Us So Stupid
How the Left views middle Americans as sub-human.
Bette Midler should wear a name tag that reads, “Hi, I’m a super-rich, Hollywood elitist who thinks Red Staters are sub-human.” But that would be superfluous.
After Sen. Joe Manchin announced that he could not support Biden’s $4.5 trillion Build Back Better/Socialism Forever Plan – which would have been gas on the raging fires inflation (now at almost a 40-year high) – Midler attacked his West Virginia constituents as “poor, illiterate and strung out.” I’m surprised she didn’t add something about their teeth and the marriage of first cousins.
Personally, I would rather live next-door to the average West Virginian than the typical denizen of Beverly Hills. (See, Bette, even though I voted for Trump twice, I can use big words.) Being called illiterate and strung out by a member of the entertainment conglomerate – who generally have the IQs of gnats and are only occasionally sober -- is, to say the least, ironic.
This is not about the calorically-challenged, hideously unattractive, singer/ whatever, but the way “progressives” view us, and why the left is increasingly dangerous to life and liberty.
Bette’s tirade is only the latest chapter in the left’s war on normalcy. Back in 1993, the Washington Post described conservative Christians as “largely poor, uneducated and easy to command.”
I wrote at the time that I was a Jew who identified with the political agenda of the Christian right, owned several pairs of shoes, graduated from an East Coast university, was admitted to the practice of law in two states and considered myself an independent thinker, guided by reason.
Two decades later, then-Governor Andrew Cuomo (who believed in hands-on training for his female aides) said conservatives who are pro-life, pro-Second Amendment and opposed to the gay agenda, “have no place in the state of New York.” In other words, they shouldn’t be breathing -- the air!
Actor Jim Carrey describes gun owners as losers with a sexual inferiority complex. (He’s being too hard on Alec Baldwin.) In one of his rants, he suggested that for what he called their depraved indifference to school shootings, NRA members had forfeited their right to live.
Speaking at a Planned Parenthood rally in 2013, then-Sen. Frank Lautenberg said pro-lifers “don’t deserve the freedoms in the Constitution” – just like unborn children.
Standing on the steps of the Supreme Court building in March, Sen. Charles Schumer told conservative justices, who could decide the fate of Roe, that they “have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price,” also that they “won’t know what hit them.”
I’ve spent most of my adult life disagreeing with SCOTUS on a broad range of issues. It’s one thing to say, “That’s not in the Constitution,” and another to issue thinly-veiled threats.
When it’s convenient, the left will condone just about anything. Recall the way they either ignored or rationalized the murder and mayhem of their favorite activists -- Black Lives Matter and Antifa – in 2020.
Is it alarmist to say that we’re dealing with individuals who are increasingly unhinged? From sneering insults to you-don’t-have-right-to-live with decent folks, to threats of violence, the mainstream left is going to a dark and dangerous place.
They support cancelling conservatives on college campuses and in the social media They tell parents they have no right to oppose the indoctrination of their children.
Where is all of this headed – to a Ministry of Propaganda, imprisonment for crimes against the state (the January 6 Commission), martial law? No wonder they don’t want the rabble to own guns.
In November, actor Seth Rogen (best known for playing pot heads) got into a Twitter tiff with someone described as a YouTube personality, when the latter expressed frustration at having his car broken into when parked on the streets of Los Angeles, which he described as a “crime-riddled third world sh-thole.”
In a classic let-them-eat-cake moment, Rogen said he’d lived in LA for 20 years and had his car broken into 15 times. Dude, “It’s lovely here” and, if you don’t want your windows smashed, don’t leave valuable stuff in your car. It’s a small price to pay for living in our progressive paradise.
For Rogen, who’s worth an estimated $80 million and lives in a $2.1-million, 2,853-sq. foot bungalow, it’s easy to be blasé about how crime affects people who can’t hire private security.
This stark indifference to the suffering of others -- from high crime rates to inflation to open borders, to empty shelves --is the stuff from which revolutions are forged. More than indifference, Hollywood aristocrats like Rogen have bankrolled the politicians who’ve turned so many once-thriving cities into cesspools of crime, homelessness and addiction.
They rarely miss an opportunity to express their contempt for gun-owners, Trump voters, Church-going Americans, and those who work in an industry that heats their mansions and fuels their limos.
Their favorite smears include “bigot,” “fascist,” “insurrectionist,” “enemy of democracy,” “fanatic,” “misogynist, “homophobe,” “transphobe,” “religious zealot” and (of course) “unvaccinated.”
But the revolution – or counter-revolution – is coming.
When the poor, illiterate and strung-out masses go to the polls next year, it’s the Bourbons who won’t know what hit them.
mail in voting, Facebook-type ( or whatever it’s called) huge money dumps, very organized CCP backed ‘ get out the vote’ organizations, voting law manipulation, very blatant vote fraud. I wouldn’t be so confident. What will it take?
Exactly, they have their blueprint for success and they will do it again.
That's what the successful rapist thinks, till he meets an armed woman who ends his miserable life. People know what the Leftruds and RINOs did. If it happens again we are either lost or are at war.
"This stark indifference to the suffering of others--from high crime rates to inflation to open borders, to empty shelves--is the stuff from which revolutions are forged." Don Feder, you have just perfectly summarized the reason for the Trump phenomenon. I remember walking on Fifth Avenue a few decades ago and rarely hearing English spoken. That was a great awakening for me.
The foreign population is the largest than at any time in its history. Foreigners now account for more growth than natural born Americans. The law must be enforced and if you enter the US illegally your children even if born here are not US citizens.
That sounds a lot like every city in Britain, almost no English speaking.
How can you talk about the next election if we don't fix what happened in the last one? To assume they progressives will be shown the door is to ignore very recent history.
How can you talk about giving up when the fight has just begun? You had better make up your mind to fight to the death...because the Democrat Communists are going to purge this country of dissidents just like Stalin did in Russia when he murdered over 20 million.
They sure want to.
Hollywood is the avant guarde of the Leftist movement and as such they are the group that's most out of touch with average Americans, especially in rural areas
Like many conservatives the author has high hopes for the midterms next year but I seriously doubt there'll be a ''red wave ''; it seems more likely to be a narrow victory like what happened in the recent Virginia governor's race .. 49%-51%
The fact is that Leftist has spread like a cancer throughout much of the country, especially among the young . In fact the divisions between Left/ Right are becoming more polarised and extreme by the month and this is not something that we can vote our way out of , especially when the Dems are clearly using Covid as a pretext to make mail in voting the norm .
After the blatant fraud and swindle of the last presidential election an ominous precedent has been set ; voter integrity has been lost and so there's no reason why we should trust the Dems to behave in a legal and honourable way in any future elections
The ''Red Wave'' is merely wishfully thinking , methinks... If you had an accountant or some other employee who had been caught cooking the books and swindling your business, would you then trust him with further transactions ?
It was the election of Abraham Lincoln that proved to be the final straw, or spark, that tipped the country into civil war back in 1860 and I suspect that blatant election fraud by the Dems will be the spark that destroys the Union's surely coming, whether its next year or in 2024 .. it could even be something like political assassination that proves to be the tipping point .. If Trump were to get bumped off either just before or after the 2024 elections then that's it GAME OVER !
Correct. The election fraud has people in a white rage, myself included. I disagree with you discounting the red wave. People are furious about out-of- control crime brought on by BLM, Antifa and defund the police. I think many local politicians will be trounced.
Remember Obama's wildly popular Obamacare. The next Congressional elections saw him loss massively in the senate and the house. The same will occur in 2022. Xiden has accomplished the impossible disuniting the country more than Obama, destroying the economy in record time, driving the deficit up to levels inline with Greece or Italy. We are now at 300% GNP, a point of no return. He is purging the military and ruling via politburo replete with communists.
Only an Obamaista would say this is going to be a near thing. Virginia was a near thing because the GOP as is their wont ran a RINO who offered the usual "I love apple pie, mom and puppies." Other than that he is another swamp dweller and nothing will change except the march towards socialism will be slowed from 75 mph to 25 mph.
The only question will the resulting red wave be Reagans or RINOs.
You are deluding yourself again ViRGINIA was 49-51
Youngkin better deliver but there are already signs he's no DeSantis or Trump, GOP RINO.
He won because of Virginian patriots who volunteered to be poll watchers and precinct officials after the 2020 steal. The Dems would have been stupid to try and slip a carload of fake ballots in or a missing flashdrive. Too many eyes on this one.
Mayares our new AG seems to be the real deal. He sounds like DeSantis. He should have run for governor.
Looks like we know what's on your wish list, you little P.O.S.
Concern Troll = pretending to be on our side but always finding fault and emphasizing the negatives. In reality, a Troll for the other side.
Collin clearly is a antifa/blm fanboy gaslighting the gullible. But catch his show at Man's World. Obama recommends his $2 special.
Actor's are gifted liars, nothing else.
Would you rather go hunting with Dick Chaney or make a movie with Alec Baldwin?
I'd rather make a hunting movie with Monica Bellucci called "The Naked Prey." A home movie. I think there already was a Cornel Wilde movie with that title but mine would be better.
She is the reason why we should never have written the First Amendment.
I suspect that their limousines are better armed than most homes.
"Back in 1993, the Washington Post described conservative Christians as “largely poor, uneducated and easy to command.”
Would the WaPo ever say that inner-city Democrat strongholds are largely populated by people who are "poor, uneducated, and easy to command"?
The Washington garbage liner has always supported central government control. It always followed the NY Times lead. It has never met a dictator it didn't like nor a police state it didn't love.
The Democrats and the Left see themselves as 1) innocence of all cultural sin and free from all isms, 2) elitists, 3) our superiors, 4) more sophisticated, 5) smarter, 6) have a more noble cause, 7) they know best what's good for you — being out ‘betters’, and therefore we are the ones best qualified to lead you.
Its called hubris. Lefturds are so ignorant that they can't understand what they are guilty of. Moral blindness is a symptom of mental illness.
While it's true that the execrable Bette Midler - whose own father disliked her - is an easy target, there's also Chelsea Handler, Kathy Griffin, Sarah Silverman and a host of other Hollywood twits who are too self-absorbed to know when to keep their mouths shut.
We are beset on all sides by spoiled celebrities, mostly female but not always - whose mediocrity is surpassed only by their grandiosity.
And they've bled into the halls of congress, inevitably, as the ever appalling "Squad."
Everywhere one looks, things have gotten out of hand - but there's always a reckoning, eventually.
Bette started her career in gay bath houses. You can see how that impacted her views. The steam also mildewed her little tiny brain. Compassion, humanity are removed when you get to Hollyweird and has since the late 60s. What charities can Bette boast of? She worked with Jane Fonda though, that great patriot. When they show up on Jeopardy they always demonstrate they have the IQ of trained seals and the knowledge of second graders, which accounts for the certitude of their opinions. I mean they've been handed these positions directly by the polituro. The denizens of the tarpits march in lockstep. Gone are the days of Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, Bob Hope, Richard Widmark, Jack Benny, and Danny Thomas. In their place we get these horrors.
So great to start the New Year off reading middle school commentary. Widmark was an advocate of gun control and a life-long Democrat.
Elites live in a bubble and think they are so intelligent and sophisticated. Someday they will realize just how little they really know or understand about life.
I know of a family with a house in Venice California who routinely has homeless, strung out bums having sex right in front of their front door. They have children and the house is about 2 million. Who chooses to live like that??
A bucket of icy cold water would solve the problem. I visited Venice Beach a few years ago and it seemed largely nice but with pockets I would not want to return to.
Yeah, from your lips to God’s ear.
Don't kid yourself. There are more than a few Republicans every bit as condescending and contemptuous.
Indeed there must be some. But they are the exceptions opposed to the goose stepping Borg that Lefturds are.
Hopefully next year the voting polls will be full of sane people who love America and detest the leftist enemies within. Leftist tactics of dumping mail in votes from China and voting machines on the internet amongst a myriad of other cheating venues may precipitate a real war. There is a choking to death of America with a heavy chain wrapping itself around our collective necks. Want to know who is holding the chain and tightening it to such a deadly result? Just move one letter from CHAIN, the A to the last letter and get CHINA. Resist the destruction of our heritage and freedoms, resist evil.
I wouldn't let that "woman?" anywhere near my dick! I think she's commo male in disguise!
My guess is that you have little problem keeping women away from your richard.
They will ALWAYS show the themselves as the LYING Narcissists that they are. If their Royalty view of themselves is threaten, they will ALWAYS lash out at the lowly subjects! BUT in the end, what Dictator has EVER lasted? The commoners will have the last word, WE keep THEM alive. 🙂😠
Interesting to note here that an 'educational attainment' list of states on Wikipedia has California with a lower percentage of high school grads than West Virginia. Yes, CA does have a higher percentage of college grads but that makes sense with the concentration of tech, the entertainment industry, and a large higher education sector. WV has a small population and the economy has always been based on mining, forestry, and agriculture so tell me again why they need a lot of college grads?
Midler. Latuenberg. Schumber. Rogen. Almost like there's a pattern.
If you look at the composition of the early communist party of Lenin you'll see the same pattern. You'll also see it in South Africa with white supporters of the ANC.
You also see it in every leftist organization in this country or Europe. Almost like it's an International problem.
don't have the balls to say JEWS, you cowardly Jew hating lowlife?
It's become obvious that the elites are so much better than us that their lynchings require velvet rope. And you'd better be properly masked.
I have a name for Bette Midler......satan worshiping BITCH.
If Bette Midler were the last woman on earth, well then, celibacy would be easy.
Did you ever know you're not my hero?
I know that you think that Trump is dirt.
You are beneath a female beagle.
You are the wind beneath your skirt.
From a Distance, Midler sang that there is harmony. From a distance her eyes could not see conflict. When she is not at a distance, instead of her eyes, she uses her mouth and provides disharmony.
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I was surprised she was still alive. The Geico Gecko has a better career than her.
she's a homely meiskeit (sp?) ravenous for relevance