Sunday, June 28, 2015 God is Relocating

UN Report on Gaza Scores Points for Barbarism
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The Myth of Muslim Radicalization

By: Daniel Greenfield
After some of its quarter of a million Muslims headed to join ISIS, Quebec decided the answer was a $2 million anti-radicalization center headed by a specialist in cultural sensitivity. But if you’re about to be beheaded by a masked ISIS Jihadist, a specialist in cultural sensitivity isn’t going to help you much.

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God is Relocating

By: Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo
Synagogues – whether Orthodox, Conservative or Reform – are no longer His primary residence. Surely some of the worshippers are pious people who try to communicate with their Creator, but overall, the majority of these places have become religiously sterile and spiritually empty.

Word By Word Hebrew Study Tool for Psalms

Psalms, authored by King David, is a collection of beautiful poetry. As such, there are many nuiances and hidden meanings in the choice of each word, that gets lost in translation. With Word by Word Psalms, you can now learn King David's inspiring words in the original Hebrew.

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Israel's Great Opportunity

By: Caroline Glick
Over the past two decades Israel has managed to destroy its regional reputation. With our own hands, we have twice shown our neighbors they have little reason to tie their fates to ours. We are unreliable.

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Obama's "Model Partner" Thinks Israel,
US Biggest Threats

By: Burak Bekdil
Why does Obama still think he found a “model partner” in a country that once was a staunch ally of both his country and of NATO?...The Turks’ foreign policy perceptions reveal that Obama’s model partner nation has a totally confused mind...over its own country’s identity and security concerns.

UN Report on Gaza Scores Points for Barbarism

By: P. David Hornik
In the 21st century, barbarism has gained ground at the expense of civilization. Democracy has been in sharp decline. Terrorism increased by 35 percent in 2014...If civilization can still prevail, it first has to be able to distinguish between civilization and barbarism.

Nuclear War and Nuclear Peace: Israel's Strategic Options

By: Louis René Beres
Now, facing an effectively unobstructed nuclear threat from Iran, Israel will need to choose prudently from among available strategic options. The most starkly polar of these choices would be (1) a “last minute” preemption using only conventional forces, or (2) a protracted and presumptively stable posture of nuclear deterrence.
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