Monday, July 27, 2015

Meet the Press Anchor: Hillary's Favorability 'Dismal,' Email Probe 'Incredibly Significant'

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Meet the Press Anchor: Hillary's Favorability 'Dismal,' Email Probe 'Incredibly Significant'
Guy Benson
As I said on Friday, last week was a rough one for Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee. A Q-poll of voters in the swing states of Colorado, Virginia and Iowa showed her upside-down by substantial margins on trust, empathy and overall favorability.
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Levin: It's Time for Boehner and McConnell to Resign
Aaron Bandler
Q-Poll: Colorado Voters Oppose Tougher Gun Laws
Matt Vespa
Cuban Athlete Defections Continue
Christine Rousselle
McConnell One Year Ago: 'You Can Count on Me' to Lead Pro-life Legislation
Cortney O'Brien
Obamacare Repeal Vote Attached to Highway Funding Bill Fails
Cortney O'Brien
Shocker: Minimum Wage Hikes Gutted Over 700,000 Jobs In 2013
Matt Vespa
VIDEO: Never-Before-Seen Photos Inside the White House During 9/11
The National Archive released these never-before-seen photos of the Bush Administration during the 9/11 attacks.
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Do We Really Need to Bring Back Internment Camps?
Ron Paul
Last week, Retired General Wesley Clark, who was NATO commander during the U.S. bombing of Serbia, proposed that "disloyal Americans" be sent to internment camps for the "duration of the conflict."
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VIDEO: Ted Cruz Accuses Mitch McConnell of Lying About Trade Deal
Senator Ted Cruz says Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell lied about a deal with Senate Democrats over Trade Promotion Authority and the Export-Import Bank.
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De Pasquale’s Dozen with Red Eye Host Tom Shillue
Lisa De Pasquale
Tom has a lengthy career in comedy, including stand-up, as a correspondent for The Daily Show, 12 comedy albums in 12 months, and as a member of the Ragtime Gals barbershop quartet on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.
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VIDEO: Obama Holds Talks on Security, Human Rights in Ethiopia
President Barack Obama huddled with Ethiopia's leaders Monday for talks on counterterrorism, human rights and regional security issues, including the crisis in neighboring South Sudan. Obama's visit marks the first visit by a sitting U.S. president to Ethiopia.
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What Gun Should I Get?
Katie Kieffer
Dr. Seuss new book, What Pet Should I Get? inspired me to write a Seuss-style poem from the perspective of a mother who wants a gun to defend her family.
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Mr. Trump, Where's The Issues Section On Your Campaign Site?
Matt Vespa
Donald Trump is surging. He’s tapped into the anger within the electorate about how Washington has failed to do anything about immigration. Yet, it’s really grounded in what voters see as a lack of the rule of law on this issue and many others, specifically Obamacare, coming from the Obama administration.
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Huckabee: Iran Deal Could Initiate Another Jewish Holocaust
Daniel Doherty
It appears Gov. Mike Huckabee has made yet another bombastic statement, this time by criticizing President Obama’s recently-brokered and much-pilloried Iran deal.
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Conservatives Are Going After Law Enforcement Agencies In the Name of Property Rights
Kevin Glass
Kevin Glass
Starnes: Emasculated Republicans Block Effort to Defund Planned Parenthood
Todd Starnes
Todd Starnes
The Coming (And Hilarious) Democrat Implosion
Kurt Schlichter
Kurt  Schlichter
President Obama to Abortionists: “Thank You, Planned Parenthood. God Bless You.”
Ken Blackwell
Ken Blackwell
Can Trump Save America Alone?
Terry Paulson
Terry Paulson
The Casualness of It
Paul Greenberg
Paul Greenberg
Gun Control: Eating Steak with Teaspoons
Susan Stamper Brown
Susan Stamper Brown
The Meaning of Life
Matt Barber
Matt Barber
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Concealed Carrier Named Patrick Ewing Stops Attempted Mass Shooting In Cincinnati | Bob Owens
Gun Control & The Louisiana Movie Theater Shooting | Bob Owens
Woman Dies After Failing To Learn How to Fight With Her Handgun | Bob Owens
Socialist Bernie Sanders Wants To Ban All Self-Defense Firearms | Bob Owens
The “Assault Weapon” From 1780 | Bob Owens
Political News
Cleveland transit officials investigating pepper spray use | AP News
US, Turkey plan for 'safe zone' free of IS in northern Syria | AP News
Libertarian donors put up $6 million for Rand Paul GOP bid | AP News
Boston to drop bid to host 2024 Olympic Games: local media | Reuters News
Ex-FIFA official Warner to seek judicial review, may delay extradition | Reuters News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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