Thursday, July 30, 2015

Someday the BIG PHARMA assassins will find themselves facing the dread JUDGMENT OF GOD and end up in eternal damnation for their crimes against humanity. "Vengeance in MINE, saith The Lord: I WILL REPAY.

OH, THE POWER OF CORPORATE GREED AND THE LOVE OF MONEY! BIG PHARMA does not want people to be healthy naturally, as God intended! THEY LOVE IT WHEN PEOPLE ARE SICK! Then many people rush to BIG PHARMA for "the cure." And often, that very "cure" kills people more quickly than their original illness! Let's face it: doctors and BIG PHARMA could NOT stay in business IF PEOPLE WERE NOT SICK!
Are corporations really that evil, that they would KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE whose only "crime" is to provie safe and haelthy ALTERNATIVE HEALTH SOLUTIONS that REALLY can help and cure people??? Well, let the statistics speak for themselves. As the Bible says, "THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF EVIL."
Someday the BIG PHARMA assassins will find themselves facing the dread JUDGMENT OF GOD and end up in eternal damnation for their crimes against humanity. "Vengeance in MINE, saith The Lord: I WILL REPAY."-Pamela Rae Schuffert
Timeline of all 10 deaths/disappearances
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