Wednesday, December 29, 2021

HEADLINES...Standing Up for Faith NC sheriff won't remove Bible verse from office... DECEMBER 29, 2021 Get briefed on today's top stories with Christine Niles.


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DECEMBER 29, 2021

Get briefed on today's top stories with Christine Niles.

Media Flooded With Pro-life Testimony
ABC News didn't get what it expected. FULL STORY

Deplatform White Parents?​​​​
Buzzfeed changes anti-white article title. FULL STORY

American Priest Laicized
Pope defrocks cleric convicted of sex trafficking. FULL STORY

Irish Midnight Mass Mockery​​​​​
Catholics denounce liturgical abuse. FULL STORY

African Priest Murdered
Gunmen shoot Nigerian priest on Christmas Eve. FULL STORY

Standing Up for Faith
NC sheriff won't remove Bible verse from office. FULL STORY

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