The Servant of the Lord
While I was reading and meditating the Scriptures, I stumbled upon Deuteronomy 34:5. Now I need to point out that often believers skip over the Old Testament because it is arcane and outdated. Certainly unnecessary reading.
However, I am so grateful the Holy Spirit has shown me many wondrous things in the Old Testament. It is a shame for any disciple of Yeshua, Jesus, to skip over the very foundation of our faith. That’s right, the writings in the Old Testament lad the stones, as it were, for our Messiah and Lord to journey into our world.
But as I said, I was reading Deuteronomy and ran into this:
However, one writer put it this way:
However, I am so grateful the Holy Spirit has shown me many wondrous things in the Old Testament. It is a shame for any disciple of Yeshua, Jesus, to skip over the very foundation of our faith. That’s right, the writings in the Old Testament lad the stones, as it were, for our Messiah and Lord to journey into our world.
But as I said, I was reading Deuteronomy and ran into this:
Then Moses, the servant of the Lord, died there in Moab, as the Lord had said (Deuteronomy 34:5)Wow! How succinct. How simplistic. And if you simply read it, you missed the whole point! This is a wonderful “epitaph.” of Moses’ life. “Moses, the servant of the Lord.” There all kinds of things that could have been said of Moses. I mean, whoever wrote this could have given Mose the courtesy of being referred to as “Moses, the man of God!” The “Moses, the man who spoke to God!” I mean, Wow! It was cool that he spoke directly to Yahweh. But no, he is simply “the servant of the Lord,”
However, one writer put it this way:
It was not ‘Moses, Prince of Egypt.’Friends, I cannot imagine a more plangent honor. This should be enough for us. We often say it, and it sounds so humble to say it, but it is much higher to honestly live it. A servant of God does not need adrenalin, entertainment, or programmatic pick-me-ups to strengthen his determination to walk with the Lord! All we need is what Moses had, what David had, what the prophets had, what Paul had. A singleness of heart in pursuit after the God of Isra’el, and no tolerance for anything that would stand in the way of that impassioned pursuit. To be satisfied with simply being the servant of the LORD is the most precious place to be. It is the happiest of all stations in life, because when the Master is glorified, the servants are satisfied.
It was not ‘Moses, Murderer of an Egyptian.’
It was not ‘Moses, Shepherd in the Wilderness.’
It was not ‘Moses, Spokesman for a Nation.’
It was not ‘Moses, Miracle worker.’
It was not ‘Moses, Prophet.’
It was not ‘Moses, the Man Who Saw a Piece of God’s Glory.’
It was not ‘Moses, Who Never Entered the Promised Land.’
At the end of it all, the title was simple:
‘Moses the servant of the LORD’
With these Morning Messages, I take you on guided tours to, as Bunyan described, the Celestial City. At times we linger at corners familiar and unseen. And explore the depths of our faith along the way.
The trail is long, but there’s no hurry. Though we do need to stock up on supplies for the way, and that’s where I need your help. If you enjoy these messages, please consider becoming a contributing member of this tour group. It will be very much appreciated.
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