Thursday, June 25, 2015

Miriam, the prophetess, Aaron's sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women came out after her with timbrels and with dances. EXODUS (15:20)

How Obama's childhood traumas effect his stance on Israel
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Miriam, the prophetess, Aaron's sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women came out after her with timbrels and with dances.

EXODUS (15:20)

וַתִּקַּח מִרְיָם הַנְּבִיאָה אֲחוֹת אַהֲרֹן אֶת הַתֹּף בְּיָדָהּ וַתֵּצֶאןָ כָל הַנָּשִׁים אַחֲרֶיהָ בְּתֻפִּים וּבִמְחֹלֹת

שמות טו:כ

va-ti-kakh mir-yam ha-n'-vee-a a-khot a-ha-ron et ha-tof b'0ya-da va-tay-tzay-na khol ha-na-sheem a-kha-re-ha b'-tu-feem u-vim-kho-lot

Jerusalem Inspiration

Today's verse points to the remarkable foresight of the prophetess Miriam.  After God's miraculous salvation of the Jewish Nation from the waters of the Red Sea and the Egyptian army, Miriam leads the women of the nation is song and dance. Where did the prophetess have instruments with which to dance with? Tradition teaches that Miriam had such strong faith in God's salvation and fulfillment of his foretold promise to bring the Jews out of Egypt and into the holy Land, that she made sure to pack instruments to use during rejoicing after the much anticipated miracle.  Learn more about the inspiring acts of our ancient Biblical women with Root Source.

Ancient Find Supports Biblical Facts

Hear about a rare inscription on a jug dating back to the times of King David, giving confirmation to the jar’s date and matching up Biblical events with historical facts.

Abandoning Israel, Seeking a Father Figure

Former Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren asserts that Obama seeks acceptance by the Muslim world to fill a void caused by his abandonment as a younger child.

My Country Stands with Israel Bumper Sticker

Show the world that you are proud to stand with Israel! Choose your country flag and we'll personalize it for you.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Women at prayer at the Western Wall, by Rebecca Kowalsky. Tradition teaches us about the power of a mother's prayer to change the course of her child's life; no place is more propitious to prayer than in Jerusalem.

Thank You

Today's Jerusalem Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Ron Sankey in honor of Adolph Sankey, his late father. Toda Raba!

“Thank You for Posting these Beautifully Inspiring Photos

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  Thank you for posting these beautifully inspiring photos.  I am praying for Israel during these trying times and I have complete confidence in the Almighty to deliver his people once again.  Blessings. Priscilla V. CA, USA

Dear Jerusalem365, I enjoy the Bible readings and watch the photos of Jerusalem. Thank you, keep us updated and God bless. Joice
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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