As I said on
Friday, last week was a rough one for Democrats' presumptive presidential
nominee. A Q-poll of voters in the swing states of Colorado, Virginia and Iowa
showed her upside-down by substantial margins on trust, empathy and overall
favorability. [Keep
week, Retired General Wesley Clark, who was NATO commander during the U.S.
bombing of Serbia, proposed that "disloyal Americans" be sent to internment
camps for the "duration of the conflict." [Keep
Ted Cruz says Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell lied about a deal with
Senate Democrats over Trade Promotion Authority and the Export-Import
Bank. [Keep
has a lengthy career in comedy, including stand-up, as a correspondent for The
Daily Show, 12 comedy albums in 12 months, and as a member of the Ragtime Gals
barbershop quartet on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. [Keep
Barack Obama huddled with Ethiopia's leaders Monday for talks on
counterterrorism, human rights and regional security issues, including the
crisis in neighboring South Sudan. Obama's visit marks the first visit by a
sitting U.S. president to Ethiopia. [Keep
Seuss new book, What Pet Should I Get? inspired me to write a Seuss-style poem
from the perspective of a mother who wants a gun to defend her family. [Keep
Donald Trump is
surging. He’s tapped into the anger within the electorate about how Washington
has failed to do anything about immigration. Yet, it’s really grounded in what
voters see as a lack of the rule of law on this issue and many others,
specifically Obamacare, coming from the Obama administration. [Keep
It appears Gov. Mike
Huckabee has made yet another bombastic statement, this time by criticizing
President Obama’s recently-brokered and much-pilloried Iran deal. [Keep
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