Thursday, December 30, 2021

A Knock At My Door The Word This glorious Word A gift to all mankind A free precious gift To be shared by all.

 A Knock At My Door

The Word
This glorious Word
A gift to all mankind
A free precious gift
To be shared by all.

A knock at the door
An eternity to begin
An invitation to dinner
A hug when old friends come in.

You are given a choice
This concept called free will
Will you open this door
Will you let our Lord in?

Some will say, “no”.
Please don’t stop, but walk by.”
They say the price is too high
The voice on the other side states
This might be the last time I go by for Heaven’s sake.

This loss… so insurmountable
This decision so very bleak
this loss of all eternity
“Please continue your walk without me.”

You have made such a tragic mistake.

This word
So wonderful, so pure
So unmistakable
You wish never your mistake be heard.

A knock has been heard
Will you answer your door?
Will you be ready to sup
With our one true lord?

All I can ask you
All that I can say
Please, please be ready
There will come --this very day.

Give all your heart
Give all of your soul
Give yourself completely…

When you hear the knock at the door.
There will be a knock at your door. 
This will happen.
Are you ready to answer that  knock?

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