Thursday, June 25, 2015

Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:* Daily Newsletter&utm_content=1915
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
How do Israelis view BDS activities?
Muslim pilgrims flock to Jerusalem
ISIS: "Let bygones be bygones!"
What Is Happening under the Dome of the Rock?
What is the impact on the business scene by Messianics?
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Launcher Used to Attack Israel destroyed by IAF
Another rocket was launched at Israel at about 10pm Tuesday night landing in an open area near Askelon. IAF struck the launcher, destroying it, within a couple of hours.
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Druze lynch two wounded Syrians on Israel's Golan Heights
The Druze in the Israeli Golan Heights have a problem with Israel's treatment of Syrian wounded in Israeli hospitals. Overnight Tuesday, about 150 Druze ambushed an IDF ambulance lynching the wounded Syrian occupants.
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Cause for Concern: Israel's Rigorous Compliance With International Law
“Our overall findings are that during Operation Protective Edge last summer … Israel not only met a reasonable international standard of observance of the laws of armed conflict, but in many cases significantly exceeded that standard.”
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Boycott Israel? Not in Bethlehem
It’s somewhat ironic that as “human rights” activists around the world push to boycott Israeli goods, in Bethlehem, which is the capital of Christian efforts to promote the BDS movement, products from the Jewish state are widely available there.
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