The Public Flogging Continues: Putin Says He Won't 'Sink' to Obama's Level ...And Invites Children of U.S. Diplomats to Party at Kremlin
Obama's head explodes in 3...2...1....
On his way out the door, Barack Obama is doing all he can to initiate a global meltdown. Luckily, and sadly, the world pays Obama no mind any longer, because the world has absolutely zero respect for him.
Russian President Vladimir Putin's response to Obama's latest tantrum in expelling 35 Russian "diplomats" and approving new sanctions on Russia was somewhat predictable. Obama sought to provoke Russia and it was clear that in response, the savvy Putin would not take the bait. Rather, Putin once again upstaged this pathetic amateur.
The Russian president's latest response sums up the grotesque (yet deserved) lack of respect his country has had for the American president since day one.
Putin said that Moscow will not expel anyone in response to the U.S. administration's latest taunt and that while Russia reserves the right to retaliate, "We will not sink to the level of this irresponsible 'kitchen’ diplomacy.'"
Best of all, Putin then invited the children of U.S. diplomats based in Russia to celebrate New Year's at the Kremlin:
"We will not forbid families and children from spending the New Year’s holidays at the places they are used to. Moreover, I invite the children of all American diplomats with accreditation in Russia to New Year’s and Christmas festivities in the Kremlin."
Putin added that it is regrettable Obama has chosen to end his term in "such a way" and then went on to drive the nail in the coffin by congratulating President-elect Trump.
"We will take further moves on restoring Russian-American relations based on the policies that the administration of President-elect Donald Trump adopts," Putin said in a statement published on the Kremlin website.
"I congratulate President-elect Donald Trump and the entire American people!"
Whatever your opinion of the Russian president (and he deserves to be dealt with strongly), Putin's response is precisely the parting gift Obama deserves.