What really happened at the Tower of Babel and why does it matter now?
From the very beginning there has been a war in heaven unseen by the eyes of humankind. Across the ages, evil powers of the air have striven with the Creator over control of the nations. These powers manifested in our realm causing the innocent to suffer. Throughout history, humankind has organized secret societies that aid or hinder the invisible rulers of the air.
There are organizations attempting to direct the ebb and flow of humankind through various means, primarily governments. Though some of these groups have great influence over our politicians and through them our government, today they haven’t yet succeeded in seizing full control.
A 300-year-old Freemason document titled “The Freemasons: An Hudibrastick Poem by the Dedicator” partially reads:
If history be no ancient fable
Freemasonry came from the Tower of Babel;
When first that fabric was begun,
The greatest underneath the Sun,
All Nations thither did repair,
To build this great castle in the air …
How did secret societies come to be? To answer the question, we need to go way back in history, to a time when men’s hearts were more innocent, a time before the princes of the air suffered defeat at the hands of the Son of the Creator. We must go all the way back to the ancient book of Genesis, where we read about Nimrod who built the first kingdoms after the great deluge of Noah. These kingdoms were known as Babylon.
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