Thursday, December 30, 2021

Communist Ghosts of Christmas Past What happened when the military sided with the people against a Stalinist dictator. Wed Dec 29, 2021 Lloyd Billingsley 31 comments


Communist Ghosts of Christmas Past

What happened when the military sided with the people against a Stalinist dictator.


“It’s 30 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union,” recalled Euronews last week, and for many around the world, the official demise of the USSR on December 25, 1991, was the greatest historical event of their lifetime. A Christmas Day two years earlier, on the other hand, may hold more significance for Americans in 2021 and beyond.

On December 25, 1989, Romanian soldiers executed dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena. The pair came up through Communist youth movements and in 1965 Nicolae became general secretary of the Romanian Communist Party and ruled in the best Stalinist tradition.

The Securitate, the regime’s secret police, sewed division among the people and built a vast network of informers. Midnight arrests, torture, and assassination were common. During a 1977 miners’ strike, the Securitate subjected union leaders to five-minute X-rays that caused cancer and killed off strike leaders. By the end of the 1970s, as this account explains, Romania was one of the most oppressive states in the world.

Ceausescu bulldozed churches, monasteries and entire neighborhoods in Bucharest. Nicolae and Elena lived like royalty as the people lined up for the barest necessities. During the 1980s, as the economy went south, Ceausescu ramped up arrests and torture.

In the city of Timisoara, the Securitate attacked pastor Laszlo Tokes for criticizing the regime, and on December 17, 1989, the people organized an anti-government demonstration. Ceausescu ordered police and Securitate to fire on the crowds, killing nearly 100 protesters. Ceausescu gave a speech blaming anti-Romanian forces but the crowd heckled the dictator. Mass protests then broke out across the country and the military sided with the people.

Ceausescu fled in a helicopter but the pilot forced a landing and soldiers took the couple into custody. Nikolae and Elena were swiftly tried for crimes against humanity and sentenced to death. As troops prepared the execution on Christmas Day, the still-defiant Elena assailed a soldier with the worst things possible to say in the Romanian language. The trooper promptly cuffed her across the face.

The troops stood the pair against a wall and unleashed their Kalashnikovs against them. Years later, squad member Ionel Boyeru, an elite paratrooper, had no regrets. Members of his family were among the millions persecuted by Ceausescu, whose loathsome regime models current developments in America.

At the close of 2021, the United States is ruled by a Junta, headed by the puppet Joe Biden and communist in all but name. Should that be doubted, consider the White House choice for comptroller of the currency in the treasury department. Lenin scholar Saule Omarova aimed to replicate Soviet banking in America. The proud Soviet apologist is hardly the only omen.

The Biden Junta is all about dividing the people on the basis of race and vaccination status. The Junta’s chief white coat supremacist, Dr. Anthony Fauci, tells Americans to disinvite unvaccinated family members to Christmas gatherings.

Those less than worshipful of the Junta are branded “domestic terrorists,” and worse.  Gen. Mark Milley, who appointed himself commander-in-chief, regards Trump supporters as brownshirts. In effect, Milley is zampolit-in-chief and military bosses are purging the ranks of conservatives, Christians, without regard to their merit as soldiers.  

On the economic side, the Biden Junta bloats the nation’s already fathomless debt and boosts inflation. The people are raising their voices against the addled Joe Biden, who knows what “let’s go Brandon” really means. As the misery index increases, the outcries are certain to surge, but there’s a problem.

As Victor Davis Hanson notes, the left “suddenly announced that should it lose congressional power in 2022 or the presidency in 2024, democracy was all but doomed.” The Junta thus construes those striving for peaceful change through elections as fomenters of a coup. Critics of the Biden Junta have already been vilified as racists, terrorists and violent extremists. That lays groundwork for the military action against them, in the style of Timisoara.

Back in December of 1989, as Ionel Boyeru explained, “They made us sign a statement saying we didn’t agree with what was happening, and vowing we would support and protect Ceausescu.” They took him down instead, and they knew it was the right thing to do.

That day joyous Romanians openly celebrated Christmas for the first time in decades and the next year the nation held free elections. All good news, but there’s a footnote. The vile Nicolae Ceausescu is the only Communist dictator in Europe who got what he deserved.  

Josef Stalin, murderer of more than 20 million, died of a heart attack on March 5, 1953. Albania’s Stalinist dictator Enver Hoxha died of complications from diabetes on April 11, 1985. Erich Honecker, Communist dictator of East Germany and builder of the Berlin Wall,  died of cancer in Chile on May 29, 1994, at the age of 81. From the grave, their victims still cry out for justice.

P.J. Clairvoyant
9 points
38 hours ago

You have to give it to them: communists never give up. They lost in Russia, Romania, Albania, East Germany and other countries. But they have resurfaced in Peru, Chile, Honduras and the United States. And they are marching on. They are nothing like Republicans.

-3 points
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colin powis
9 points
31 hours ago

Rumania and Ceausescu was the political version of the ''Wizard of Oz'' with him even attempting to make his great escape in a helicopter instead of a balloon ; moreover, much of the population were like Munchkins ..'follow the yellow brick road ''?

The irony is that Ceausescu was never a communist until he was locked up with a high profile communists and then opportunistically and pragmatically made the most of it . He was in fact just a Wallachian peasant and horse trader , highly intelligent, no doubt, but ignorant and handicapped by a narrowness of mind and worldview , ....moreover, he looked so much like his wife Elena that they could have been brother/ sister as that's the way most of the inbred peasants from his region look

There are increasing similarities between the Dem- Bolsheviks and the original version insomuch that Joe Biden is a latter day version of Mikhail Kalinin who served as nominal president of the Soviet Union when in reality he was merely a figurehead for the real rulers .

This is what Kruschev wrote of him ''under Stalin he was the nominal signatory of all decrees, while in reality he rarely took part in government business. Sometimes he was made a member of a commission, but people didn't take his opinion into account very much. It was embarrassing for us to see this; one simply felt sorry for him '' does he sound familiar ?

Moreover, the great Antony Fauci is eerily similar to Trofin Lysenko, the ''great Soviet Biologist '' who typified the corruption of science by Leftist politics ..Fauci is exactly a latter day Lysenko

3 points
25 hours ago

"A seed will not grow unless planted in fertile ground." Ceausescu's mind was already screaming to be a Communist before he was presented with the opportunity to become one. Fertile ground.

0 points
6 hours ago

Like many communist leaders, Ceausescu's fertile ground wasnt the ideology, it was the lust for absolute power, and that socioeconomic system's ability to give it.

Susan Cook
6 points
37 hours ago

"When you make peaceful revolution impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable." ~ John F. Kennedy

<3 Muah!

5 points
16 hours ago

I remember quite well when the Ceausescus were executed, reading how petrified the Romanian people were of each other. Neighbors were encouraged by authorities - possibly with rewards - to inform on one another for any objection to government rule. With the result that people became too frightened to open their mouths about anything. And the brutal oppression of people by Ceausescu thugs added to the quaking terror of their daily lives.

We have nudges of Communist terror in America now. The January 6th protestors just spent Christmas and the past year - in solitary confinement. Very cruel and unusual punishment for people not yet charged with a crime. And very unlawful as per our Constitution. These are ordinary people the government is doing that to. And getting away with it. Whether or not these people should be punished is not the point. The point is that the U.S. government under the Biden administration has severely - cruelly - viciously punished them already before most of them have even been convicted of anything.

We should all be very afraid of what they can and will do. And we’re afraid enough already. Women in sports are afraid to speak out against men competitors claiming to be Trans women for fear of being ostracized from the sport. People in the U.S. military are afraid of the punishment for objecting to Critical Race Theory indoctrination - while parents objecting to it at school board meetings face arrest! People meekly submit to a government-decreed but unnecessary vaccine to avoid losing their jobs and livelihood. And we know we can’t speak up about it on social media where we will be censored and silenced. Just as we know we no longer have a Free Press as guaranteed in our Constitution. Another indication that the current fraudulent U.S. government has become the determinant and distributor of our rights - rather than the defender of the Constitution where our individual rights are already enshrined.

We’re on the cusp of a very different world now from that of Ceausescu. We face the Metaverse and digital dictatorial control and AI thuggery. But the bad guys are exactly the same: Godless, greedy and controlling - the wanna-be gods of the Earth, such as Biden and Obama, Fauci and Klaus Schwab. Anytime anyone anywhere prevails over these monsters - it is a victory for God and the human race. Congratulations to the people of Romania on this anniversary of the Communist Ceausescu’s fall.

Vern Messer
5 points
26 hours ago

"Communist Ghosts of Christmas Past." The photos of Stalin & Lenin at the top of this article reminded of what they did to the Russian people. They starved, murdered, and executed Russian people in the millions. Far more Russians that was lost to Hitler in WWII...some 20 million. If the Democrat party in the US continues to be controlled by Marxists...the same will occur here in the US.

Kevin Carr
4 points
21 hours ago

Yuri Bezmenov warned us in the 80’s what was being done. Now we have a generation or two (AOC is a prime example ) being steeped in socialism all through school. Also, during his last year in office Obama put social justice programs into the military. Milley is also a prime example of a communist sympathizer, the others are either the same or spineless. Next war we are toast. The damage done will take twice as long to reverse. We have been cursed.

Vern Messer
4 points
26 hours ago

"As Victor Davis Hanson notes, the left “suddenly announced that should it lose congressional power in 2022 or the presidency in 2024, democracy was all but doomed.” As always, what the left announces as fact is actually the opposite effect. Should the left actually keep congressional power in 2022 or the presidency in 2024 US democracy is doomed. The United States simply cannot afford the continuing control of the Federal government by Democrats. The Democrat party is controlled by Marxist ideologs.

David Wheeler
3 points
22 hours ago

We certainly realized that after Comrade oBahma obtained power! A Marxist in all but name. My guess is he's the one pulling the strings at the Bi-Dunce W.H. But not totally in control, just the middleman, as it were.

Val Cocora
3 points
35 hours ago

Timisoara, December 1989? How could I forget? I was a student there at the time.

colin powis
-2 points
31 hours ago

How many people really died there ?

Val Cocora
7 points
20 hours ago

Quite a few, from what was found out later. But I did witness a shooting myself, it was the first night of protests, I was in the campus, a platoon of soldiers was walking on an adjacent street, students were shouting against the regime, the works.. At some point, being at the 3rd floor of a building and seeing everything from my vantage point, I noticed a soldier leaving the platoon with his Kalashnikov drawn, then I heard the sound of bullets whizzing by. Obviously, I hid inside the room for little bit, but when I looked out again, a human silhouette could be seen crumpled on the alley below. It was a student who got caught in the fire. Apparently, two others died there that night, but I only saw this one. Today, anybody who bothers visiting the University campus can see a troika erected right on the spot where "my" guy had died. I could tell many stories of that day, the kind you don't see in books or on tv, but instead I am just going to say one thing: overnight, we went from being quasi-slaves to being free men. We never thought this would happen so quick, yet it did. The lesson I took home from this is that nothing should be taken for granted. America is not immune to this, some things I read in the media make me shudder, I am more American than those bozos, and I am not even American. But I hope the American common sense, the silent majority, will prevail at the end of the day. The alternative is simply unacceptable. Stay strong America, the world needs her beacon on the hill. God bless you.

1 point
25 hours ago

What a morbid question to ask. Shame on you. Do you think Val witnessed every single murder? Your mind is gone.

0 points
6 hours ago

Really? Is asking someone who survived it how many people really died in the Kulak purge shameful? You're right that Val or any other single witness wouldn't know the total, but they would have a better idea of just about anybody that wasn't there.

Reading Colin's post above(the highest rated on the thread), it's obvious his mind isn't gone. I think you may have misunderstood his post and this is a case of friendly fire.

0 points
24 hours ago

The government covered up the massacre , but someone who lived there would know the true numbers

0 points
20 hours ago

No they would not - unless they were an eye witness to each and every murder. Without that, it is all guess-work. You are wrong as usual, Banastre, killer of women and children.

A Landmesser
0 points
21 hours ago

Hundreds more than Antifa and BLM claim that police kill in the USA each year, antifa/BLM fanboy.

Michael Jagger
1 point
15 hours ago

It won't work in America. I think these American Communist know this - but just can't help themselves. They are deploying all the communist tactics - but Americans arenot buying it, hence, Joe's poll numbers these days. I am not worried about a take over. I worry about how much damage may be done by Jan 20th 2025.

Chief Mac
1 point
26 hours ago

Am willing to pull an Ionel Boyeru

Miles Conley
1 point
20 hours ago

Here’s looking at you Barack Obama, aka Barry Dunham-Davis.

richard black
1 point
21 hours ago

The Silver Lining to this "cloud" of a story is: we need to USE the CEAUSESCU TAKE-DOWN as a BLUEPRINT for the dismemberment/DESTRUCTION of the BIDEN REGIME (although it SERIOUSLY needs to be recognized for what it TRULY is-the THIRD OBAMA TERM, FOR IT WAS NONE OTHER THAN THE "MULATTO MALICE" WHO WISHED HE COULD CONTROL THINGS FROM BEHIND THE CURTAIN AND OUT OF SIGHT FROM SCRUTINY & EXAMINATION!).....It is the ROADMAP back to FREEDOM and PROSPERITY, IF we have the courage and intestinal fortitude to FOLLOW it!

A Landmesser
1 point
21 hours ago

I believe that the Left is denying Americans their access to the soapbox, the ballot box. The only recourse when prohibited peaceful means of protest is the use of the cartridge box. If this is required, as I believe the Left will not abandon their use of long dead voters, I would urge a complete and utter purge of all members of America who have tried to destroy this nation. Those who do not confess and surrender should be given the Mussolini treatment, the others can be exiled to the socialist paradise of their choice. I saw what social justice did to Cambodia. I saw it in action in the former Yugoslavia. You can take it and stick it.

0 points
37 hours ago

"What does this mean?" the wife asks her husband. "It means we may die fighting", he answers, echoing a still quiet chorus of millions.

Andrew Blackadder
0 points
4 hours ago

How strange it is that today when many Americans see other Nations fall to Communism or Fascism or turmoil, that many Americans think it just cant happen here, in America, as if the country was a bubble unto itself... This ''bubble'' is broken, busted wide open, a Junta has taken over already, American style, sold to us like a new Soap that smell wonderful and they keep telling us that over and over and over again until you forget about the other Soap and just know the Soap of the day.... 2+2=5... Keep saying...


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