Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Best of the Worst of MSNBC in 2016 “You aren’t dead and you haven’t gone to hell… this is our country.”

The Best of the Worst of MSNBC in 2016

“You aren’t dead and you haven’t gone to hell… this is our country.”

The Washington Free Beacon has picked the best of the worst moments that aired on MSNBC in 2016 and mashed them all together in a new supercut video.
It's both hilarious and horrifying, beginning with Rachel Maddow's on-air meltdown following Donald Trump's election all the way to one reporter mistakingly saying Bill Clinton when he meant Bill Cosby. It's all there and everything in between.
"After a volatile 2015 for MSNBC that included multiple show cancellations, 2016 seemed like a time to get back on course," David Rutz of the Beacon writes. "With the hopes of steering another election into the Democratic column, MSNBC leaned far forward in 2016 on behalf of Hillary Clinton and the hopes of an ascendant Democratic Party to carry on the legacy of President Obama ('the most noble man who has ever lived in the White House')."
"Those hopes were dashed."
It would also appear that all hopes are dashed for MSNBC ever to be considered a reliable news source. 
As a bonus, TruthRevolt would like to add another best/worst moment to the pot. The Beacon once featured this on their site, but it didn't make the cut in the above video. We felt it deserved a replay. This MSNBC host's hand-drawn, amoeba-like version of the United States really shows the distorted view these liberal journalists have of our country:
For even more laughs, check out Chase Stephens' coverage of the map fiasco at The Daily Wire.

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