Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Why Is NASA Hiring Religious Leaders To Prepare For Encounter With Aliens? In a rather bizarre move, NASA has recruited a British priest to prepare the religious for the discovery of alien life as space agencies claim to be getting closer to discovering evidence that life exists outside of planet earth.



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Breaking News Updates - December 28, 2021
Why Is NASA Hiring Religious Leaders To Prepare For Encounter With Aliens?
In a rather bizarre move, NASA has recruited a British priest to prepare the religious for the discovery of alien life as space agencies claim to be getting closer to discovering evidence that life exists outside of planet earth.
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Canada Admits To Secretly Tracking 33 Million Phones During Covid-19 Lockdown
The pandemic has created opportunities for a massive surveillance surge on many levels - not only for public health, but also for monitoring those working, shopping and learning from home.
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Israeli Christians Are Thriving While Middle Eastern Brethren Face Persecution
While Christians are facing persecution and shrinking numbers throughout the Middle East, Israeli Christians are facing a different reality with growing numbers and high quality of life.
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Segregated Playgrounds - The Fruit Of CRT
On one Denver school playground, wokeness is in full swing! To the astonishment of the Colorado community, Centennial Elementary was advertising a special "families of color playground night" on their outside billboard -- the brainchild of the school's "Dean of Culture".
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Israel Bible


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