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Muslim migrants were employed as security guards in
Cologne on New Year’s Eve By Robert
Spencer on Dec 30, 2016 03:46 pm
That was the night that their coreligionists went on a
rampage of sex assault against non-Muslim women. Now it comes out that the foxes
were placed in charge of the henhouse — so sure are European officials that
Islam is a religion of peace that is perfectly compatible with Western values
and norms. “Untrained refugees […] Read in browser
Islamic State top dog from Kosovo returns to Europe with
400 jihadis By Robert Spencer on Dec 30,
2016 02:33 pm
What could possibly go wrong? Refugees welcome! Not to
allow these enemy combatants to return would be “Islamophobic”! “Disguised as
refugees and able to cross borders without being identified: ISIS general who
blew up a hostage with a rocket and decapitated another prisoner is ‘back in
Europe with 400 soldiers’ after fleeing Syria,” by Julian […] Read in browser
NYC to deploy 65 garbage trucks filled with sand to
protect Times Square from New Year jihad By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2016 01:23
The only reason why this is being done, and the only reason
why this is necessary, is because of Islamic jihad. But if you say that out
loud, you’re a racist, bigoted “Islamophobe.” “Garbage trucks to block possible
Times Square truck attacks,” Associated Press, December 29, 2016 (thanks to
Darcy): NEW YORK — Massive 20-ton […] Read in browser
Australia: Terrorism squad arrests “man” at Sydney
Airport over New Year’s Eve threat By
Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2016 12:16 pm
There is absolutely nothing in this story or in any of the
others I was able to find about this address that gave the slightest hint of the
motivating ideology of this “40-year-old man.” How anyone can think this is
responsible reporting is a mystery. The establishment propaganda media continues
to do all it can […] Read in browser
Hugh Fitzgerald: Prince Charles and Islam’s “Sacred
Spirituality” By Hugh Fitzgerald on Dec
30, 2016 11:48 am
On December 13th, at Wilton Park, the Prince of Wales
explained how the Muslim critique of materialism helped him to rediscover the
sacred spirituality of Islam and explain the decline of the West. I start from
the belief that Islamic civilization at its best… has an important message for
the West in the way it […] Read in browser
Italy: Church displays Nativity Scene with Mary and
Joseph in Muslim garb By Robert Spencer
on Dec 30, 2016 09:59 am
“Islam, like all religions, is synonymous with peace and
brotherhood,” as Fr. Franco Corbo, a Catholic priest happy to be serving in the
Church of Pope Francis. Yes, of course, and the Muslim migrants are just like
Mary and Joseph. Why, you remember that charming Bible story where Joseph went
on a rape spree of […] Read in browser
Robert Spencer in FrontPage: CAIR’s Hooper: US Muslims’
‘Mental Health Issues’ Cause Them to Fake Hate Crimes By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2016 08:43
Even fake hate crimes are caused by “Islamophobia.” My
latest in FrontPage: Here’s a new twist: the establishment propaganda media’s
narrative that Muslims are always victims is breaking down with the continuing
revelations that Muslims have faked “anti-Muslim hate crimes,” and so now ABC
News has doubled down: Muslims are victims, you see, because they
[…] Read in browser
Turkey: Muslims hold Santa Claus at gunpoint to protest
Christmas celebrations By Robert Spencer
on Dec 30, 2016 07:38 am
“Our purpose is for people to go back to their roots. We
are Muslim Turks and have been banner-bearers of Islam for a thousand years. We
cannot see why there is such sensitivity for Christian traditions and not for
our traditions like Hıdrellez, Nevruz and other religious and national
holidays.” One wonders if these Muslims […] Read in browser
Hamas thrilled that Obama let UN pass anti-Israel
resolution By Robert Spencer on Dec 30,
2016 06:13 am
They know who their friends are. “Hamas Couldn’t Be Happier
Obama Let UN Pass Anti-Israel Resolution,” by Russ Read, Daily Caller, December
29, 2016: Palestinian terrorist group Hamas is ecstatic about passage of a
United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israel’s settlement
policy, and its own incitement to violence. Hamas issued a statement supporting
the resolution […] Read in browser
Guinea President: “Terrorism has nothing to do with
Islam. Indeed, Islam is a religion of peace.” By Robert Spencer on Dec 30, 2016 05:08
Authorities the world over, from Pope Francis to John Kerry
to Alpha Conde, have to keep reminding us of this precisely because it is so
contrary to what we see in every day’s headlines: jihad terror attacks and plots
engineered by people who point to the texts and teachings of Islam to justify
their actions […] Read in browser