Friday, December 30, 2016

Putin Will Not Expel US Diplomats in Retaliation for 35 Banished Russian Agents – Prefers to Wait for Trump

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December 30, 2016 / 1 Tevet 5777
Shabbat Shalom!

Headlines & Recommended
Putin Will Not Expel US Diplomats in Retaliation for 35 Banished Russian Agents – Prefers to Wait for Trump

David Israel
This reversed Putin's own foreign minister, who stated earlier: "We, of course, cannot leave unanswered insults of this kind – reciprocity is the law of diplomacy and foreign relations."
Russian President Vladimir Putin

UK PM Theresa May on Kerry’s Speech: It Is Inappropriate to Attack an Ally

UK ambassador to the US Sir Kim Darroch has said he hopes May and Trump will emulate the rapport between Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.
John Kerry meets Theresa May July 2016

Australian FM Attacks US, New Zealand, on UN Resolution

'Had Australia been a member of the Security Council, it would not have supported last Friday's resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements.'
Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop

Obama: Father and Son

Phyllis Chesler
Obama's considerable self-regard, coupled with his very thin skin, has propelled him to scapegoat and punish a blameless target for his frustration and rage. The target? Jewish Israel.
U.S. President Barack Obama.

MK Tibi Predicts He’ll Be PM, Threatens to Settle Score With Jews

TPS / Tazpit News Agency
Israeli Arab MK Ahmed Tibi called the residents of the Jewish community of Amona "land thieves" while speaking to Ono Academic College.
Joint Arab List faction MK Ahmed Tibi in the Knesset (seated)

Read more Headlines & Recommended articles

The Yishai Fleisher Show
Yishai at Limmud UK
Yishai is in England! First, Yishai speaks with Jonathan Neumann about the concept of Limmud UK and about practicing pluralism by bringing nationalistic speakers to a predominantly Liberal gathering. Then, a conversation with Lt. Col Peter Lerner, Head of the IDF's Foreign & Social Media desk, about the IDF's positions in social media, Israel's contentious borders, and beyond.

Read more The Yishai Fleisher Show articles

Female Terrorist Shot in the Leg
The terrorist pulled out a knife and charged at the guards...
The Qalandia Checkpoint (Archive Photo)

Firebombs Explode on Israeli Security Patrol Vehicles in Jerusalem Arab Neighborhood
Arab terrorists hurled four firebombs at security patrol vehicles; both were hit.
A firebombed jeep in Kalandia - Feb. 29, 2016

Arab Terrorists Smash Windshield as Israeli Drives Through Jerusalem’s Wadi Joz Neighborhood
Another terrorist attack on an Israeli driver traveling through the nation's capital as Arabs hurl stones, hoping to maim, or possibly kill.
Wadi Joz neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem

United Hatzolah Steps In to Help in Judea, Samaria and Northern Border Region
United Hatzolah is supplying teams and ambulances to Judea, Samaria and the northern border region.
United Hatzolah emergency responders treat a man shot by Palestinian Authority terrorists in Samaria.

MDA TO Cut Services in Judea, Samaria, Northern Border
Magen David Adom plans to cut services in Judea, Samaria and the northern border region.
Magen David Adom ambulance evacuates wounded to hospital after terror attack. (file)

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The Great Candle

Rabbi Yeheskel Lebovic
A nation that acknowledges the importance of spiritual values alongside national security and material prosperity becomes a national candle on the world arena, a veritable 'light unto the nations'
Rabbi Yeheskel Lebovic

Obama: Father and Son

Phyllis Chesler
Obama's considerable self-regard, coupled with his very thin skin, has propelled him to scapegoat and punish a blameless target for his frustration and rage. The target? Jewish Israel.
U.S. President Barack Obama.

Read more InDepth articles

What If?
Emes Ve-Emunah
Harry Maryles
There is no doubt who Trump will blame if a Mid East peace deal doesn’t work out. Trump has already indicated that it is Palestinian violence against Israel that is to blame-NOT the settlements.
Jason Greenblatt-with President-elect Trump

Read more Blogs articles Radio
BULLETPROOF – After the Kerry Speech [audio]
Israel News Talk Radio
Why Kerry's speech was so wrong.

Israel Inspired: Obama/UN vs. Netanyahu/Israel – Who Wins? [audio]
Ari and Jeremy
The Land of Israel
The world has convened in the United Nations and fired the first shot aimed directly for the heart of the nation of Israel. Ari & Jeremy go through the five pronged attack on Israel and both the dangers and opportunities it presents on today's Israel Inspired.
Obama & the UN vs. Netanyahu & Israel – Who Wins?

Read more Radio articles

Parshas Miketz

Rabbi Yaakov Klass
Weekly Luach - Shabbat Shalom

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Miketz: Yosef’s Descent

Rabbi Francis Nataf
We generally assume that Yosef, as a victim of cruelty and not its perpetrator, had nothing to regret. Yet a careful reading shows he had a significant role in creating the tension with his brothers
Rabbi Francis Nataf

AlephBeta: Parshat Miketz: Why Didn’t Joseph Write Home?

Rabbi David Fohrman
Rabbi Fohrman will help us look at the story through Joseph's eyes, and explore the possibility that Joseph assumed his father was in on the plot, explaining why he never wrote home.

The Isaac Covenant Part III: Menorah: Symbol of Exile or Redemption?

Rabbi Lenny Oppenheimer
Considering the menorah through history. What is its meaning?
Relief of the Menora on the Arch of Titus

Thankful For My Dreams

Rabbi Simcha Weinberg
The man before whom the brothers bowed was no longer the youthful dreamer. The reinterpreted Joseph dreampt no longer about himself, the dreams were now about something beyond the dreamer
pharoah dream

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Miketz: Joseph, Social Economist

Rabbi Ben-Tzion Spitz
A balanced economic policy seems to have been exactly what Egypt needed and Joseph's policies insured that Egypt survived the famine.
pharoah chanukah

The Disguises In Genesis

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Jacob, Leah, Tamar and Joseph discover that, though they may never win the affection they desire, G-d is with them and that, ultimately, is enough. A disguise hides one from others, but not from G-d
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Chanukah and Divine Emanations

Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo
The Maccabees knew logically there was no chance of their revolt succeeding, but God created a notion of revolt in the minds of the Maccabees and correctly they followed this heavenly directive.
Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo

The Flame Of Chanukah

Rabbi Meir Orlian
Yossi settled down with some chocolate coins to study for a test on hilchos Chanukah. Suddenly, there seemed to be a commotion in the street.

Are Women Obligated To Say Hallel On Chanukah?

Rabbi Raphael Fuchs
The mitzvah to recite Hallel that Chazal instituted regarding Chanukah was in fact a direct result of the miracle of Chanukah; however, its essence is not to publicize the miracle but rather to give thanks for the miracle.

Chanukah Guide for the Perplexed, 2016

Yoram Ettinger
A joyful and Happy Chanukah to all from your friends at The Jewish Press Online.

My Journey Out of Pain

Jolie Greiff
I’d been reading a book about back pain which said that the real cause was pent up anger. Was I angry at someone?

Q & A: A Missed Torah Reading (Part VI)

Rabbi Yaakov Klass
Question: If a person was ill on Shabbos and unable to go to shul to hear Keri’at haTorah, must he have someone read it to him in shul upon his recovery? Sincerely, Isaac Greenberg

Daf Yomi

Rabbi Yaakov Klass
A Public Servant ‘You, Our Master, Are On Loan To Us…’ (Bava Metzia 97a)

Eviction Of Tenants And The Portability Of Mezuzot (Bava Metzia 101b)

Raphael Grunfeld
The length of the advance eviction notice required by the halacha depends on the season in which the eviction occurs and the location of the premises.

Jewish Practice In The U.S. Military (VIII)

Rabbi Hanoch Teller
Somehow, Simcha Goldman wearing a yarmulke in uniform was perceived as an act of insurrection that could weaken the very foundations of the military. But how?

Hashem Fights Our Wars

Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
The actual event for which we give thanksgiving and sing Hallel is the salvation of the Jewish people.

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