Evening News

DECEMBER 30, 2021
Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.
Church Militant Evening News.
MarxismNoWay • an hour ago Happy 2022...don't let the Great Reset and their BLM and Antifa "armies" force you into taking the poison jab and bioweapon boosters in 2022. They will try to make 2022 worse than 2021 and 2020. And don't forget...Pachamama Bergoglio and the USCCB are part of the Great Reset....RESIST!
GoldenRudy • 2 hours ago The destruction of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is as if someone drew a mustache of the Mona Lisa. To me, there is no, zero, excuse for such activity. What are the young thinking? No wonder the churches are emptying.
DeMO • 4 hours ago At one time is was echoed that Rome must fall. Now it changes to The Vatican must fall. to end this charade of evil that has taken over the Roman Catholic Church. I do Point out the phrase "Roman Catholic" that speaks the base who aligns itself with the same group it has for Millennia.
Carmen Sands • 6 hours ago Joseph van Haren
If you walk into a Mass with this shocking Liturgical abuse going on , you would have to walk strait out again, to stay would be taken part , express your disgust to priest and Bishop.
Augustine • 9 hours ago The infiltration of the Church began centuries ago, by Masons through the Jesuits. They have been systematically elevating one another, while suppressing Priests who would have (if given the opportunity of position), risen against their Luciferian influence. There’s a channel on YouTube (of all places!), where very comprehensive research on history, forbidden subjects of secret societies, the Bible, God, and the current Cult which is “The World” (Matrix) in which we find ourselves. The channel is: “Probably Alexandra”. Truly an invaluable education- there is an 8 part series I just finished called “Programmed: ........ (parts 1 - 8). It’s good to learn to recognize the enemy and his tactics, to avoid, and help others recognize and avoid the traps; the knowledge will be useful in rescuing loved ones who have been ensnared as well.
Pax Domini,
jack g. • 11 hours ago As far as what's going on in CC we need to look closer at prophecies from heaven over the ages, seems to me that Akita, Quito, Fatima, la Salete are being fulfilled in many ways. That means we can soon expect illumination and warning and so on. Maranatha
Robbi • 12 hours ago I asked for a bit of humor after Dr. Mahoney's joke last night and didn't expect this Priest giving me such a show. Wasn't as shocked with this 'Liturgical Dancing' as on Christmas Day. 😂🤣😢😢 Priest's Flamenco looks like my Banty Rooster trying to mate and wouldn't you know...His red-clad wenches even tease like the hens. Curious, has he grown spurs on his ankles to keep these hens in line? Too sad it's serious...Yet more attacks on the Mass.
Phyllis O • 12 hours ago • edited Good heavens...where have you folks been for the past 40-50 years or so???? The weird novus ordo services you're highlighting here have been going on all over the world and much worse since vatican II. You're acting like this is a new phenomena. Why do you think so many have left this mess for traditional groups?
My personal favorites were the mime Mass (sort of like one of the infamous clown Masses of the 80s, but with people acting out the Mass through silent miming), and polka Masses. Then there's also the rock Masses, and the dancing girls masses, and the masses where nuns do all the readings, serve as eucharistic ministers, serve as "altar nuns" and give the homily. All the priest has to do is a "sorta consecration" and then he just sits down and lets the show circle around him.
You say that "If enough people stood up and spoke out against this stuff, it would stop." It's that simple, really? You honestly believe that no one has spoken out against liturgical abuse until now? I argued myself hoarse during the 80's and 90's over this stuff, until I left that nonsense behind for good. They don't care what we think, Bill. They have an agenda for the Church and tradition and decorum and respect have nothing to do with it.
jack g. Phyllis O • 11 hours ago gay Judases in the lead are simply using and abusing CC for personal gain, and only God can stop them by our conversions and prayer. They have it coming, and I don't wish them hell but it will be hard for them to escape it
too deep in sin
we need to beg God for a Divine intervention and conversion
Michelle Campbell jack g. • 11 hours ago That's why after the Baltimore Rosary Rally in November l suspect Michael Voris included the supplication prayer request from Heaven for 'the Purification or Eradication of the USCCB'....
The CM Staff pray this at Lauds & Vespers now.
Things are so out-of-control, desperate times.... 🙏💒🙏
Stephanie McCutcheon • 12 hours ago Please stop hyphenating Americans! If you are a legal citizen of this country, you are American! Plain and simple.
Michelle Campbell Stephanie McCutcheon • 12 hours ago Don't see any of what you're talking about on this comments page. 🔎
Michelle Campbell • 13 hours ago • edited That Spanish 'flamenco' variation looks like it could just about kill that priest.
Wonder if those 3 red clad babes were covering for him on camera. Ole.
💃💃💃 📹
Andrew F. Castaneda • 13 hours ago Old Cupich appears to wearing Fr. Pflueger's
underwear as a face mask!
Michelle Campbell disqus_AgUhbA6fZu • 13 hours ago Yes, Glory to God!!!
Love St John Cantius IN Chicago online at 7:30 am!!!
I watch them every Sunday and love these dear priests.
So precious. I pray for them & the altar servers to stay Holy.
Their sermons are worth listening to.
One particular priest is a young blond fellow that exudes holiness...
I watch him very closely during the Consecration and am blown away
during these moments.... ☀️🍷
Love The Lorax • 13 hours ago • edited Years ago, before I became Catholic, I went to a Mass with my husband. This was a new church, and not long into the service a couple of young women came dancing down the aisle, spinning and gyrating. Husband stood up, said this is not appropriate and off we went.
Robbi Michelle Campbell • 12 hours ago Began watching a Christmas Eve Mass the next day on YouTube since I was held-up in an Emergency...As usual for the Holiday Season. Couldn't believe it when sitting down finally and exhausted to see this woman beginning to gyrate and the Priest called it "Liturgical Dancing". Off it went IMMEDIATELY. Have tried to find it again and it isn't coming up. Don't know which Church it was from. CRAZY!!!
Michelle Campbell Robbi • 12 hours ago • edited Tragic, unspeakable.
St John Cantius Mass in Chicago looked like its Midnight Mass was
What a beloved Polish Catholic Church begun in 1898. 💒
So far 'Cupcake' is not molesting them.
Blobee Michelle Campbell • 11 hours ago • edited Sorry Michele, but you are incorrect about Cantius not being affected by Cupich's decree. You need to look at their web site. The edict from Cupich includes SJC. I know. I'm a parishioner.
Michelle Campbell Blobee • 11 hours ago Really? I'm puzzled. Then why do they say TLM?
Tell me more. 💒
Robbi Michelle Campbell • 12 hours ago I need to check it. A good Mass creates such happiness and peace...God's love becomes so concrete. THX for the info.
Michelle Campbell • 13 hours ago • edited Looks to me like these clerical jokers cannot STOP HAVING GROSS FUN bashing the Mass of the Ages dancing & prancing like Protestant Mega-Church entertainers.
This hideous Father Pfleger is it, acting like this...the only thing missing is BIG
BLOND HAIR BLOWDRIED BACK like a TV Evangelist hawking for funds 🦳
Did l see this miserable so-and-so wearing a DEMAND-JUSTICE sweatshirt?
What? No, tell the truth, you mean DEMAND-VENGEANCE....
And l believe the brothers. They need true justice nailing you, 'father'.
Cupich, on your day of reckoning, give my warmest regards to the one you serve.
Hope you can dance, can you...on hot coals? ☄☄☄☄☄
This is a tragedy to type in.
ByzantineCatholic • 14 hours ago • edited Please God help us! If I walked in to a Mass service like this , I would walk out. Sorry but not going to stay!
MarxismNoWay • an hour ago Happy 2022...don't let the Great Reset and their BLM and Antifa "armies" force you into taking the poison jab and bioweapon boosters in 2022. They will try to make 2022 worse than 2021 and 2020. And don't forget...Pachamama Bergoglio and the USCCB are part of the Great Reset....RESIST!
GoldenRudy • 2 hours ago The destruction of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is as if someone drew a mustache of the Mona Lisa. To me, there is no, zero, excuse for such activity. What are the young thinking? No wonder the churches are emptying.
DeMO • 4 hours ago At one time is was echoed that Rome must fall. Now it changes to The Vatican must fall. to end this charade of evil that has taken over the Roman Catholic Church. I do Point out the phrase "Roman Catholic" that speaks the base who aligns itself with the same group it has for Millennia.
Carmen Sands • 6 hours ago Joseph van Haren
If you walk into a Mass with this shocking Liturgical abuse going on , you would have to walk strait out again, to stay would be taken part , express your disgust to priest and Bishop.Augustine • 9 hours ago The infiltration of the Church began centuries ago, by Masons through the Jesuits. They have been systematically elevating one another, while suppressing Priests who would have (if given the opportunity of position), risen against their Luciferian influence. There’s a channel on YouTube (of all places!), where very comprehensive research on history, forbidden subjects of secret societies, the Bible, God, and the current Cult which is “The World” (Matrix) in which we find ourselves. The channel is: “Probably Alexandra”. Truly an invaluable education- there is an 8 part series I just finished called “Programmed: ........ (parts 1 - 8). It’s good to learn to recognize the enemy and his tactics, to avoid, and help others recognize and avoid the traps; the knowledge will be useful in rescuing loved ones who have been ensnared as well.
Pax Domini,
🙏🇺🇸🇦🇺🇨🇦🌎jack g. • 11 hours ago As far as what's going on in CC we need to look closer at prophecies from heaven over the ages, seems to me that Akita, Quito, Fatima, la Salete are being fulfilled in many ways. That means we can soon expect illumination and warning and so on. Maranatha
Robbi • 12 hours ago I asked for a bit of humor after Dr. Mahoney's joke last night and didn't expect this Priest giving me such a show. Wasn't as shocked with this 'Liturgical Dancing' as on Christmas Day. 😂🤣😢😢 Priest's Flamenco looks like my Banty Rooster trying to mate and wouldn't you know...His red-clad wenches even tease like the hens. Curious, has he grown spurs on his ankles to keep these hens in line? Too sad it's serious...Yet more attacks on the Mass.
Phyllis O • 12 hours ago • edited Good heavens...where have you folks been for the past 40-50 years or so???? The weird novus ordo services you're highlighting here have been going on all over the world and much worse since vatican II. You're acting like this is a new phenomena. Why do you think so many have left this mess for traditional groups?
My personal favorites were the mime Mass (sort of like one of the infamous clown Masses of the 80s, but with people acting out the Mass through silent miming), and polka Masses. Then there's also the rock Masses, and the dancing girls masses, and the masses where nuns do all the readings, serve as eucharistic ministers, serve as "altar nuns" and give the homily. All the priest has to do is a "sorta consecration" and then he just sits down and lets the show circle around him.
You say that "If enough people stood up and spoke out against this stuff, it would stop." It's that simple, really? You honestly believe that no one has spoken out against liturgical abuse until now? I argued myself hoarse during the 80's and 90's over this stuff, until I left that nonsense behind for good. They don't care what we think, Bill. They have an agenda for the Church and tradition and decorum and respect have nothing to do with it.
jack g. Phyllis O • 11 hours ago gay Judases in the lead are simply using and abusing CC for personal gain, and only God can stop them by our conversions and prayer. They have it coming, and I don't wish them hell but it will be hard for them to escape it
too deep in sin
we need to beg God for a Divine intervention and conversionMichelle Campbell jack g. • 11 hours ago That's why after the Baltimore Rosary Rally in November l suspect Michael Voris included the supplication prayer request from Heaven for 'the Purification or Eradication of the USCCB'....
The CM Staff pray this at Lauds & Vespers now.
Things are so out-of-control, desperate times.... 🙏💒🙏
Stephanie McCutcheon • 12 hours ago Please stop hyphenating Americans! If you are a legal citizen of this country, you are American! Plain and simple.
Michelle Campbell Stephanie McCutcheon • 12 hours ago Don't see any of what you're talking about on this comments page. 🔎
Michelle Campbell • 13 hours ago • edited That Spanish 'flamenco' variation looks like it could just about kill that priest.
Wonder if those 3 red clad babes were covering for him on camera. Ole.
💃💃💃 📹Andrew F. Castaneda • 13 hours ago Old Cupich appears to wearing Fr. Pflueger's
underwear as a face mask!Michelle Campbell disqus_AgUhbA6fZu • 13 hours ago Yes, Glory to God!!!
Love St John Cantius IN Chicago online at 7:30 am!!!
I watch them every Sunday and love these dear priests.
So precious. I pray for them & the altar servers to stay Holy.
Their sermons are worth listening to.
One particular priest is a young blond fellow that exudes holiness...
I watch him very closely during the Consecration and am blown away
during these moments.... ☀️🍷
Love The Lorax • 13 hours ago • edited Years ago, before I became Catholic, I went to a Mass with my husband. This was a new church, and not long into the service a couple of young women came dancing down the aisle, spinning and gyrating. Husband stood up, said this is not appropriate and off we went.
Robbi Michelle Campbell • 12 hours ago Began watching a Christmas Eve Mass the next day on YouTube since I was held-up in an Emergency...As usual for the Holiday Season. Couldn't believe it when sitting down finally and exhausted to see this woman beginning to gyrate and the Priest called it "Liturgical Dancing". Off it went IMMEDIATELY. Have tried to find it again and it isn't coming up. Don't know which Church it was from. CRAZY!!!
Michelle Campbell Robbi • 12 hours ago • edited Tragic, unspeakable.
St John Cantius Mass in Chicago looked like its Midnight Mass was
What a beloved Polish Catholic Church begun in 1898. 💒
So far 'Cupcake' is not molesting them.Blobee Michelle Campbell • 11 hours ago • edited Sorry Michele, but you are incorrect about Cantius not being affected by Cupich's decree. You need to look at their web site. The edict from Cupich includes SJC. I know. I'm a parishioner.
Michelle Campbell Blobee • 11 hours ago Really? I'm puzzled. Then why do they say TLM?
Tell me more. 💒
Robbi Michelle Campbell • 12 hours ago I need to check it. A good Mass creates such happiness and peace...God's love becomes so concrete. THX for the info.
Michelle Campbell • 13 hours ago • edited Looks to me like these clerical jokers cannot STOP HAVING GROSS FUN bashing the Mass of the Ages dancing & prancing like Protestant Mega-Church entertainers.
This hideous Father Pfleger is it, acting like this...the only thing missing is BIG
BLOND HAIR BLOWDRIED BACK like a TV Evangelist hawking for funds 🦳
Did l see this miserable so-and-so wearing a DEMAND-JUSTICE sweatshirt?
What? No, tell the truth, you mean DEMAND-VENGEANCE....
And l believe the brothers. They need true justice nailing you, 'father'.
Cupich, on your day of reckoning, give my warmest regards to the one you serve.
Hope you can dance, can you...on hot coals? ☄☄☄☄☄
This is a tragedy to type in.ByzantineCatholic • 14 hours ago • edited Please God help us! If I walked in to a Mass service like this , I would walk out. Sorry but not going to stay!