Friday, July 31, 2015

Why Do Bill and Hillary Clinton Still Get a Pass?

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BREAKING: New Undercover Video Reveals Planned Parenthood Willing to Sell Organs From Delivered Babies
Katie Pavlich
The Center For Medical Progress has released a fourth undercover video showing Planned Parenthood Vice President of the Rocky Mountains and Medical Director Dr. Savita Ginde discussing how babies that are "delivered before procedure," a.k.a. born alive, are used to harvest "intact" organs.
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Ohio Dem Introduces Bill to Strip Planned Parenthood of State Funding
Cortney O'Brien
Will The Koch Rejection Hurt Or Benefit Trump?
Matt Vespa
Federal Judge: I Will Haul The IRS Commissioner Into Court and Personally Hold Him in Contempt Over Lerner Emails
Katie Pavlich
Poll: Plurality of American Jews Oppose Iran Deal
Aaron Bandler
Of Course: Court Orders Pro-Life Group To Stop Releasing Videos That Make Planned Parenthood Look Bad
Katie Pavlich
Open Thread: Trump As The Frontrunner
Matt Vespa
Empower VA Secretary to Act, Then Require Him To
Rep. Martha Roby
In has been almost a year since the director of the Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System was fired after numerous reports of mismanagement and malfeasance were exposed.
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The 50-Year Old Medicare Program Is Showing its Age
Devon Herrick
When President Johnson signed Medicare into law on July 30, 1965, nobody realized the program would grow to its current size.
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VIDEO: Watch What Happens When Todd Starnes Says Abortion is Worse than Killing a Lion
FNC Radios Todd Starnes on the lack of mainstream media coverage and outrage over the Planned Parenthood scandal.
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VIDEO: Obama stresses Importance of Youth Job Training in Africa
President Obama told the African Union on Tuesday that proper training and employment of young people are key to Africa avoiding further instability.
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Why Do Bill and Hillary Clinton Still Get a Pass?
Larry Elder
Donald Trump's ex-wife, Ivana, recently denied a 30-year-old allegation that Donald Trump raped her. The allegation, according to the New York Daily News, stems from the book "The Last Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump" by Harry Hurt III.
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VIDEO: Top Afghan Leader, Mullah Omar, Reported Dead
A spokesman for the Afghan government says it is investigating reports that Mullah Omar, the reclusive leader of the Afghan Taliban, may be dead. Mana Rabiee reports.
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2016 Debate Watch: John Kasich Cracks Top 10
Daniel Doherty
The needle hasn’t move all that much since our last post two weeks ago. After a bevy of polling, Donald Trump is still ascendant and most of the candidates expected to qualify for the rapidly approaching, primetime Fox News debate almost certainly will.
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Brutal: Tom Cotton Grills Kerry on Iran Deal
Guy Benson
A tough, focused, relentless cross-examination of the Secretary of State by freshman Sen. Tom Cotton -- an Iraq war veteran and a graduate of Harvard Law School.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
Jindal Takes Down 'Radical Left' in Latest Keystone Speech
Heather Ginsberg
Heather Ginsberg
Voters to G.O.P.: We're Just Not That Into Immigrants
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
America Needs a Sensible Approach to Illegal Immigration
Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson
How Dumb Do They Think We Are?
Derek Hunter
Derek Hunter
How Cruz, Fiorina, and even Trump are Saving the Republican Brand
Carl Jackson
Carl Jackson
Dumb as Trump
Michael Reagan
Michael Reagan
President Obama: Out of (Touch with) Africa
Ken Blackwell
Ken Blackwell
Debates vs. Debates
Cal Thomas
Cal  Thomas
Happy Birthday to Robert
Jackie Gingrich Cushman
Jackie Gingrich Cushman
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Michigan Officer Shells Out $35,000 For Open Carry Stop | Bob Owens
Sam Dubose Case: Murder, or Reflexive Discharge? | Bob Owens
Post-Lafayette, Interest In Concealed Carry Surges Across Louisiana | Bob Owens
How To Zero A Rifle In Two Shots | Bob Owens
Does Body Camera Video In Police Shooting Of Sam Dubose Shooting Show Murder? | Bob Owens
Political News
US judge rules Greenpeace in contempt for Oregon protest | AP News
Turkey onslaught on Kurds, after IS attack, fuels anger | AP News
US judge rejects legal challenge from Guantanamo detainee | AP News
Congress passes 3-month highway, transit aid patch | AP News
Governor weighs parole for California school bus hijacker | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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