Saturday, December 31, 2016

Former NYPD Commissioner: 'Black Lives Matter is a Hate Group' "The anti-cop rhetoric stuff, I think this stuff started at the White House.”"

Former NYPD Commissioner: 'Black Lives Matter is a Hate Group'

"The anti-cop rhetoric stuff, I think this stuff started at the White House.”"

During a Fox News panel discussion revolving around the increase in police shootings this year, a former NYPD police commissioner placed the blame for anti-cop rhetoric on President Barack Obama and dismissed Black Lives matter as a hate group.
According to Mediaite, Bernard Kerik claimed that the numbers were increasing due to the rise of anti-cop rhetoric. Attorney Eric Guster conceded that it exists but believes that the media is blowing it out of proportion while also noting that there are too many “dirty guns on the street,” and that cops responding to domestic violence situations may also play a factor.
Host Sandra Smith switched to Kerik for his take on things.
“Look, I think there is... the anti-cop rhetoric stuff? I think this is stuff that started at the White House,” Kerik stated, causing Guster to interject, “No way, no way!”
Guster, who is black, claimed that holding police accountable is not anti-cop. Smith asked Kerik to specify how such sentiment was tied to the Obama administration, and Kerik responded, “Let’s say Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter is a hate group.”
Guster didn't let him finish his point, asking him to explain why the majority of cop shootings are committed by white men. Kerik began his point again, “Black Lives Matter is a hate group” while saying government officials today support such groups while BLM calls for cop assassinations.
Guster tried to dismiss this as "fake": "This is a lie, what he's telling you," he said, addressing the host. He went on to express his frustration over criticism of BLM. Check out the exchange in the video above.
Mediaite snidely noted that Kerik has previously referred to Ferguson protesters as “animals” and “savages.” If by "protesters" Mediaite means "rioters," then we don't have a problem with Kerik's assessments.

CA State Professor: Trump’s Climate Views Disqualify Him From Using Twitter

CA State Professor: Trump’s Climate Views Disqualify Him From Using Twitter

“Such reforms would make it more difficult for networks to shove people like Cheney, Rove, and Fleischer down our throats."

A history professor at Cal State University, Sacramento, argued President-Elect Donald Trump should not be able to use Twitter because "people who dismiss science in one area shouldn’t be able to benefit from science in others.”
Newsbusters reports that Joseph A. Palermo (pictured above) believes Trump’s views on “the science of climate change” disqualify him from using “the science of the Internet,” and other technical achievements.
“I’ve always believed that people who dismiss science in one area shouldn’t be able to benefit from science in others,” he wrote for the Huffington Post on Dec. 27.
Accordingly, Palermo said that President Trump shouldn’t be able to use “the science of global positioning” for drones or “the science of nuclear power” for weapons. Presumably he believes Trump also shouldn't be able to use a cell phone or electric toothbrush, either.
Newbusters also notes that in 2009, Palermo argued for “all sorts of reforms” by the federal government that he said would “open up the nation’s political discourse.” For him, opening up the nation's political discourse meant silencing former George W. Bush administration officials from participating:
Such reforms would make it more difficult for networks to shove people like [Dick] Cheney, [Karl] Rove, and [Ari] Fleischer down our throats because enhanced competition would mean that rivals might be broadcasting more attractive fare.
Another day, another totalitarian academic condemning dissent from leftist orthodoxy. Sorry Professor, but come January 20th there will be a new sheriff in town, and your anti-free speech days are numbered.

Former Obama Staffer: Democrats Have a Religious Problem "The Democratic Party used to welcome people who didn’t support abortion"

Former Obama Staffer: Democrats Have a Religious Problem

"The Democratic Party used to welcome people who didn’t support abortion"

Former Obama staffer Michael Wear, who served as part of the President's faith-outreach in both the 2008 and 2012 campaigns, says the Democrats have a serious problem with religion, and need to stop shunning it should they want to win future elections. 
President-elect Donald Trump won evangelical voters by 81 to 16 percent against Hillary Clinton and Catholic voters by 52 to 45 percent. According to Wear, who opposes same-sex marriage and abortion, this disparity needs some serious examination by the Democratic Party, which has become not just irreligious but increasingly anti-religious since Bill Clinton clinched the nomination in 1992. 
In an interview with Emma Green at The Atlantic, Wear opened up about some of his experiences as an Obama staffer, which included various awkward encounters with fellow staffers that were either ignorant of Christian culture or disdainful of it.
Some of his colleagues also didn’t understand his work. He once drafted a faith-outreach fact sheet describing Obama’s views on poverty, titling it 'Economic Fairness and the Least of These,' a reference to a famous teaching from Jesus in the Bible. Another staffer repeatedly deleted 'the least of these,' commenting, 'Is this a typo? It doesn’t make any sense to me. Who/what are ‘these’?'
Wear also attested to almost quitting his job entirely when he "watched battles over abortion funding and contraception requirements in the Affordable Care Act with chagrin."
As to the oft-repeated question on why Christians would support a man with a morally checkered past like Donald Trump for President, Wear says they were looking for a protector in a culture that has increasingly hectored and isolated them.
Many of those 81 percent are accommodating cultural changes in America that are deeply problematic. Liberals have been trying to convince Americans, and evangelicals in particular, that America is not a Christian nation. The 2016 election was evangelicals saying, 'Yeah, you’re right! We can’t expect to have someone who is Christian like us. We can’t expect to have someone with a perfect family life. What we can expect is someone who can look out for us, just like every other group in this country is looking for a candidate who will look out for them.'
A huge problem for Democrats, Wear says, is their rendering abortion as sacrosanct, shunning anyone from the party that doesn't follow the rubric, a sentiment that even some pro-choicers have started to feel. Wear says that only alienates people that may otherwise vote Democrat, but resist on moral principle. It also doesn't help that the abortion narrative has been pushed solely by pro-abort organizations like Planned Parenthood, who gave "historic investments" in both the 2008 and 2012 campaigns. 
Wear concludes that people like himself have begun to feel politically isolated in the Democratic Party as they hemorrhage their last vestige of social conservatives into the Republican party.
"The Democratic Party used to welcome people who didn’t support abortion into the party," he concludes. "We are now so far from that, it’s insane."

Soros: Trump ‘A Con Artist, Would-Be Dictator’ “Open societies are in crisis… fascist dictatorships to mafia states – are on the rise.”

Soros: Trump ‘A Con Artist, Would-Be Dictator

“Open societies are in crisis… fascist dictatorships to mafia states – are on the rise.”

Billionaire leftist and election marionette George Soros called President-elect Donald Trump a “con artist” and a “would-be dictator” in a scathing new op-ed distributed by Project Syndicate.
He begins with a little history lesson about himself, how he escaped from communist Hungary as a Jew in 1947 to England where he eventually began studying political philosophies that led him to become an “active promoter” of open societies and an “opponent” of closed societies.
With that very brief summary in mind, Soros weaves his way forward to 2016 and Trump.
“I find the current moment in history very painful,” he writes. “Open societies are in crisis, and various forms of closed societies – from fascist dictatorships to mafia states – are on the rise. How could this happen? The only explanation I can find is that elected leaders failed to meet voters’ legitimate expectations and aspirations and that this failure led electorates to become disenchanted with the prevailing versions of democracy and capitalism. Quite simply, many people felt that the elites had stolen their democracy.”
“The lack of redistributive policies is the main source of the dissatisfaction,” he goes on to explain.
In the world of Soros, societies must “sacrifice part of their sovereignty for the common good.” That’s why he is such “an avid supporter of the European Union,” he states.
But his dreams of a socialist utopia came crashing down in 2016 when the voices of England’s Brexit and American Republican voters cried out for liberty:
Democracy is now in crisis. Even the US, the world’s leading democracy, elected a con artist and would-be dictator as its president. Although Trump has toned down his rhetoric since he was elected, he has changed neither his behavior nor his advisers. His cabinet comprises incompetent extremists and retired generals.
“What lies ahead?” Soros ponders.
“I am confident that democracy will prove resilient in the US. Its Constitution and institutions, including the fourth estate, are strong enough to resist the excesses of the executive branch, thus preventing a would-be dictator from becoming an actual one.”
In the end, it’s the American voter that Soros has the most contempt for, at least, the voter he has no influence over:
But the US will be preoccupied with internal struggles in the near future, and targeted minorities will suffer. The US will be unable to protect and promote democracy in the rest of the world. On the contrary, Trump will have greater affinity with dictators. That will allow some of them to reach an accommodation with the US, and others to carry on without interference. Trump will prefer making deals to defending principles. Unfortunately, that will be popular with his core constituency.

Restaurant Won't Be Adding Trump to Its Mural of Every President Since Eisenhower “Our official position is that it is not in the budget.”

Restaurant Won't Be Adding Trump to Its Mural of Every President Since Eisenhower

“Our official position is that it is not in the budget.”

Now that Donald Trump is on his way to the White House, freedom of association has suddenly become the left's highest most precious right.
Example #694: Mama Ayesha’s restaurant in Washington D.C. has been serving Middle Eastern food in the Adams Morgan neighborhood since 1960. According to Mediaite, in 2009 artist Karla “Karlisima” Rodas finished a mural that took him two years to paint which depicts the restaurant’s founder, “Mama” Ayesha Abraham herself, with every U.S. President since Dwight Eisenhower. A quick location search on Instagram for the restaurant turns up more photos of the mural than of the food, Mediaite notes.
Amir Abu-El-Hawa, whose family owns the restaurant, recently told The Washingtonian about the mural, “This is Mama welcoming the presidents to DC…  She was the American dream. For a Muslim and Arab woman immigrant from Palestine to come here on her own and build this business, is a remarkable legacy.”
Incoming President Donald Trump will not be added to the mural, however. When asked why, Abu-El-Hawa explained, “Our official position is that it is not in the budget.”
The fact that he called this "the official position" sends the obvious message that there is an unofficial one which he is unwilling to share. We suspect we know what that position is.


Eight Years of Obama Vacations and Travel Expenses Cost Taxpayers Nearly $100 Million Ironically including a trip to speak about global warming for Earth Day.

Eight Years of Obama Vacations and Travel Expenses Cost Taxpayers Nearly $100 Million

Ironically including a trip to speak about global warming for Earth Day.

Judicial Watch has released the numbers for the vacations and travel expenses for the Obama family over the last eight years, and as expected, they're staggering.
Tabulating the figures from documents received through Freedom of Information Act lawsuits against the Department of Homeland Security, the grand total to taxpayers is $96,938,882.51, including the final first family Christmas trip to Hawaii.
Hillary Clinton hitched a few rides on Air Force One, as well, further adding a financial burden on the backs of working Americans. In July this year, Mrs. Clinton was treated to world-class travel on the plane with the president for a campaign stop in North Carolina and all for the low, low price of $360,236. 
Then, in October, Michelle Obama flew to North Carolina to campaign with Clinton once again in the Tar Heel state. However, the documents for this trip haven’t been released. Judicial Watch estimates it cost taxpayers $28,522.80 for the 1.8-hour flight on the C-32A reserved for trips for the first lady.
President Obama spent the last eight years lecturing everyone on the dangers of climate change and how fossil fuels are destroying the environment. Kind of ironic seeing as he flew to Florida last year on Earth Day to give a speech on global warming. That trip cost a whopping $1,012,367.76. Saving the planet one flight at a time!
Here are some more figures from JW’s report:
  • The Secret Service records for Obama’s October 2015 fundraising travel to San Diego reveal expenses totaling $180,187.09. Including the U.S. Air Force expenses, the total cost of Obama’s San Diego trip was at least $2,181,655.99.
  • Michelle Obama’s February 2016 ski trip to Aspen with her daughters cost taxpayers a total of $222,875.58. The Secret Service expenses were $165,806.78.  Judicial Watch previously obtained records from the Air Force revealing that Michelle Obama’s weekend trip to Aspen, Colorado, last year cost American taxpayers $57,068.80 in travel expenses alone for the 7.4-hour round-trip flight.
  • Judicial Watch obtained records from the U.S. Air Force and the Secret Service revealing that Barack Obama’s trip to Cuba and Argentina in March 2016 cost taxpayers $7,146,015.18 in Secret Service and Air Force travel expenses.
  • Air Force records regarding Michelle Obama’s trip to Morocco, Spain and Liberia with her daughters in June 2016 revealed $450,026.40 in flight expenses alone. A C-32A was flown for 28.4 hours.
  • Judicial Watch recently obtained Air Force records which reveal that the Obama’s August 2016 vacation to Martha’s Vineyard cost taxpayers $450,295 in flight expenses alone.
JW president Tom Fitton said, “The Obamas’ notorious abuse of presidential travel perks wasted military resources and stressed the Secret Service.”
“Judicial Watch estimates that the final costs of Obama’s unnecessary vacation and political travel will well exceed $100 million,” he added. “President-elect Trump can immediately save taxpayers money by reforming presidential travel.”

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