Uri Geller is a well-known magician, famous for his trademark performances of spoon bending and other conjuring tricks. For decades, Gellar has claimed the super-human ability to move or bend objects by his brain power alone. In truth, he would bend the spoon ahead of time, keeping the bent part concealed in his hand. During his performances he would display the spoon to the audience with the flat side facing out, so it would appear to be straight... then with sleight of hand, deceive the audience into thinking he had bent it with only his mind. It was nothing more than a cheap parlor trick... Fast forward to 2024... a new mind-control claim has surfaced, with potentially catastrophic implications. The first human implanted with a “Neuralink” brain chip claims they can control a computer mouse with only their thoughts. The anonymous patient has fully recovered after having a computer chip implanted into their brain a few weeks ago. The chip was designed for people who have lost the use of their limbs. This research is funded by multi-billionaire Elon Musk of Tesla and X fame. To date, there has been no definitive medical or psychiatric evidence presented to support these claims, so they should be regarded with suspicion. However, if this is proven to be true, there would be massive ethical and spiritual implications. Could humans with a brain chip begin to act like little gods who can simply think things into moving? If a chip could be implanted into someone's brain to allow them to move objects only by their thoughts or commands... what would stop someone from reversing the process and causing that person to say and do things against their will? And what if that chip communicated with a source of artificial intelligence (AI)? Would AI then become their God? Who would control the AI computers? What could possibly go wrong? What do you think of putting computer chips into people's brains? Take this quick survey or let your thoughts be known by commenting, or both...
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