Friday, June 26, 2015

Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:* Daily Newsletter&utm_content=1921
Friday, June 26, 2015
Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
How do Israelis view BDS activities?
Muslim pilgrims flock to Jerusalem
ISIS: "Let bygones be bygones!"
What Is Happening under the Dome of the Rock?
What is the impact on the business scene by Messianics?
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UN Human Rights is NOT Watching
Reporting on the findings of this “independent commission of inquiry,” most Israeli journalists and specialists concluded that it wasn’t as bad as the 2009 Goldstone Report that had likewise accused Israel of war crimes.
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BLOG: Jerusalem Hills under Threat
On the slopes of the hills surrounding Jerusalem blooms a forest, the Jerusalem forest. Again and again, this unique habitat, the hills and the forest, are threatened.
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VIDEO: The road from Jericho to Jerusalem
Drone coverage of the road from Jericho to Jerusalem provides a spectacular bird's eye view of the road to Israel's eternal capital.
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'Anti-Semitism Infects Mostly Democracies'
Israeli Foreign Ministry notes with concerned interest that anti-Semitism is worst in the world's most liberal democracies
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