Monday, June 29, 2015

The sun rises and the sun sets, and to its place it yearns and rises there.

Spectacular sunset
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The sun rises and the sun sets, and to its place it yearns and rises there.


וְזָרַח הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ וּבָא הַשָּׁמֶשׁ וְאֶל מְקוֹמוֹ שׁוֹאֵף זוֹרֵחַ הוּא שָׁם

קֹהֶלֶת א:ה

v'-za-rakh ha-she-mesh u-va ha-sha-mesh v'-el m'-ko-mo sho-ayf zo-ray-akh hu sham

Today's Israel Inspiration

The rising of the sun is seen as a metaphor for the redemption of the Jewish people. The Talmud relates a story of two righteous rabbinic scholars, Rabbi Hiyya and Rabbi Shimon, walking in the Arbel Valley of the Lower Galilee in the early hours of the morning. As the first rays of dawn appeared, Rabbi Hiyya remarked to Rabbi Shimon that this is how the redemption of Israel will take place. At first it comes slowly, slowly, but as it progresses its light increases.  Learn more in the Israel Bible, with full Hebrew and English text and insightful commentary.

Hebew Music Monday

Today's Hebrew song by Eitan Katz is based on a beautiful passage by the prophet Jeremiah, describing God speaking to our Matriarch Rachel, who is known as having a special role in the redemption and return of her children, the Jewish people, back to Israel.

Hints of the Final Redemption

The fact that Israel’s agricultural expertise is so advanced that it’s being exported to other countries is a sure sign that the Messianic Age is imminent.

Israeli and American Flag Pin

Get ready for America's Independence Day this July 4th with a fabulous lapel pin featuring the flags of two great allies. Made of sturdy metal with a quality plastic coated enamel design, it is just the thing to show where your heart lies.

Today's Israel Photo

Sunset over the Hula Valley nature reserve in northern Israel by Bar Artzi.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Kevin O'Driscoll from South Africa. Toda Raba!

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Greetings Rabbi, I spent many wonderful months working in Israel back in 1977 and totally fell in love with the country. I live in Bangor, Northern Ireland. I am really enjoying your emails and watch with interest all that is happening in Israel. Bertha Wray

I have only just re-subscribed since changing email addresses. Love the photos, they are inspiring. Wish I could visit and walk the streets of Jerusalem. I pray for Israel daily. May God's blessing rest upon you and your nation. Peter Martin (Australia)
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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