It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. #18 Johnny: Israel Signs a Peace DealIn the twilight of epochs of ancient prophecies, when shadows of Lucifaria boast upon the world’s stage, the global Antichrist emerged—a figure both enigmatic and foreboding. Johnny remains silent.Johnny, The Day After, is a flash fiction short story series. Join Johnny in his degenerate journey into the mystic world of the new global Chancellor. Experience his loneliness, pain, sorrow, and rebellion and now victory as he serves the World Chancellor as the False Prophet. New to Johnny? Read all episodes HERE. A PEACE DEAL WITH THE ANTICHRISTIn the twilight of epochs of ancient prophecies, when shadows of Lucifaria boast upon the world’s stage, the global Antichrist emerged—a figure both enigmatic and foreboding. His presence rippled through the collective consciousness of all its Jewish invites, a harbinger of chaos and clandestine machinations. Apollyon manipulated the event to dispel a gathering storm.He knew the world teetered on the precipice—a fractured mosaic of nations, beliefs, ideologies, and ancient grudges. Israel, the land of prophets and paradoxes, stood at the heart of this prophetic drama. Its soil bore the weight of millennia—the footprints of kings, conquerors, priests, prophets, and exiles. And so, Apollyon, the Antichrist, stepped forth, his eyes veiled by centuries of secrets, hidden plans, and a Luciferian commission to deceive the Jews. He wore the guise of a diplomat, his tailored suit concealing generational scars. The world watched as he strode toward Jerusalem’s spiritual power players—the city of gold and fractured beliefs. The meeting will be hosted at the Western Wall Plaza. This sacred site, also known as the Kotel, stands as Judaism’s holiest place, the world’s largest synagogue. In the center of the room is a massive conference table. This table hosted 153 Torah scrolls rarely seen by the public. Apollyon knew this was the highest honor these Jews had to offer. The golden door opened, and in walked the Jews' highest priest, the Chief Rabbi, David Ashkenazi. The priests in attendance broke out in a Jewish chant.Apollyon and Johnny were seated in scarlet velvet-wrapped chairs across from David. Nervously, they smiled. David stood, lifted up the oldest scroll, and prayed. The scroll began to glow like a brilliant star on a twilight evening. The floor vibrated with reverence. David speaks. DAVID: We are honored to have you as our guests. My associate priest tells me you come with a peace offering to the chosen land of Israel. APOLLYON: We thank you for accepting our request for attendance. We come with a peace proposal that could reshape the world, while bringing peace to Israel from all corners of the globe. In the hallowed chambers of power, the Antichrist addressed the leaders of the Jewish nation. His smooth voice, like serpent silk, promised tranquility. “Behold,” he declared, “I offer you a covenant—a peace beyond borders, a truce beyond time. A peace that will protect the borders of your land forevermore.” Apollyon’s proposal shimmered like a mirage—a blueprint for coexistence, inked in memories of ancient blood. Its terms were both beguiling and treacherous: The Antichrist pledged to rebuild the ancient temple—the cornerstone of Jewish identity. Its stones would rise from the dust, a beacon of reconciliation. But within those walls, shadows would whisper blasphemies David could not discern. Apollyon revealed a map on the big screen that projected how the Middle East would shift—a jigsaw puzzle rearranged. Israel’s borders would expand, and Palestine’s fragments would coalesce. Yet, beneath the proposal, ancient grievances festered. Deceptively, the Antichrist spoke of the Forbidden Scroll, a supposed scroll much older than the one David had in front of him. David became curious. Hidden within the peace treaty lay a cryptic clause—an enigma etched in forgotten tongues. The Antichrist promised access to an ancient scroll—an aged codex written at the base of the Tower of Babel, which held the keys to creation and dissolution. All the priests groaned with anticipation, for they were obsessed with ancient documents. APOLLYON: Our terms are simple. I will rebuild your third and final Temple at no cost to your nation. Once it is finished, we will present you with the Forbidden Scroll. It will be a covenant gift bearing witness to our commitment to protect Israel and its people. It will remind us of our honor for the people of Israel and their beliefs in Judaism. As Jewish diplomats debated, the high court scribes recorded the pact. Jewish and Antichrist’s nations cheered, their tears of joy illuminated the ink. Lucifaria, the fallen light-bearer, watched from the dark domain of destruction. His eyes were transfixed—both mournful and hungry. “Peace,” Lucifaria whispered in Johnny’s ear, “is a canvas for chaos. The Third Temple—a vessel for revelation. The scroll—an elixir of oblivion. Go now and destroy their God.” The New World Order and its veil is cemented in history. The world rejoiced—a fragile hope stitched together with threads of desperation and deception. Israel’s leaders signed, their hands trembling. The Antichrist’s smile was a crescent moon—a promise and an unspoken warning seeping into the inner chamber of the Jew's Holy of Holies. With the nod of Apollyon’s head, his servants wheeled in the cornerstone for the new building of the Third Temple. David wept.But in the hidden chambers of Apollyon’s headquarters, the veil unraveled. The Third Temple’s cornerstone bore prayers and curses—the echoes of forgotten gods were awakened. The scroll revealed paradoxes—names unspoken, realities soon to be unveiled. A destination of devastation remains hidden behind the veil of the Antichrist’s grand scheme. Upon returning to the World Chancellor’s headquarters, Apollyon immediately began building the Jews' Third Temple. Three and a half years passed—the covenant’s fragile truce. The Antichrist’s mask cracked, revealing serpentine eyes. He stood within the rebuilt temple, the Forbidden Scroll in hand, ready to be unfurled. David, the Chief Rabbi, read its words, the forbidden words—the syllables that shattered reality, “For Apollyon shall sit upon the throne of the Holy of Holies.” Frozen and paralyzed by its proclamation, David stops the ceremony and privately fronts Apollyon: “You have cleverly deceived us. Your ‘peace deal’ is meant to destroy us. This agreement is broken. Be gone from our Holy city.” Apollyon laughed. Then said, “We are here to stay. Israel now belongs to us.” And there, in the heart of Jerusalem, the peace treaty accompanying the Third Temple crumbled, its stones weeping the blood of lost Jewish prophets. Borders dissolved, and ancient enmities surged. David shouted to his high priests, “The cost of such peace is too costly; we must break this treaty at once.” The peace deal—like a fragile glass—splintered. War engulfed Israel on every side, and the Antichrist’s true purpose emerged. He was not a peacemaker but a demonic evil saboteur—a harbinger of the end. Immediately, chaos broke out in the streets of Jerusalem as armies clashed and Apollyon’s forces attempted to burn the Jewish scrolls—a battle broke out in the spiritual realm of the heavens. The veil between the two worlds tore, and Lucifaria stepped forth. His laughter echoed through shattered, chaotic heavens. His voice heard by the world’s masses, “My hour has come. War,” he said, “is a riddle—an allegory of eternity. Israel, the pawn. My Antichrist—the fulcrum.” And so, the world hurtled toward its final act—the grand finale of light and shadow. The Third Temple lay empty of the Jews' Holy scrolls, and the Forbidden Scroll was opened as the doctrines of Lucifaria’s New World Order. In the silence before oblivion, Johnny’s mind lingered with a lone question: Was peace ever possible, or was it merely the echo of forgotten hopes? Johnny retreated to a dark corner in the Temple and wept.Coming up next: ISRAEL GOES TO WAR - AGAIN Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |