Thursday, July 30, 2015

join AIPAC and help our efforts to mobilize every potential activist as we work with Congress in support of a better deal with Iran.

Dear Friend of Israel:

The 60-day period for Congress to review the proposed nuclear deal with Iran has begun. As you may have seen, while AIPAC was hopeful that a good diplomatic agreement could be reached, it is clear that the deal will not be sufficient to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
To that end we must galvanize every resource possible to help educate the public and work with members of Congress to understand the dangers of the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran.
This is a monumental challenge - and one that will require extraordinary financial investment. That is why we are reaching out to ask for your support by becoming a member of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee today.
Please click here to join AIPAC and help our efforts to mobilize every potential activist as we work with Congress in support of a better deal with Iran.
For more than 60 years, pro-Israel Americans across the country have joined with AIPAC to help keep America and Israel more secure by ensuring the relationship between the two countries remains strong.
We have been successful because Americans like you – who are concerned about Israel and its security – have offered their support for our efforts. We hope we can count on your generosity today by becoming a member of AIPAC. Your gift will help to ensure we are in the best possible position to secure a veto-proof majority to oppose this unacceptable agreement.
Thank you for your support.

Brian Shankman
Director of Regional Affairs and Development

P.S. Never before have the stakes been greater - and the value of your investment has never been more critical to our success. Please click here to join AIPAC today.

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