Friday, December 30, 2016

Report: 98.8% of Syrian Refugees Admitted to US in 2016 Are Muslim This is the country he leaves us.

Report: 98.8% of Syrian Refugees Admitted to US in 2016 Are Muslim

This is the country he leaves us.

According to a report in CNSNews, 98.8% or Syrian refugees admitted to the U.S. in 2016 are Muslim. Despite the fact that Christians and Yazidis are targeted for genocide, essentially none of these refugees is Christian or Yazidi. 
In his last month in office alone, Obama has admitted 1,307 Syrian refugees, reports CNS, which claims that the total number of Syrian refugees to date exceeds 15,000. The outlet breaks down their figure accordingly: 
--15,302 (98.8 percent) are Muslims – 15,134 Sunnis, 29 Shi’a, and 139 other Muslims
--125 (0.8 percent) are Christians – 32 Catholics, 32 Orthodox, five Protestants, four Jehovah’s Witnesses, and 52 refugees described only as “Christian” in State Department Refugee Processing Center data
--43(0.27 percent) are Yazidis
--eight are “other” religion and one is described as having “no religion”
--3,904 (25.2 percent) are males between the ages of 14 and 50
--3,521 (22.7 percent) are females aged 14-50
--7,428 (47.9 percent) are children under 14, of whom 3,824 are boys and 3,604 are girls.
According to Pew Research, by October 5, 2015, Obama had already admitted 12,587 Syrian refugees into the U.S. -- and with roughly the same ratio of Muslim to non-Muslims.
CNS' latest tally is higher than the State Department's records for refugee processing, which can be accessed here through the WRAPS (Worldwide Refugee Admissions Processing System) under the tab Admissions Report (Nov. 30). That report, however, does only date up to November 30 and does not include the month of December. According to that report, the whole of October and November combined  saw a total of 2, 259 Syrian refugees admitted to the U.S. (the Pew figure from October 5 should then be adjusted accordingly, pushing the U.S. 2016 Syrian refugee population over 14,000 by Nov. 30).   
The Obama administration has refused to fast-track Christian and Yazidi refugees despite the fact that they are at the greatest risk and have nowhere else to turn. Asylum applicants initially report to the the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR, which in turn processes and refers those refugees' asylum applications to host countries.
The issue is that Christian and Yazidi asylum seekers avoid UNHCR and other refugee camps as their populations are near-exclusively Muslim, and those Muslims routinely beat, harass, rape, rob, and otherwise assault non-Muslim asylum seekers. 
The result is those must vulnerable and in need have nowhere to turn to. 
Sunni Muslims account for a majority of Syria’s population – an estimated 74% in early 2011, when the war began -- but Christians are the largest minority group in the country at roughly 10%. 
"Even so, the proportion of Sunnis among the refugees admitted into the U.S. has been much larger than that," reports CNS. 
"97.7 percent of those resettled in 2016, and 97.15 of the total number of Syrian refugees admitted since the conflict began (17,513 out of 18,026)."
The U.S. has relied on UNHCR referrals, but perhaps under President-elect Trump that might change. Vowing strong immigration policies and UN retribution, Trump might implement profiling measures that assist Christian and Yazidi refugees. 

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