Walmarts, guillotines and concentration camps conspiracy (#Merica Man Blog)
Submitted by Adam D. Young on April 27, 2015 - 7:37pm
I received a call from a concerned reader asking troubling questions about Walmarts, guillotines and government conspiracies.
Jerri Abram of Lamesa wanted to know if it’s true that Walmart and the United States/world government are building a network of concentration camps in and under abandoned (and even current) Walmart stores to house political prisoners in the U.S.
She read the story on a friend’s shared Facebook post about Walmart concentration camps playing a role in a larger United States and secret world government conspiracy to silence those opposed to government control. Those in favor of gun rights, she said, seemed to be a big target of the conspiracy.
“I hope it’s not true,” she said.
Another rumor, she said, is that the government is ordering 300,000 guillotines.
And that’s just for Alabama and Mississippi, she said, not sure if more guillotines were involved in the plan.
(If true, that would be roughly 1 guillotine for every 26 people — well above the national average. Not even post-revolutionary France had that many guillotines.)
I’m pretty open minded, but I’m skeptical on this one.
There’s a lot of information out there, but not much from reputable sources that I can see.
According to Internet rumor investigator, “On or around 13 March 2015, rumors began to circulate online about a shadowy military operation known as ‘Jade Helm’ or ‘Jade Helm 15,’ picking up steam despite the absence of any corresponding description about precisely what those rumors entailed.”
I have a call in to Walmart requesting further comment. Feel free to let me know if you have more information on this.
Also, note: A Google Maps search for “concentration camp, Lubbock, TX” highlights a south Lubbock church which I will leave unnamed.
Adam D. Young is responsible for this content, which is not edited by the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.
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No Doubt there is some Truth To The Rumors:
There is truth to some of the Rumors.
For Example: There is no doubt that 'Special Operations Command' will be conducting some sort of massive- Military Exercises among the general population in at least 17 Texas Cities/Towns, this summer. The Code Name for said Operations is : ' JADE HELM 15 ' . There is no disputing this 'FACT'.
Also, there is the 'FACT' that WALMART closed several stores at the same time with really no explaination; other than a pertext or excuse claiming 'Plumbing Problems'.
The mystery and secrecy involved and little or no information makes the whole thing very alarming and suspicious. It's very un-nerving that the local City/County Officials won't give the citizens any information or perhaps they too are in the dark and have NO information to share. Which of course makes the whole mystery more intense.
Fact: There are so-called FEMA-CAMPS being set-up. Supplied with what appear to be Coffin-Liners or Platic- Caskets. Then there are the thousands of body-bags in these FEMA-CAMPS. No one seems to know, what these items and Camps are being prepared for.
Nevertheless, the pictures are clearly on the Inter-Net. Taking all these things together and connecting the dots, what are we in the general population suppose to think ?
The signs are in the skies. There were two "blood moons" in 2014, and we had one in March, of this year.
The next 'blood moon" is on September 28th. That could be the END of the world. And we know for certain an asteroid or meteor will hit the earth on September 24, 2015--thus the "blood moon" on the 28th!
But, before that happens, sometime in May (not the blogger) a city in Pennsylvania will be destroyed by a NUKE!
Indeed these are troubling times.
Note: After considering all of the "signs", I am not canceling my November Caribbean vacation unless a hurricane emerges.....
Charlie, you cant say FACT ,
Charlie, you cant say FACT , then use the word Appear....2 different things....FACT =100% Known truth and Appear means , Maybe? (while shrugging shoulders)....
If I remember correctly,
If I remember correctly, General Powell was bamboozled into the same Fact and Appear Game under pressure from President Cheney/Bush.
"Ain't no delusion high enough,
ain't no conspiracy deep enough, to keep me away from you."
Or something like that.
Speaking of conspiracies...
America has been in the concentration camp business since 2002. Rumors are that prioners were kidnapped, tortured and kept under lock and key for a dozen years without trial or benefit of habeas corpus.
Isn't that bad enough?
Speaking of conspiracies... Walmart is based in Arkansas, right? Who else is from Arkansas? The Clintons, right? Who else? Tyson Foods!
Those big chicken houses are just right for hiding concentration camps under. Noise, smell, perfect camouflage. Who's gonna be digging under chicken coops? And the slave labor can be used to pluck and process chickens for the market.
Cheaper to use slaves fed 1000 calories per day than the illegal aliens they used to use. It's called "maximizing shareholder value."
And we don't need guillotines. The conspiracy is already in place and has been for years: to kill Americans by overfeeding us processed food and fast food! Look around at the bulging guts and floppy arms, the clogged arteries -- it's working! And what segment of the population is targeted? You guessed it: Republicans! Those skinny vegan tree-hugger libs are trying to kill off Republicans!
Take a gander at the CEOs of S&P 500 companies; do they look like America? Not a chance. Nearly all are lean mean fighting machines without a paunch or triple chin among them. And that goes for the executives in the companies that are most intent on doing away with us by appealing to our gluttony!
The new CEO of McDonald's? He looks like he goes out on lunch breaks and does half-marathons. Not so McDonald's customers.
Don't forget: bloated Americans make bigger targets for when they shoot at each other and they can't run fast. So yes, Virginia, it is a conspiracy against gun owners too.
I like hearing rumors about conspiracies, particularly if they involve the bigfoot monster, space aliens, secret installations where the government controls the weather to cause hurricanes and droughts, or other amusing things like that. Stories about Obama being an illegial immigrant from Kenya, the right wing conspiring vastly against poor Mrs. Clinton, or Mitt Romney planning a Mormon takeover of the country from a secret bunker in Utah may have their charm for some, but are a little too mundane to be really fun. But the real pressing question is - what does Joe Biden know about Area 51? Excuse me, that should be WHAT DOES JOE BIDEN KNOW ABOUT AREA 51???
Some of......
Some of those guillotines had to be special ordered, the accommodate the neck sizes of obese Americans......
What about
YES, charliemoney!
There really is truth to some of the Rumors!
The US government has had secret underground storage facilities in and around the state of Texas for many years. These facilities were put in place to store volatile and unstable chemical compounds that might pose a potentially catastrophic threat to the population.
There have been reports (and even video) that suggest the possibility that one or more canisters of the highly toxic chemical Trioxin have been breached, and that the chemical agent is leaking into the ground and possibly evaporating into the air (where it would appear as a noxious, yellowish-white or greenish vapor).
Clearly, the "so-called FEMA-CAMPS" that are being set-up which have been supplied with "Coffin-Liners", "Platic- Caskets", and "thousands of body-bags" are designed to handle the potential victims of this Trioxin spill. The alleged "Military Exercises" conducted by "Special Operations Command" are therefore a smoke-screen to cover the REAL mission, which is to herd and eliminate victims in order to prevent the possibility of a massive epidemic.
If one uses the proper keywords (which may be classified), one may discover that pictures supporting this scenario are clearly on the Inter-Net.
There was a piece in the Houston Chronicle that stated Guber Goodbrain was activating the Texas Militia so that they can monitor the U. S. Army war game this year in Texas
There had been concern that Texas was no longer the laughing stock of the nation, however Guber has shown tat Texas is still rght up there even with Guber Goodhair gone. Wow we will have even less funding for education under Abbott.
What does Judge Tom Head know?
Why is Lubbock County Judge Tom Head hiding all of this from us?
I'm thinking he's thrown in with US/UN blue-helmets & is now a collaborator. He's been promised sparing from their murderous plot.
All this makes some sense when one realizes that these heartless socialist/communists want to drain us of our precious bodily fluids, and will not be satisfied until every person is polluted with negroid blood.
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