Hillary's Five Step Plan for "Re-Educating" of America

I have been consulting with federal officials, both military and law enforcement or recently retired people from these two groups for years. I have read and published government documents associated with a huge purge of conservatives, whose strategies, are already well underway. Of all the topics I write about, the topic of voter fraud and the genocidal takeover of America are the two topics that fall strongly within my personal and professional wheelhouse. This article briefly reviews facts already in evidence and the unfolding mechanisms of tyranny and genocide that are well underway.
We all agree that the Deep State is in trouble due to the stalled Biden legislation. The process must be accelerated because time is not on the side of the Deep State. A simultaneous power grab and deadly purge must commence in the near future because of the rising red tide.
Review of What Was Previously Discussed
In past articles, I have made it abundantly clear that the following is in the process of taking place:
- Hillary has been selected to make a comeback and will assume the Presidency. It is her Deep State destiny that she will initiate a horrendous purge that rivals any past despotic dictator in the history of the planet.
- I have detailed the order of succession that must take place and it is a two-step process.
- The demise and forced resignation over her role in the Smollett attempt at starting a race war. Kamala was the mastermind and Kim Fox was here legal cover by refusing to prosecute Smollett for his obvious fraud. Fox is being rolled up on as are the Nigerian participants. After assuming the soon-to-be Biden departure, Kamala will be leveraged and she will be forced to resign, for personal reasons, the Presidency and Hillary, who will have been appointed for the Vice Presidency will have already been put in place.
- I hope Biden leaves office, peacefully, through the 25th Amendment. However, there is much political fall out for a peaceful transition of power. The Democrats will be blamed by the public for selecting such an infirm subject to run for the President. His status as a puppet President would dominate water cooler discussion. Most Americans would wake up to the fact, that we do not live in any kind of a Democratic Republic. It is more beneficial to the Deep State that Biden would leave office in a violent manner. A Deep State assassin(s) (false flag of course) would be framed as a Christian and a Second Amendment Trump Supporter. This would open the door to gun confiscation and a political purge and mass arrest in FEMA camps under the NDAA. As far as the potential Deep State removal of Biden, a mass casualty event, perpetrated by the same right wing group, is a secondary possibility and this event would be blamed on the same right wing forces with the same result and Biden would be portrayed as an innocent victim. Before judging the assassination scenario that any sane person opposes, ask yourself, is there anything that the Left will not do to gain and solidify their power? This violent extreme Left approach accomplishes regime change, gun confiscation and persecution of key dissidents. In the second phase of this plot, it is obvious to assume that millions of right wingers would be on their way to the camps.
The Deep State Is Losing Control and They Are Moving to Accelerate Their Genocidal Plan
With every passing day, I am more convinced that a dramatic turn of events is needed by the Left because the masses are not on board with anymore mandates and restrictions on liberties. The public is beginning to become red-pilled and are starting to see through the mainstream media and the Democratic Party, Independents, the young voters and Hispanic voters are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. In fact, each one of the aforementioned groups has experienced an approximate 50% shift in party allegiance. This spells disaster for the Bolsheviks who are taking over this country and they are largely unopposed but they will not be unopposed for long given these dramatic political shifts in allegiance. This underlies the need for a violent regime change perpetrated by the Left which will invoke both public sympathy and outrage, for Biden, and this needed to head off the tide of populism that is sweeping the country. Biden is merely a pawn in the scheme and is expendable. He has played his role.
Following the removal of Biden, it is likely that a state of existing Civil War would be declared and the United Nations (eg Chinese wearing blue helmets) will be brought out into the open and actively begin to squelch any conservative political action and this would be legitimized by invoking the Kigali Principles. Led by UN Peacekeepers and the Democratic Party, the order of attack would quickly and clearly be established as the alt media, fired medical personnel, expunged military for vaccine refusal (the heart of any armed resistance) key conservative politicians (at all levels of government), conservative military officers and their families will be removed from society in a modern day “Night of the Broken Glass” event as a nation wide round up will take place at 4AM Eastern. The total number involved would be approximately 100,000 and this will be the Deep State’s version of the Rapture.
Hillary Is the “Fun Camp” President
Hillary, in the 2016 Presidential campaign was touted as the Fun Camp Presidential candidate because of her comments that any unhappy American should be incarcerated for their own good.
So, how will Hillary accomplish the takedown and the Bolshevik takeover of America? First, America needs to understand that Marxist-Communist takeover has gone as far as it can go without perpetrating violence against, first, the resistance leadership, and second, the rank and file of loyal Americans. In a Communist takeover, both groups are targeted for death. Steve Quayle used to call this the Red List…Blue List…etc., and Steve was 100% correct. How many will be liquidated? The baseline for liquidation would be at least the 80-90 million, and that is the estimated number who voted for Trump. Of course, this list would be greatly expanded as 150 million would not be an overestimate. By looking at this purge on this level, the similarity between the number of targeted Americans and the death toll as reported in the Deagel Report cannot be overstated. These numbers exceeds both Stalin and Hitler’s domestic purge leaving only Mao’s cultural revolution of the 1960’s in the same ballpark with regard to the number murdered citizens.
I have written extensively with regard to this purge beginning in late 2012. I am not alone, Doug Hagmann and Steve Quayle have been at the forefront of warning that the building blocks of American genocide were being put into place. Unfortunately, because this strategy was patient and progressive as was the Russian plan, called the Scissors Plan, which is now in full swing by the Chinese, the UN, the Democratic Party and the puppet masters of the Deep State, the public did not have the patience to observe this unfolding plan. Because we are closer to the ultimate takeover, and it is becoming increasingly obvious, I think it possible than millions of Americans will join the ranks of the awakened.
When I have spoken to a variety of civic groups, they frequently ask me what will this purge look like? Certainly Covid and related mandates will play a role in the incarcerations and extermination of the perceived enemies of the new emerging Bolshevik state. I have a substantial following in New Zealand some of the citizens are telling me that euthanasia for covid, in the camps, has been authorized. The information is not yet available. However, the reports are too numerous to not have some substance behind them. I have reported on state governments such as New York and Oregon which have declared the right to engage in unwarranted snatches of people off the street, call it covid, and indefinitely detain said citizens. This is the beginning of an enemies list.
Where is the Going?
America can expect to see the following take place:
- The continued conversation of shopping malls, stadiums, arenas, strip malls and schools will greatly expand the number of FEMA camps through existing structure conversion. These camps will serve as slave labor camps and extermination camps, or both.
- Obama’s Executive Order 13603 was created for Hillary’s anticipated 2017 Presidency. It contained the following general provisions:
- Slave Labor camps
- Extermination camps which also links to HHS documents called ESF# 8-14 used for medical incarceration
- Control of all food and food production
- Control of all water
- Control of all private assets
The backdrop of a violent change in power and subsequent martial law under the Kigali Principles would provide the impetus for such actions.
- “The Gathering” so to speak has been rehearsed. It is possible to roundup the leadership opposition. However, the rank and file is another matter. It is necessary to bring the people to the camps willingly. This was first rehearsed a decade ago, in Colorado. in Operation Mountain Guardian.
- The UN part of the final takeover was practiced in Jade Helm 15-16.
- The backbone of the resistance will be purged military for not complying with vaccine mandates. How to deal with this was extensively practiced during Jade Helm 16, which took place in Obama’s last year in office.
These progressions of control needs to be fully exposed, from Executive Order 13603 to Operation Mountain Guardian, and exposed it will be in upcoming articles. Further, FM 39.4, the NDAA, and more will be exposed in future articles as well.
Hillary and her fellow globaists would not refer to this genocide. They will use a softer term that we know as "Re-Education Camps."
I am not the only source capable of providing this analysis and I am certain that many of my colleagues will join me in the exposure of what has already been practiced for what is coming. I have been writing about this for 10 years, in detail, and I feel I have the Deep State’s playbook. I understand their battle plan and the order of implementation. This will all be shared in upcoming articles.
Finally, my fellow Americans need to understand tens of millions of you have been marked for extermination. Further, and because this move is decidedly Satanic in its origins, we need to understand that your very soul is at risk as well. There are things that we can do as well and this will be discussed in future articles. However, before looking at long-term solutions, all people need to make their individual survival a priority. Whether you realize it or not, you are a frontline participant in a war and the mission of this series is get the average American to appreciate the gravity of everyone’s intended fate. Finally, pray for salvation and deliverance.
About the Author
Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.
Hilary's 5 step plan