Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Planned Parenthood Begs Media: Stop Covering Our Scandal

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Planned Parenthood Begs Media: Stop Covering Our Scandal
Guy Benson
Planned Parenthood is in real trouble. Three shocking videos released over recent days -- with more on the way, apparently -- have shown officials at the abortion giant haggling over the price of aborted baby organs.
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Good News: All Major Candidates Are Eligible For August 6 Debates
Daniel Doherty
Hillary Admits the Planned Parenthood Videos are 'Disturbing'
Cortney O'Brien
Israel: U.S. Officials Are Withholding Major Parts And Details Of Iran Deal From Us
Katie Pavlich
One Dead After Another Attack on UK Border
Andre Walker
Latest: Infamous Lion-Killer Gave Mitt Romney Money
Daniel Doherty
Senate To Vote on Defunding Planned Parenthood
Katie Pavlich
Cure for Racial Dishonesty
Walter E. Williams
There have been several notable cases of racial fakery. Years ago, then-law professor Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren falsely claimed that her great-grandfather was Cherokee Indian. A diversity-starved Harvard University jumped at the opportunity to hire her.
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VIDEO: What You Missed: Senate Hearing on Iran Nuclear Deal
Senators questioned administration officials about a nuclear weapons agreement reached earlier this month with Iran during Thursdays Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing.
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With All Due Respect to Bill O'Reilly, The USA Is Worse Than Barbaric
Todd Starnes
A third undercover video has sparked a new round of outrage over Planned Parenthood.
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VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Vows to Defend Obamacare
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton warned supporters in Ames, Iowa that a Republican president would repeal the Affordable Care Act. She also discussed her plans to counter climate change.
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Evil In America
Ben Shapiro
This week, the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group dedicated to unmasking the atrocities committed by taxpayer-funded abortion juggernaut Planned Parenthood, released its latest in a series of undercover videos about the organization.
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VIDEO: How Much Does ‘The Donald’ Really Think He’s Worth?
Theres a growing controversy over Donald Trumps net worth. Well let the billionaire presidential candidate tell you about his financial disclosure. And in case you were wondering, hes not bragging about it.
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Iran: How About We Supply Our Own Soil Samples From That Alleged Nuclear Site?
Guy Benson
Given the long list of mind-boggling Obama administration capitulations to Iran, why not see the farce all the way through?
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Hillary On Keystone Pipeline: I’ll Let You Know My Position When I Become President
Matt Vespa
It’s that time again! Where does Mrs. Clinton stand on the issue of the Keystone XL pipeline?
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Guns and the Economy
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Katie Pavlich
Obama Cronyism + Your Personal Data = Trouble
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Michelle Malkin
Governed by Zealots
John Stossel
John Stossel
Laughing Over Dead Babies? Media Bored
Brent Bozell
Brent Bozell
How to Kill the Summer Job
Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg
Hillary – You Are No Bill Clinton
Bob Barr
Bob Barr
The Return of the Grad-Tax Hustlke
Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
What We Learn From Football
Terry Jeffrey
Terry Jeffrey
Turkey and Syria: From Bluff to Buffer
Austin Bay
Austin Bay
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
University Of Cincinnati Officer Indicted For Murder Of Motorist/School Evacuated | Bob Owens
N.C. Gun Law Heads to McCrory’s Desk, Jim Crow-Era Handgun Permitting Scheme Intact | Bob Owens
THAT ‘SMART GUN’ WILL GET YOU KILLED: Hackers Take Over Computerized Rifle, Charge Targets | Bob Owens
BREAKING: People Who Don’t Train At Things Stink At Stuff | Bob Owens
Texas Pastor Shoots Intruder | Bob Owens
Political News
Russia vetoes Security Council proposal on MH17 tribunal | AP News
Sen. Cruz takes on more traditional GOP target: the IRS | AP News
The Latest: Ohio police officer is fired, turns himself in | AP News
Russia vetoes bid to set up tribunal for downed flight MH17 | Reuters News
US agency says it is 'deeply concerned' about lion kill | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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