Friday, December 30, 2016

Free Beacon Names Fly on Hillary’s Face ‘2016 Man of the Year’ Wait, how do they know the fly was male? It doesn’t matter; it was prophetic.

Free Beacon Names Fly on Hillary’s Face ‘2016 Man of the Year’

Wait, how do they know the fly was male? It doesn’t matter; it was prophetic.

Offering a much-needed laugh is the Washington Free Beacon which has just named a fly as one of its 2016 Men of the Year.
Yes, that fly — the one that for a split-second perched on Hillary Clinton’s left eyebrow during the October 9 presidential debates. It was a prophetic moment, the Beacon hilariously concludes, because at that time, “Clinton led by 4.6 points in the Real Clear Politics average [and so] she appeared to be proceeding slowly but inexorably toward her coronation.”
However, a few weeks later, Trump made substantial gains and ultimately cast her out “to Chappaqua to live out her final days.” The fly, known for being attracted to something that stinks, was trying to tell us something.
The Beacon tried to “crack the code” and found it in an ancient tome:
“In the Dutch Vanitas tradition, flies symbolize the fleeting nature of time and the speed with which death arrives,” according to the authoritative Encyclopedia of Animal Symbolism in Art. European art often depicts flies perched on human skulls as a memento mori, or reminder that our death looms just around the corner.
According to the website History of Painters, “A fly hovering over a … nobleman indicates disfavor with the king or corruption and dereliction of duty.” 
The Beacon concludes:
The fly was telling the world that Hillary Clinton was a shambling corpse neck-deep in corruption. And it seems the message got through—as the election results show, our winged messenger reached enough voters to save our nation, and by extension the world.
Way to go, fly guy. You’re a Free Beacon Man of the Year.
For more of the Beacon’s picks, some actually serious, click here.

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