In baseball, three
strikes means you're out. Hopefully the same is true for Planned Parenthood, who
as of Tuesday morning has now been exposed three times negotiating the sale of
fetal body parts. [Keep
Gov. Mike Huckabee's passionate defense of Israel has caused a massive puckering
among Democrats and Establishment Republicans including former Florida Gov. Jeb
Bush. [Keep
a world leader, the United States should lead. Instead of participating in a
corrupt system where governments pick winners and losers, the United States
should ditch the Export-Import Bank and lead the world to a better system of
free trade, low taxes and minimal regulation. [Keep
activists and supporters -- which is to say, most of the Democratic Party and
the entirety of the liberal intelligentsia -- like to frame abortion as a
liberty issue. [Keep
After years of
investigation into the IRS targeting of conservative groups House Oversight
Chairman Jason Chaffetz, who took over as chairman after Rep. Darrell Issa
earlier this year, has had enough of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. [Keep
We've spent several
posts documenting Hillary Clinton's known, provable lies about her improper and
national security-endangering secret email scheme. [Keep
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