Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Horror: Third Planned Parenthood Video Captures Abortionists Procuring Fetal Tissue for Profit Cortney O'Brien

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Horror: Third Planned Parenthood Video Captures Abortionists Procuring Fetal Tissue for Profit
Cortney O'Brien
In baseball, three strikes means you're out. Hopefully the same is true for Planned Parenthood, who as of Tuesday morning has now been exposed three times negotiating the sale of fetal body parts.
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Three Excerpts From Carly Fiorina's Ronald Reagan Library Speech
Daniel Doherty
Obama: I'd Make An Awesome Third Term President, You Know
Katie Pavlich
Poll: Half of Respondents (52 Percent) Oppose Iran Deal
Daniel Doherty
Pew Poll: Republicans Unhappy With The Republican Party
Katie Pavlich
ICYMI: Planned Parenthood CEO Struggles to Justify Selling Baby Parts
Katie Pavlich
WaPo: Americans See More Guns As The Solution
Matt Vespa
Huckabee Blasts Bush: 'We Need a Churchill, Not a Chamberlain'
Todd Starnes
Former Gov. Mike Huckabee's passionate defense of Israel has caused a massive puckering among Democrats and Establishment Republicans including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.
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As a Global Leader, America Should Ditch the Export-Import Bank
Allen West
As a world leader, the United States should lead. Instead of participating in a corrupt system where governments pick winners and losers, the United States should ditch the Export-Import Bank and lead the world to a better system of free trade, low taxes and minimal regulation.
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VIDEO: Two Weeks to go: Republicans Scramble to Make Debate Stage
The first Republican debate is less than two weeks away, sending Republicans in a scramble.
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Choice and Morality
Bill Murchison
Abortion activists and supporters -- which is to say, most of the Democratic Party and the entirety of the liberal intelligentsia -- like to frame abortion as a liberty issue.
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VIDEO: Hillary’s Climate Plan: Good Policy, Good Politics?
Mark Halperin and John Heilemann discuss Hillary Clinton's climate change proposals on "With All Dues Respect."
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VIDEO: LA City Council Expected To Vote On Tougher Gun Laws
Members of the Los Angeles City Council are expected to pull the trigger on tougher gun laws on Tuesday.
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Chaffetz: IRS Commissioner John Koskinen Should Be Fired And Impeached
Katie Pavlich
After years of investigation into the IRS targeting of conservative groups House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz, who took over as chairman after Rep. Darrell Issa earlier this year, has had enough of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen.
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Video: Hillary's Email Lies Eviscerated By…MSNBC?
Guy Benson
We've spent several posts documenting Hillary Clinton's known, provable lies about her improper and national security-endangering secret email scheme.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
Great News: Afghanistan Wants to Bring Back Stoning
Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich
Guns and the Economy
Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich
5 Reasons Donald Trump's Run At The Presidency Is Good For The Republican Party
John Hawkins
John Hawkins
Documented Irresponsibility
Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell
Is America Entering a New Victorian Era?
Michael Barone
Michael Barone
Republicans on Road to Ruin With Highway Bill
Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore
Phony GOP Conservatism Has Worn Out Its Welcome
David Limbaugh
David Limbaugh
Earth to Kepler-452b
Cal Thomas
Cal  Thomas
The Left's Contempt for America: Left-Right Differences, Part VI
Dennis Prager
Dennis Prager
Could Trump Win?
Pat Buchanan
Pat Buchanan
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Will The Brady Campaign Victimize The Family Of An Aurora Theater Shooting Victim Again? | Bob Owens
Marine Corps Signals Shifts To Army Sniper Rifles, Infantry Carbines | Bob Owens
Massive Taurus Safety Settlement Could Include 100,000 Pistols | Bob Owens
Simunition FX Training For Force-On-Force Training | Bob Owens
NARRATIVE FAIL: The Lafayette Theater Shooter Did NOT Get His Gun Legally | Bob Owens
Political News
In Bahrain, 2 police officers killed, 6 wounded in bombing | AP News
GOP: Still no deal on Clinton testimony to Benghazi panel | AP News
2 meetings held by panel examining Ferguson decisions | AP News
Police seek links between West Virginia killing and cold cases | Reuters News
SBA loan approvals resume after Congress lifts lending limit | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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