@AnnCoulter Jan. 1 (one year ago)
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Highlights: The Obamas hire a moving company; the class-action lawsuit, Donors v Jeb; and of course ... President-elect Trump!
@AnnCoulter Jan. 12
... even GOP response to Obama's SOTU is a paean to immigrants. And GOP can't figure out why Trump is sweeping the country.
@AnnCoulter Jan. 12
Trump should deport Nikki Haley.
@AnnCoulter Jan. 15
Bush campaign lands the coveted Lindsey Graham endorsement, bringing an additional 0.0% support to the juggernaut that is Jeb!
@AnnCoulter Jan. 26
Recall: Rubio was not asked about his single legislative accomplishment -- amnesty bill -- until the SIXTH debate.
@AnnCoulter Jan. 30
Sweaty little liar Rubio sucks up to Iowans with Jesus talk, but he tried to replace them with 30 million Mexicans.
@AnnCoulter Jan. 30
Rubio's immigration bill issued 33 MILLION green cards in 10 yrs -- or 271 new immigrants for every 1 GOP caucus-goer in Iowa.
@AnnCoulter Feb. 1
Trump is the leading GOP vote-getter tonight, among natural-born-American candidates.
@AnnCoulter Feb. 6
Assume Fox News is declaring Rubio "winner!”
@AnnCoulter Feb. 9
MSNBC reporting Trump won EVERY SINGLE DEMOGRAPHIC in NH: conservatives, independents, Repubs, college ed, no college ed, religious, etc.
@AnnCoulter Feb. 17
Hey South Carolina! The woman who ripped down your Confederate symbols & demands no pause in Muslim immigration just endorsed Marco Rubio.
@AnnCoulter Feb. 20
Tonight is the night Trump won the nomination. I love you Iowa, but you embarrassed yourself again.
@AnnCoulter Feb. 24
Everyone's asking Rubio if there are any states he could actually WIN. You bet there are! Sinaloa? Chiapas? Jalisco? Maybe even Oaxaca.
@AnnCoulter Feb. 26
@AnnCoulter Feb. 26
Meanwhile, the "bombshell" in Trump's tax returns appears to be his paying for Mitt Romney's sex change operation.
@AnnCoulter March 1
So far, Marco Rubio has won precisely the same number of GOP primaries all year as Evander Holyfield.
@AnnCoulter March 2
New anti-Trump PAC hires former Bush campaign flack Tim Miller. That'll do the trick ... especially if he brings Jeb!'s exclamation point.
@AnnCoulter March 11
For those who like their daily Hitler analogy: Lefty brownshirts just forced cancellation of a peaceful Trump rally in Chicago.
@AnnCoulter March 11
Anyone else notice the Mexican flags being waved by the anti-Trump Chicago mob?
@AnnCoulter March 12
Left-wing fascists violently shut down a peaceful Trump rally last night & Cruz + the entire media took the animals' side.
@AnnCoulter March 12
Kasich's threat not to support Trump as nominee has left America puzzled. On street corners everywhere you hear: "Who's John Katich?"
@AnnCoulter March 15
To beat Rubio, Trump had to beat: Fox, entire MSM, National Review, Salem Radio, every major GOP donor ... MAYBE VOTERS WANT LESS IMMIGRATION!
RT @tedcruz March 22
Our hearts break for the men and women of Brussels this morning.
@AnnCoulter reply:
Civilization could use a little less heartfelt sentiment and a lot more Muslim-banning. GO TRUMP!
@AnnCoulter March 29
Like Americans everywhere, I know I'll always remember where I was when news arrived of the tragic assault on Michelle Fields.
@AnnCoulter March 31
Romney lost the white vote to Obama, or barely won whites in 10 swing states. Trump only needs a few of them to win.
@AnnCoulter March 31
Trump's working class white vote gives him a number of paths to electoral victory. Other GOPs have no path.
@AnnCoulter March 31
True, I've gone from supporting Trump to wildly supporting Trump. Report: "Coulter appears to sour on 'mental' Donald Trump”
@AnnCoulter April 8
@DailyCaller: GOP Establishment Money Funding Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Erick Erickson to Attack Trump
@AnnCoulter April 8
In Massachusetts alone, 20k Dems switched to R to vote for Trump. I think we can lose the pundit class.
@AnnCoulter April 25
If new Cruz/Kasich axis fails to stop Trump, isn't next chess move Jeb!/Jindal? Or maybe McCain/Dole! Carly/Willkie. Romney/Stassen?
@AnnCoulter April 25
61,500 Democrats have switched their registration to Republican in PA, so far in 2016. GO TRUMP!
@AnnCoulter April 26
This campaign is far from over. Still need to choose the theme of Trump's inaugural ball, and which high school bands to invite.
@AnnCoulter April 27
Lizard-man in Earthling suit discusses basketball: Cruz calls hoop a 'basketball ring’
(Cruz announces Carly Fiorina as his VP)
@AnnCoulter April 27
Guess we best stay glued to the TV today, in case Cruz decides to give his inaugural address or appoint a new Secretary of the Interior.
@AnnCoulter April 28
DRUDGE: TRUMP MOST VOTES IN REPUBLICAN HISTORY! It's beginning to look like the wall is more popular than "Hispanic outreach.”
@AnnCoulter April 29
What I like most about immigrants is their gratitude. "TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEATEN, BLOODIED BY 'MEXICAN-FLAG WAVERS’"
@AnnCoulter May 3
Jake Tapper just claimed Trump has offended every single group "from Muslims to Hispanics." One group he hasn't offended: AMERICANS.
(House Speaker Paul Ryan Refuses to endorse Trump)
@AnnCoulter May 12
So far, Trump has received 10,994,897 votes & counting. Monumentally irrelevant whether or not Ryan chooses to make it 10,994,898.
@AnnCoulter May 27
GUARANTEE: Next Memorial Day weekend won't find President Trump in an Axis country, groveling.
@AnnCoulter Aug. 21
NYT op-ed tally since Trump clinched nomination: 102 anti-Trump, 0 pro-Trump, 22 pro-Hillary, 7 anti-Hillary.
(Trump Phoenix immigration speech)
@AnnCoulter Aug. 31
After Trump's triumphant visit with the Mexican president today, he should skip this speech & start putting together his transition team.
@AnnCoulter Aug. 31
Wow. This doesn't sound like "softening." GO, TRUMP!!!
@AnnCoulter Aug. 31
Trump: "Our greatest compassion must be for our American citizens.”
@AnnCoulter Aug. 31
I hear Churchill had a nice turn of phrase, but Trump's immigration speech is the most magnificent speech ever given.
@AnnCoulter Sept. 18
Trump has really stepped in it this time: He called NYC explosion a "bomb" 24 hours before it was confirmed to be a bomb. DISQUALIFYING!
@AnnCoulter Oct. 4
I tuned in an hour late. Has Tim Kaine interrupted Pence's every syllable with, "Will Donald Trump release his taxes?”!
@AnnCoulter Oct. 12
ABC lies: "Trump boasts of grabbing women without their consent." What he actually said: "They let you do it." That's not assault, morons.
@AnnCoulter Oct. 19
Finally a debate topic that has any effect on Americans' lives. Heroin problem is 100% a result of our open border. THANK YOU, MR. TRUMP!!!
@AnnCoulter Oct. 19
Trump doesn't need to cut entitlements -- he's going to stop dumping 3d world immigrants on the country sucking up those entitlements.
@AnnCoulter Nov. 6
Brett Baier show on Coyote News is reporting -- as fact -- that Trump "insulted" Khizr Khan's wife. CAN SOME MEDIA OUTLET QUOTE THIS "INSULT”?
@AnnCoulter Nov. 8
Is it too late to impeach him? @NYMag: George W. Bush and Laura Bush Did Not Vote for Trump
@AnnCoulter Nov. 9
Proposed Trump victory speech: "I still say he was born in Kenya. Good night.”
@AnnCoulter Nov. 21
EVERY DAY IS CHRISTMAS IN TRUMP'S AMERICA! Report: Donald Trump's media summit was a 'f---ing firing squad’
@AnnCoulter Nov. 21
Trump to CNN chief Jeff Zucker, "I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed.”
@AnnCoulter Nov. 28
Brutal attack on Americans by Somali refugee today demands urgent electoral reform! Next time, we must be allowed to vote for Trump twice.
@AnnCoulter Dec. 19
Bill Clinton says Trump knows how to get angry white men to vote for him. What angry white men? They're all happy now.
Clinton says Trump knows how to get angry white men to vote for him. What angry white men? They're all happy now.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Highlights: The Obamas hire a moving company; the class-action lawsuit, Donors v Jeb; and of course ... President-elect Trump!
@AnnCoulter Jan. 12
... even GOP response to Obama's SOTU is a paean to immigrants. And GOP can't figure out why Trump is sweeping the country.
@AnnCoulter Jan. 12
Trump should deport Nikki Haley.
@AnnCoulter Jan. 15
Bush campaign lands the coveted Lindsey Graham endorsement, bringing an additional 0.0% support to the juggernaut that is Jeb!
@AnnCoulter Jan. 26
Recall: Rubio was not asked about his single legislative accomplishment -- amnesty bill -- until the SIXTH debate.
@AnnCoulter Jan. 30
Sweaty little liar Rubio sucks up to Iowans with Jesus talk, but he tried to replace them with 30 million Mexicans.
@AnnCoulter Jan. 30
Rubio's immigration bill issued 33 MILLION green cards in 10 yrs -- or 271 new immigrants for every 1 GOP caucus-goer in Iowa.
@AnnCoulter Feb. 1
Trump is the leading GOP vote-getter tonight, among natural-born-American candidates.
@AnnCoulter Feb. 6
Assume Fox News is declaring Rubio "winner!”
@AnnCoulter Feb. 9
MSNBC reporting Trump won EVERY SINGLE DEMOGRAPHIC in NH: conservatives, independents, Repubs, college ed, no college ed, religious, etc.
@AnnCoulter Feb. 17
Hey South Carolina! The woman who ripped down your Confederate symbols & demands no pause in Muslim immigration just endorsed Marco Rubio.
@AnnCoulter Feb. 20
Tonight is the night Trump won the nomination. I love you Iowa, but you embarrassed yourself again.
@AnnCoulter Feb. 24
Everyone's asking Rubio if there are any states he could actually WIN. You bet there are! Sinaloa? Chiapas? Jalisco? Maybe even Oaxaca.
@AnnCoulter Feb. 26
@AnnCoulter Feb. 26
Meanwhile, the "bombshell" in Trump's tax returns appears to be his paying for Mitt Romney's sex change operation.
@AnnCoulter March 1
So far, Marco Rubio has won precisely the same number of GOP primaries all year as Evander Holyfield.
@AnnCoulter March 2
New anti-Trump PAC hires former Bush campaign flack Tim Miller. That'll do the trick ... especially if he brings Jeb!'s exclamation point.
@AnnCoulter March 11
For those who like their daily Hitler analogy: Lefty brownshirts just forced cancellation of a peaceful Trump rally in Chicago.
@AnnCoulter March 11
Anyone else notice the Mexican flags being waved by the anti-Trump Chicago mob?
@AnnCoulter March 12
Left-wing fascists violently shut down a peaceful Trump rally last night & Cruz + the entire media took the animals' side.
@AnnCoulter March 12
Kasich's threat not to support Trump as nominee has left America puzzled. On street corners everywhere you hear: "Who's John Katich?"
@AnnCoulter March 15
To beat Rubio, Trump had to beat: Fox, entire MSM, National Review, Salem Radio, every major GOP donor ... MAYBE VOTERS WANT LESS IMMIGRATION!
RT @tedcruz March 22
Our hearts break for the men and women of Brussels this morning.
@AnnCoulter reply:
Civilization could use a little less heartfelt sentiment and a lot more Muslim-banning. GO TRUMP!
@AnnCoulter March 29
Like Americans everywhere, I know I'll always remember where I was when news arrived of the tragic assault on Michelle Fields.
@AnnCoulter March 31
Romney lost the white vote to Obama, or barely won whites in 10 swing states. Trump only needs a few of them to win.
@AnnCoulter March 31
Trump's working class white vote gives him a number of paths to electoral victory. Other GOPs have no path.
@AnnCoulter March 31
True, I've gone from supporting Trump to wildly supporting Trump. Report: "Coulter appears to sour on 'mental' Donald Trump”
@AnnCoulter April 8
@DailyCaller: GOP Establishment Money Funding Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Erick Erickson to Attack Trump
@AnnCoulter April 8
In Massachusetts alone, 20k Dems switched to R to vote for Trump. I think we can lose the pundit class.
@AnnCoulter April 25
If new Cruz/Kasich axis fails to stop Trump, isn't next chess move Jeb!/Jindal? Or maybe McCain/Dole! Carly/Willkie. Romney/Stassen?
@AnnCoulter April 25
61,500 Democrats have switched their registration to Republican in PA, so far in 2016. GO TRUMP!
@AnnCoulter April 26
This campaign is far from over. Still need to choose the theme of Trump's inaugural ball, and which high school bands to invite.
@AnnCoulter April 27
Lizard-man in Earthling suit discusses basketball: Cruz calls hoop a 'basketball ring’
(Cruz announces Carly Fiorina as his VP)
@AnnCoulter April 27
Guess we best stay glued to the TV today, in case Cruz decides to give his inaugural address or appoint a new Secretary of the Interior.
@AnnCoulter April 28
DRUDGE: TRUMP MOST VOTES IN REPUBLICAN HISTORY! It's beginning to look like the wall is more popular than "Hispanic outreach.”
@AnnCoulter April 29
What I like most about immigrants is their gratitude. "TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEATEN, BLOODIED BY 'MEXICAN-FLAG WAVERS’"
@AnnCoulter May 3
Jake Tapper just claimed Trump has offended every single group "from Muslims to Hispanics." One group he hasn't offended: AMERICANS.
(House Speaker Paul Ryan Refuses to endorse Trump)
@AnnCoulter May 12
So far, Trump has received 10,994,897 votes & counting. Monumentally irrelevant whether or not Ryan chooses to make it 10,994,898.
@AnnCoulter May 27
GUARANTEE: Next Memorial Day weekend won't find President Trump in an Axis country, groveling.
@AnnCoulter Aug. 21
NYT op-ed tally since Trump clinched nomination: 102 anti-Trump, 0 pro-Trump, 22 pro-Hillary, 7 anti-Hillary.
(Trump Phoenix immigration speech)
@AnnCoulter Aug. 31
After Trump's triumphant visit with the Mexican president today, he should skip this speech & start putting together his transition team.
@AnnCoulter Aug. 31
Wow. This doesn't sound like "softening." GO, TRUMP!!!
@AnnCoulter Aug. 31
Trump: "Our greatest compassion must be for our American citizens.”
@AnnCoulter Aug. 31
I hear Churchill had a nice turn of phrase, but Trump's immigration speech is the most magnificent speech ever given.
@AnnCoulter Sept. 18
Trump has really stepped in it this time: He called NYC explosion a "bomb" 24 hours before it was confirmed to be a bomb. DISQUALIFYING!
@AnnCoulter Oct. 4
I tuned in an hour late. Has Tim Kaine interrupted Pence's every syllable with, "Will Donald Trump release his taxes?”!
@AnnCoulter Oct. 12
ABC lies: "Trump boasts of grabbing women without their consent." What he actually said: "They let you do it." That's not assault, morons.
@AnnCoulter Oct. 19
Finally a debate topic that has any effect on Americans' lives. Heroin problem is 100% a result of our open border. THANK YOU, MR. TRUMP!!!
@AnnCoulter Oct. 19
Trump doesn't need to cut entitlements -- he's going to stop dumping 3d world immigrants on the country sucking up those entitlements.
@AnnCoulter Nov. 6
Brett Baier show on Coyote News is reporting -- as fact -- that Trump "insulted" Khizr Khan's wife. CAN SOME MEDIA OUTLET QUOTE THIS "INSULT”?
@AnnCoulter Nov. 8
Is it too late to impeach him? @NYMag: George W. Bush and Laura Bush Did Not Vote for Trump
@AnnCoulter Nov. 9
Proposed Trump victory speech: "I still say he was born in Kenya. Good night.”
@AnnCoulter Nov. 21
EVERY DAY IS CHRISTMAS IN TRUMP'S AMERICA! Report: Donald Trump's media summit was a 'f---ing firing squad’
@AnnCoulter Nov. 21
Trump to CNN chief Jeff Zucker, "I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed.”
@AnnCoulter Nov. 28
Brutal attack on Americans by Somali refugee today demands urgent electoral reform! Next time, we must be allowed to vote for Trump twice.
@AnnCoulter Dec. 19
Bill Clinton says Trump knows how to get angry white men to vote for him. What angry white men? They're all happy now.