It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. MY LIFE: #64 Redeeming MarriageDr. Stephen Phinney: Satan wants as many “takers” to go with him to the place of torment, because his ultimate goal is to cause defilement in those who are presently engaged to Yeshua.REDEEMING MARRIAGE WITH YESHUA“As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth” (Job 19:25). “Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: 'I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides Me’ ” (Isaiah 44:6). One of the first things we need to understand about redemption is that God, the Father, needed to buy us back. Satan, the father of lies, stole us away from the Father. God, being the Redeemer that He is, bought us back. The price for a life is a life. And of course, that price ultimately would be His Son, Jesus.YESHUA TAKES A STANDIn the final battle between light and darkness, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords will return in all His glory to redeem His Bride, the Church. With a love that outshines the brightest star, He will reclaim His beloved from the clutches of the marriage killer - the devil. As the Lion of Judah, He will make a stand against Satan and his depraved followers, shattering the chains of sin and death. His victory will reverberate through the ages, a testament to His unyielding anger and the triumph of righteousness over evil. For He is our Redeemer, our Husband, our Protector, and our Eternal Hope. His Kingdom will have no end, and His reign will be marked by justice, love, and peace. In the Gospel of John, Yeshua/Jesus assures His Bride of a heavenly home prepared for them. He says, “In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” (John 14:2-3) This promise is a beautiful testament to Jesus’ love for His Bride, the Church. All those who have received Him as Savior are assured of this place, a heavenly dwelling prepared by Jesus Himself. It is a place of eternal peace, joy, and communion with our Husband & God, a glorious reward for those who have placed their faith in Christ while receiving the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This is the hope we hold onto, the promise of a future in the presence of our loving Savior & Groom. Our marriage covenant with Yeshua starts on the day we receive His indwelling Life via the Holy Spirit. Modernist call it, the day we got saved. It is the engagement phase of the covenant bond. As with all engagements, it is a testing period to secure the bridal members purity and loyalty to the Groom. The actual wedding consummation is shortly after the Rapture, followed by the Wedding Feast (Matt. 22:1-14). After that, Yeshua comes to the earth to make a stand against Satan and his evil system through the Seven Bowls of Judgement. At the end of His one-thousand-year reign, He takes His Bride to the place He prepared for her, the New Earth. This act will make redemption complete. REVIEWING REDEMPTIONThe Hebrew for redeemer is גּאל, a primitive root, to redeem (take back kinship), that is, to be the next of kin (and as such, to buy back an enslaved one). This is accomplished by paying the debt to the slave owner, which is the debt held against the slave, called a ransom. One of the aged questions is, “Why would the Maker of the universe have to buy us back when all He had to do was take us back?” Well, the answer is quite simple. When we (mankind) became enslaved to Satan by birth, it placed ownership in the hands of Satan. God is a God of order and submits to the laws and dynamics of authority. If He didn’t, He would be a tyrant. Adam and Eve, thus, the rest of us, became volunteer slaves when they/we ate from the tree of demonic slavery. God is righteous and bought us back. Since a slave cannot free himself or buy back, it takes another master to do so. This is where the Father came in. When a master buys a slave, he/she becomes graphed into the identity of the master. The slave adopts the master’s name and dominion, as in when a woman is graphed into her husband’s lineage while taking on his name. When one is bought back as a slave and adopted as a Bridal member, they receive the master’s inheritance, fortune, name, character, past, present, future, and his very life. Here Is Abba’s ViewRemember that the basic and primary Hebrew definition of redeemer is “next of kin.” We could not ask for better kin than God, the Father. Through the redemptive work of the Father, by offering up His Son to buy us back from the Father of lies, God steps back into the role of a responsible Father. The Father reestablishes the original design of the eternal order He designed. Now, from an earthly perspective, the roles of family can be firmly established for future generations. Satan doesn’t like this design. It reveals the greatest blessing of mankind--being restored back to the Father of heaven. If you think that the enemy (Satan) is going to give up, you are being deceived. The enemy will attempt to destroy God by breaking up covenant marriages, which reflects the marriage of the Lamb. Satan knows that if the relationship between an earthly father and his child(ren) is broken or abusive through divorce, he (Satan) will have a measurable guarantee that the next generation will distort trust in God and His covenant doctrines of marriages. He knows that children view the heavenly Father through the relationship (or lack of relationship) they have with their earthly fathers. The enemy thought he had the Father “over a barrel.” One must remember that the enemy is blinded to the basic Truth of the Gospel (one of the direct results of the Finished Work of Christ!)--he loses!Satan always thinks he has the advantage due to the number of lost souls. While it is true fewer go to Heaven than those who go to Hell, God still wins in the end. Satan’s belief is in the number game. The more he takes with him to Hell, the more satisfaction he has in his punishment OF God. The Lord thy God chooses faithfulness over numbers in this number game. Keep in mind that one day is as a thousand years to God (2 Peter 3:8). If that is the case, and it is, the Lord’s plan to put Satan in his place (Hell) will only take about six days of the Father’s time--for He will rest on the seventh day, which is the thousand-year reign of His Son. We tend to think this process is never-ending. In God’s timetable, it happens in one week. By the way, humanity is on the sixth day. So be encouraged; we are on the last leg of Earth’s journey as we know it. I am looking forward to the Rapture - moments after, we will move from engagement to marital status with Yeshua. I hope you can now see the importance of why Satan works diligently at attempting to steal the role of the Father and attack the institution of marriage--revealing his depraved thinking that if he can destroy covenant marriage, these divorcees will divorce Christ in belief and loyalty. Satan wants as many “takers” to go with him to this place of torment, because his ultimate goal is to cause defilement in those who are presently engaged to Yeshua, the most hated one of the enemy!Redemption means “deliverance from evil, by payment of a price.” It is more than simply deliverance. Thus, prisoners of war might be released on payment of a price, which is called a “ransom.” The word, from the Greek, was formed specifically to convey this idea of release on payment of ransom. In this circle of ideas, Christ’s death may be regarded as “a ransom for many” - the purchase of His Bride that required His death on the cross (Matt. 20:28). Coming up next is #65, “Our Groom is God.” Review the full library of “My Life Series” HERE. Share these stories with others. Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. 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