While Hillary
Clinton claimed that she did not email anyone classified information, we
recently learned that this was the latest in a series of lies. [Keep
there remained any doubts that academia is among the most thoughtless places in
the cosmos, the University of New Hampshire just put them to rest once and for
all. [Keep
Time Magazine (please!) no, seriously. Lets use Time as an exemplar of the
mainstream media. Theyve run seven stories on the slaughter (their term) of
Cecil the Lion by Dr. Walter Palmer. [Keep
the presidential campaign heats up, and we head into the first debate among the
16 declared Republican candidates, there is an asymmetry between the two
political parties. [Keep
an interview with Breitbart News, Mike Huckabee accused President Barack Obama
of being "naive" for trusting Iran to uphold its part of the recent agreement
struck by the nations. [Keep
A string of federal
judges have been angrily slamming their gavels this month, incensed over a
similar issue they're encountering. See if you can spot the trend. [Keep
Decision time for
Biden 2016 is upon us. In June, the vice president said that he would make his
intentions known sometime in August–and now Hillary’s people worried that Joe
might just toss his hat into the ring because … why the hell not? [Keep
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