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Bible contains an explicit prophecy about a coming break-up between America and
Israel. No one is talking about it. These two nations have enjoyed a special and
enduring alliance, but a cataclysmic event will soon rock America, Israel and
other Western nations, ending this bond. You need to know what is coming and
why! 28:32
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24, 2015 26
Prophetic Events in Exact Sequence Before Christ’s Return!
(Part 1) Many
sense the world is hurtling toward calamity. Opinions abound, but what is the
truth of Bible prophecy? What specific events precede Christ’s
Return? 28:32
17, 2015 Can
a Christian Believe Evolution? (Part 2) Many
Christians struggle to accept the validity of the Genesis Creation account. Yet
Jesus and the apostles spoke constantly of people and events described
throughout Genesis. This final part brings more New Testament proof that
Christians cannot believe evolution. 28:32