Sunday, January 25, 2015

Articles for your Consideration & Sharing 2015

Articles for your Consideration & Sharing 2015
4 mins ·
Christianity is multiplying into the millions, despite persecution by radical Islamists.|By Jessilyn Justice
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We all know from the Bible that the antichrist will be able to perform miracles and to dazzle the eyes of man with "lying signs and wonders". But what are thes...e miracles do you think? Are they bona fide SUPERNATURAL miracles, or just clever tricks and deceptions?As we sit here discussing this a little too loudly, there are lots of raised eyebrows at the Donut Diner. By the way, the guy in the next booth thinks all Satan can do is lie. Nothing more. The waitress on the other hand thinks Satan can do the same miracles as Jesus, he just takes the credit for himself and that's what makes them "lying signs". Everyone else in here just thinks we're nuts.
- Paul Lalonde

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I am going to share some of the best editorial / satirical cartoons I could find after scouring through many over these last few days. I will be creating a conv...oy of numerous images in this thread, and as I find more in the future, I will add them here as well.
Stuff like this I imagine will help us relieve a little frustration towards what is continuously increasing worldwide with these ravenous and cancerous, blood-thirsty, hate-mongers who are killing not only many Christians but anyone who doesn’t conform to their utter godlessness while hell-bent on trying to take over the globe in a caliphate-type fashion.
What an incredibly ironic claim of theirs that Israel is the ‘little satan’ and America is the ‘great satan’, when actually the very so-called god they serve, that being allah is the representation of the true Satan.
Some of these cartoons will bust on Obama as well but will hardly flow off the main topic.
It is said that some pictures say a thousand words.
Well, these cartoons have a deliciously sarcastic and very blunt message to share as well. I am sure most all of you will agree on that much as you visually indulge yourself.
However, not all of these are meant to be outright funny.
Some shed a serious light on the ridiculous atrocities of these Hell-bound fanatics who are seeking and succeeding at spreading a blanket of fear across the global psyche today.
If you are offended by any of these and have to speak your mind, then I suggest you e-mail a letter of complaint to yourself and get gone. There will always be a few who will flip out. We see it daily, do we not?
For those of us who appreciate a little mix of fun with our fellowship…Do enjoy!! wink emoticon

~ jeff
Nickolas Hiemstra's photo.
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2 hrs · Edited ·
Hello my Rapture Family This post is so very true, with in the last week we have lost so many people because they did not want to come out of darkness when the truth came they did not want to hear it so they left my thing is it hurt so see this happening, you have Jeff Wade Jeff Molloy and Lionel N Silvana Jeff Robb all trying to make sure you know the truth none of them want to see you left here they work heard to make sure you know God word the right way really don't you t...hink it hurt them to see some one lost yes it do yes they may come off strong that because they need you to really understand the word of god not their word but God word why you think they work so heard to give you the word right out of the BIBLE so there won't be no mistake they want you to be save yes they do, do you know they don't have to do this, they can just try to save their own family but NO they are worker of God they want to try through JESUS to help us to see JESUS when the time come it would hurt their heart to know you are left behind knowing they work day and night to get the right word to you and you did not take it, know this if you are lift here it because of you, Remember that the next time they come at you with the truth don't be a fool get the food they give good food, Amen
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Hey "Touched by an Angel" fans, a new angel series coming on NBC! YES! New Angel series!
Entitled "Unveiled" - Echoing the series that made Roma Downey a star on American television, CBS’ "Touched By An Angel", "Unveiled" follows an ensemble of flawed guardian angels who intervene in the lives of those who find themselves facing crisis in an attempt to restore their faith and, often, save their lives. Executive producing are Roma Downey and Mark Burnett through the duo’s Lig...htWorkers Media.
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