Friday, July 31, 2015

The Offical "Texas Blood Lake" Book

Published on Jul 31, 2015

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Report: Hillary Emails Contained Classified Materials From Five US Intelligence Agencies

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Report: Hillary Emails Contained Classified Materials From Five US Intelligence Agencies
Guy Benson
While Hillary Clinton claimed that she did not email anyone classified information, we recently learned that this was the latest in a series of lies.
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The Friday Filibuster: It Keeps Getting Worse
Leah Barkoukis
So Long: MSNBC Axes The Cycle, Alex Wagner, And Ed Schultz
Matt Vespa
We Now Know Where Lois Lerner's Emails and Backup Tapes Were Destroyed
Katie Pavlich
Claim: Joe Biden Likes To Swim Nude in Front of Female Secret Service Agents
Katie Pavlich
Hillary Reverses Course: I Proudly Stand With Planned Parenthood
Katie Pavlich
Democrats Are Finding It A Bit Harder To Defend Planned Parenthood
Matt Vespa
University of New Hampshire 'Bias-Free Language Guide': 'American' is 'Problematic'
Jack Kerwick
If there remained any doubts that academia is among the most thoughtless places in the cosmos, the University of New Hampshire just put them to rest once and for all.
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How One Lion-Hunter Became the Toast of the Smart-Set
Humberto Fontova
Take Time Magazine (please!) no, seriously. Lets use Time as an exemplar of the mainstream media. Theyve run seven stories on the slaughter (their term) of Cecil the Lion by Dr. Walter Palmer.
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Cecil The Lion Stirs More Outrage Than Abortion Mogul Cecile The Lyin'
Ryan Bomberger
Society has a funny way of deciding when to express outrage.
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Asymmetrical Politics: Republicans Act Like an Unruly Mob, Democrats Like a Regimented Army
Michael Barone
As the presidential campaign heats up, and we head into the first debate among the 16 declared Republican candidates, there is an asymmetry between the two political parties.
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What's More Offensive Than Huckabee's Holocaust Remark? Obama's Iran Deal
David Harsanyi
In an interview with Breitbart News, Mike Huckabee accused President Barack Obama of being "naive" for trusting Iran to uphold its part of the recent agreement struck by the nations.
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With Republicans Like These
Erick Erickson
The Export-Import Bank is the height of crony capitalism.
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Lawless: Three Federal Judges Slam Obama Administration's Noncompliance
Guy Benson
A string of federal judges have been angrily slamming their gavels this month, incensed over a similar issue they're encountering. See if you can spot the trend.
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Team Hillary Now Worried About Biden 2016
Matt Vespa
Decision time for Biden 2016 is upon us. In June, the vice president said that he would make his intentions known sometime in August–and now Hillary’s people worried that Joe might just toss his hat into the ring because … why the hell not?
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Columnists & Tipsheet
New Ebola Czar to Skip Oversight Committee Hearing About Multi-Agency Ebola Response
Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich
Desperate Dems Recycle Planned Parenthood's Mammogram Lie
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Get Off Huckabee's Back
Mark Davis
Mark Davis
I Am Not a Mother, and You Are Not An American
S. E. Cupp
S. E. Cupp
Jon Stewart, Reagan-Mocking Obama Hack
Brent Bozell
Brent Bozell
Huckabee's 'Oven' Remark Taken Out of Context
Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg
Plunder and Deceit
David Limbaugh
David Limbaugh
Will Jewish Democrats Sink Iran Deal?
Mona Charen
Mona Charen
Uber Exposes Politicians as Middlemen, not Leaders
Scott Rasmussen
Scott Rasmussen
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Navy Officer Confirms Opening Fire On Islamic Terrorist In Chattanooga | Bob Owens
Marine Corps To Hold Bake Sale To Buy Modern Sniper Rifles | Bob Owens
PolitiFact’s Failed ‘Debunking’ Of Obama’s Social Security Gun Grab | Bob Owens
How To Zero Your AR-15 Red Dot Sight | Bob Owens
Bye, Bye, Tim? Shooting The CZ USA Bren 805 PS1 | Bob Owens
Political News
Report: Pinochet covered up burning death of US resident | AP News
Players' union, league seek quick resolution to Brady case | AP News
Zimbabwe: American lion killer's extradition being sought | AP News
Monster of a fall awaits Congress after summer break | AP News
Analysis: Afghan govt hopes to divide and conquer Taliban | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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