Thursday, June 25, 2015

Prophecy: I See a Great Wave of Glory Hitting the Globe

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Prophecy: I See a Great Wave of Glory Hitting the Globe
By Ryan LeStrange
Prayer is a key to birth and sustain revival. The hubs are arising! This is the word that has been burning in my spirit. The Lord is igniting the flames of revival fire in various regions of the earth.

I was in prayer seeking God about His plans for the nations when suddenly a vision erupted in my spirit. I saw light springing forth from various places in the world. As I looked I could see this all over the globe. I literally saw a network of lit up places all connected (it looked like some type of digital map).

I began to ask The Lord: what am I seeing? He spoke to me that these are global revival Hubs. Each hub is a strategic place of outpouring. As the Lord continued to reveal to me His plans for revival centers and hubs He showed me that they would function differently than what I would typically perceive as a revival center.

The hubs are not only called to be places of revival and outpouring but also of equipping and advancing. Radical moves of the Spirit and hosting the presence of God are only part of the call of these emerging centers. These must also be places that teach, activate and equip the body of Christ for last days harvest and every member active!

I see a great wave of glory coming upon the Hubs! The Hubs will carry different expressions of revival in this hour yet each is vital to the plans of The Father. We must be very cautious not to attempt to create a cookie-cutter pattern for the revival centers and Hubs that are being established. read more
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