the Obamas leave the White House, Congress has some bad news for them... and
this time, they're delivering it to MICHELLE Obama. See the bad news they have
for the first lady while she's on her way out the door... Read more...
This is amazing. Netanyahu just took to Facebook to publicly
humiliating Obama, pulling out 1 revealing photo Obama doesn't want you to see.
This shows just how hard Netanyahu is fighting back... and he has our full
In the wake of the U.N.'s anti-Israel resolution, Congress is making
its move to defund the global body. But that's not all... it gets even BETTER
than that... We can only wish Congress had done this long ago... Read more...
Wow. Obama has officially signed this "Disinformation Act" into law...
and it's raising some eyebrows... Here are the details of this new law... and
what it could mean for you. America needs to know about this. Read more...
This cafe thought that they could get away with banning everyone who
voted for Donald J. Trump in November. They quickly realized that was a VERY bad
idea. See what happened to them next...
This is terrifying. This Shariah law "judge" in the U.K. shocked the
entire world when she made this announcement... we're under attack. This is
EXACTLY why Shariah must be banned and kept out of America. Read more...