complaint of sexual harassment rather than criminal sexual assault. In a statement provided to CM for this article, the diocese identifies Fr. Inglot's behavior as a "betrayal of trust."

Father Inglot was not laicized or removed as punishment but was given "senior status." Here is the statement from the Communications Office of the diocese of Lansing:

Father Mark Inglot failed to meet the high standards rightfully expected of the sacred priesthood; he betrayed the trust put in him by the bishop, clergy and lay faithful of the diocese of Lansing; and, most significantly, he damaged the lives of his victims, people who showed great bravery in coming forward to tell the truth and ensure justice. Assuredly, they have our deepest apologies for any occasion when they were not believed. We are profoundly sorry that ever happened. Hence, as we review all that has occurred, it is Fr. Inglot's victims who stand most deserving and most assured of our admiration, our gratitude, and our prayers.

An additional statement from the diocese said two financial audits of Inglot's parish were conducted, and they found no evidence of "inappropriate financial activity."


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