Friday, June 26, 2015

Behold, how good and how pleasant is the dwelling of brothers, moreover, in unity. PSALMS (133:1)

Is land for peace viable?
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Behold, how good and how pleasant is the dwelling of brothers, moreover, in unity.

PSALMS (133:1)

הִנֵּה מַה טּוֹב וּמַה נָּעִים שֶׁבֶת אַחִים גַּם יָחַד

תהילים קלג:א

hi-nay ma tov u-ma na-eem she-vet a-kheem gam ya-khad

Shabbat Inspiration

The Psalmist relates the idyllic beauty of unity among brothers, and how this bond brings God's blessing.  'To Unify a Nation', by Rabbi Dov Lipman, lays out a vision of internal unity for the future. His is a voice of reason in the religious debates and battles that have threatened to undermine Jewish unity in Israel and around the world. Lipman has observed firsthand the polarization, extremism, and discrimination that have been on the upswing in Israel, and his book examines specific practical issues in the Israeli political scene, coupled with uplifting personal anecdotes.

Can Land For Peace Work; Has It?

A look at the last decades of Israeli history calls the notion of land for peace as remotely viable into serious question. You decide.

No Sanctity in Life or Death

In a move that solidifies their utter disregard for anything remotely sacred, ISIS has revealed plans to turn the ancient tomb of Jonah into a fun park.

Limited Edition: Signed Copy of Knesset Member's Book

Explore the issues of Israel's separation of religion and state in this fascinating book, "To Unify a Nation." It is written, and autographed, by Knesset parliament member Rabbi Dov Lipman.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Unity among brothers is the Divine will.

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