New conflict from old fears

Tensions between Russia and the West are escalating over the "security issue" of Ukraine. America's elites have profited for decades by stoking conflict with the former Soviet states. Now, Church Militant's Trey Blanton reports Russia's president has had enough.
Russian troops continue to do drills on the Ukrainian border in case the Kremlin determines military force is a necessary response to NATO. President Vladimir Putin told State media on Sunday and at a conference that his actions would be based on proposals from his military advisors.
Russian president Vladimir Putin: "They will depend on the unconditional compliance with the Russian security demands today and in the historical context. In this sense, we have made it clear that any further NATO movement to the east is unacceptable."
The Kremlin is demanding that NATO unequivocally state it will not admit Ukraine into the military alliance and that it pull back its forces from former Soviet territory.
NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg: "We have received Russia's recent proposals. We are clear that any dialogue with Russia would also need to address NATO's concerns about Russia's actions."
Putin appeared perplexed by questions about what guarantees he would provide, noting Russia has not expanded its military onto the American border, whereas NATO has reneged on its word and expanded into former Soviet territory.
Putin: "Are we demanding something excessive? We're simply asking them not to deploy their attack systems over at our home. What is so unusual or peculiar about that?"
As the West becomes increasingly hostile to Christian values, prayers for the full conversion of Russia must be made to stave off war. NATO's chief has said he and his Russian counterpart will meet in Belgium on Jan. 12–13 to discuss diplomatic options.